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Based on Hibernate's advantage in O / R mapping, the current project uses Hibernate entities to replace EJB EntityBean. I made a test in WebLogic 8.1, with EJB SessionBean to call Hibernate's data entities. Because WebLogic and Hibernate provide database connection pools, JNDI, transaction and other functions. Leading ideas still want to use WebLogic Server's high-performance management on these services.
Design ideas:
Use WebLogic database connection pool instead of Hibernate's own connection pool.
Configure Hibernate's sessionFactory under the WebLogic JNDI directory tree.
Call the hibernate entity access database directly in SessionBean
Preparation conditions:
1, install the following software (you can download for free)
1.1 Sybase 12.5 Create a Database Study, create a data table CAT
1.2 driver jconn2.jar
1.3 WebLogic Platform 8.1 C: / BEA
WebLogic configuration completed, domain mydomain and server myserver, data pool studyjndi, data source name mysqldatasource
1.4 Hibernate 2.1.2
Refer to other documents to prepare a Hibernate instance CAT, write Cat.hbm.xml and hibernate.cfg.xml files to learn about the basic configuration of Hibernate.
Pay attention to the difference in the database.
2. Create a directory structure
C: / test / lib will copy all files in the lib directory after extracting Hibernate.
C: / TEST / SRC / COM / CHENM Source Code (* .java)
C: / Test / Classes will hibernate profile (,, cache.ccf)
C: / test / classes / com / chenm compiled code (* .class) Cat.hbm.xml hibernate.cfg.xml
Step 1: Configure Hibernate's environment directory to WebLogic's ClassPath.
Modify WebLogic boot script c: /bea/user_projects/domains/mydomain/startweblogic.cmd, join before @Rem Call WebLogic Server
@Rem Set Hibernate ClassPath
Set hibernate_lib = c: / test / lib
Set hibernate_classes = C: / Test / Classes
Set classpath =% hibernate_lib% / cglib-2.0-rc2.jar;% hibernate_lib% / commons-collections-2.1.jar;% hibernate_lib% / commons-lang-1.0.1.jar;% hibernate_lib% / commons-logging-1.0 .3.jar;% hibernate_lib% / DOM4J-1.4.jar;% hibernate_lib% / hibernate2.jar;% hibernate_lib% / jcs-1.0-dev.jar;% hibernate_lib% / log4j-1.2.8.jar;% hibernate_lib% /odmg-3.0.jar;%Hibernate_Classes% ,%CLASSPATH
Step 2: Modify the file
2.1 Modify the following
Note Off the MySQL default database connection
## Hypersonicsql
# hibernate.dialect net.sf.hibernate.dialect.hsqldiaforct
# hibernate.connection.driver_class org.hsqldb.jdbcdriver
# Hibernate.Connection.username SA
# hibernate.connection.password
# hibernate.connection.URL JDBC: HSQLDB: HSQL: // localhost
# hibernate.connection.URL JDBC: HSQLDB: TEST
# hibernate.connection.URL JDBC: HSQLDB :.
Use the Sybase database
## Sybase
# hibernate.dialev Net.sf.hibAreNate.DiaLect.syBasediaAlact
# Hibernate.Connection.driver_class com.sybase.jdbc2.jdbc.sybdriver
Hibernate.Connection.username oilManager
Hibernate.Connection.Password LWB770608
# hibernate.connection.URL JDBC: Sybase: TDS: 4000 / Oil_21x
Adjust database query and insert performance parameters
Modify hibernate.jdbc.Fetch_size 50
Modify hibernate.jdbc.batch_size 25
Adjusting Transaction API
# hibernate.transaction.factory_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.jtatransactionFactory
# hibernate.transaction.Factory_Class Net.sf.hibernate.transaction.jdbcTransActionFactory
Hibernate.Transaction.Factory_Class Net.sf.hibernate.Transaction.jtatransActionFactory
Hibernate.Transaction.Factory_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.jdbctransactionFactory
Use JCS cache
Hibernate.Transaction.Manager_lookup_class net.sf.hibernate.transaction.WebLogictractionsManagerLookup
2.2 Add the following content in the file
Hibernate.dialev Net.sf.hibernate.dialect.sybasediaLect
Hibernate.Connection.DataSource Mysybase
Hibernate.connection.provider_class net.sf.hibernate.connection.DataSourceConnectionProvider
Hibernate.Session_Factory_Name Hibernate.Session_Factory
Step 3. Implement the prerequisite for sessionFactory, create a Startup class using WebLogic T3StartUpDef interface, configured to WebLogic
Automatically run when startup.
