OleObject ExcelServerinteger Li_okdec {2} ld_retlong ll_arr []
ExcelServer = Create oleObjectli_ok = ExcelServer.connectToObject ("Excel.Application")
if Li_ok <0 Then Li_ok = ExcelServer.ConnecttonewObject ("Excel.Application") if Li_ok <0 Then MessageBox ("Tips", "Your computer may not install, so you can't export!") Return End IFend IF
LL_ARR [1] = -70000LL_ARR [2] = 12000LL_ARR [3] = 15000
ExcelServer.visible = false ld_ret = ExcelServer.WorksheetFunction.irr (ll_arr, -0.1) ExcelServer.quit () ExcelServer.disconnectObject () Destroy ExcelServer
MessageBox ("Internal Investment Revenue Rate is:", String (LD_RET)) // wherein the LL_ARR array is used to store parameters of the IRR function, can modify the setting // ll_arr [1] = -70000 // ll_arr [2] = 12000 // ll_arr [3] = 15000 // - 0.1
// These are all the example data of the IRR function in Excel comes with the IRR function, which can be known as the help