The language seen by the web interface exists in a database or resource file. Multi-language systems prohibit all texts that have a specific language type identifier on the page and program code. (Except for comments)
The basic principles of the HTML Data Binding technology are the data source object DSO (Data Source Object) of the displayed data, and the element is used to get the data by binding this data source. Most of the HTML elements, even some ActiveX controls built into IE provide binding features, including A, Button, Div, IMG, Frame, IFRAME, Label, Marquee, SPAN and other tags. About data source objects DSO, usually used with XML tags
span> This displayed in the page is a slightly different binding of the John SmithTML form element. The following is an example of a demonstration:
TestBind.html ---------------------
< Input type = "radio" name = "b" DATASRC = "# kk" datafld = "radio" value = 5>
Body> html>
------------------- XML data. XX.XML ----------------------- XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "gb2312"?>