3.1 Create a file, compiled into a C: /Test/Classes/com/chenm/Hibernatestartup.class file,
Package com.chenm;
Import java.util.hashtable;
Import WebLogic.common.t3startupdef;
Import WebLogic.common.t3ServicesDef;
Import net.sf.hib.hibernate.cfg.configuration; import net.sf.hibrnate.SessionFactory;
Public Class HibernateStartup Implements T3StartUpdef {
Public void setservices (T3ServicesDef Services) {}
Public String Startup (String Name, Hashtable Args) Throws Exception {
Configuration conf = new configuration (). Addclass (catch);
SessionFactory sf = conf.buildsessionFactory ();
Return "Hibernate Startup Completed SuccessFully";
3.2 Configuring the Startup class
Start the WebLogic console, open the left Mydomain / Deploy / Start and close the node, select the right side "Configure new Startup Class ..."
Fill in the name HibernateStartup, class name com.chenm.hibernatestartup, then click "Create", if there is no error message, it is successful.
Confirmation Success: Turn off WebLogic and restart, observe the information of the DOS window, you can see a lot of line INFO after the WebLogic startup, if not
Error, prove the configuration success. Open the WebLogic console, select Mydomain / Server / MyServer, right click, select the view JNDI tree, if
See Hibernate's JNDI object, you can see the following information on the right:
Binding Name: session_factory
Object Class: Net.sf.hibernate.Impl.SessionFactoryImpl
Object Hatt code: 45706641
Object conversion into strings: net.sf.hibernate.impl.SessionFactoryImpl@2b96d91
Config OK!
4. Write sessionBean Operation Hibernate entity
Define the Remote method in SessionBean
Public void insertcat (String Cat_ID, String Name, Char Sex, Float Weight) {
/ ** @ Todo Complete this method * /
Try {
Context CTX = GetInitialContext ();
SessionFactory sf = (sessionFactory) ctx.lookup ("Hibernate / session_Factory);
Session s = sf.opensession ();
Transaction t = s.begintransaction ();
Cat mycat = new cat ();
mycat.setid; Cat_ID);
mycat.setname (name);
Mycat.setsex (SEX);
Mycat.setWeight (Weight); (mycat); (mycat);
t.commit ();
s.close ();
Catch (Exception EX) {
Private context getinitialcontext () throws exception {
String URL = "T3: // Chenming: 7001"; // CHENMING server name
String user = null; string password = NULL;
Properties Properties = NULL;
Try {
Properties = new property ();
Properties.put (Context.Initial_Context_Factory, "WebLogic.jndi.wlinitialContextFactory";
Properties.Put (Context.Provider_URL, URL);
IF (user! = null) {
Properties.Put (Context.security_principal, user);
Properties.put (Context.Security_credentials, Password == Null? "": password);
Return New InitialContext (Properties);
Catch (Exception E) {
Throw e;
Write tests and run, insert a record in the CAT table
Context context = getInitialContext ();
// Look Up JNDI Name
Object ref = context.lookup ("catsession");
// Look Up Jndi Name and cast to home interface
CatsessionHome = (CatsessionHome) PortableRemoteObject.Narrow (Ref, CatsessionHome.Class);
Catsession = catsessionHome.create ();
Catsession.insertcat ("007", "", '1', 100);