When designing the WAP page, whether you use the WAP development tool is UP.SDK or Nokia WAP Tookit, or Ericsson Wapide, you must perform web server settings, so you will have a common settings of several web servers as follows:
1, IIS of the Window Server platform
a, Startup Menu -> Program -> Administrative Tools -> Internet Service Manager
b, right-click the child computer name of "Internet Information Services", select 'Properties' on the shortcut menu
c. There is a 'editing (d)' button in the lower part of the attribute page, "Computer MIME Map", click this button, file type interface will appear
D, click the 'New Type' button, then fill in .WML in the relevant extension column, fill in the text / vnd.wap.wml in the Content Types (MIME) column
E, click 'OK' button
f, repeat C, D, E three steps, add additional MIME type.
2, Apache Web Server on Windows Server or Solaries Or Linux or Other Unix
A, whether it is NT or UNIX or Linux, is a conf / mime.types file in the Apache installation directory.
b, add the following in this file:
Image / vnd.wap.wbmp .wbmp
Application / vnd.wap.wmlc .wmlc
Application / vnd.wap.wmlsc .wmlsc
C, storage
D, restart Apache Web Server / IIS