MYSQL backup with mysqldump

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  41

MYSQL backup with mysqldump

First, mySQLDUMP command

The mysql database is exported to the MySQLDUMP tool to use MySQL, and the basic usage is:

Shell> mysqldump [options] Database [TABLES]

If you don't give any table, the entire database will be exported.

By performing mysqldump --help, you can get the option table for your MySQLDUMP's version support.

Note that if you run mysqldump no --quick or --opt option, mysqldump will load the entire result set to memory before the export result, if you are exporting a large database, this will might be a problem.

1.1, MySQLDUMP supports the following options:


Add Lock Tables before each table and then UNLOCK TABLE. (In order to make it faster into mysql).


Add a DROP TABLE before each CREATE statement.

- Allow-Keywords

Allow creation is a column name of the keyword. This is died by the table name.

-c, --complete-insert

Use a complete INSERT statement (with column name).

-C, --compress

If both the customer and the server support compression, compress all information between the two.


Insert with the insert delayed command.

-e, --extended-insert

Use a new multi-line INSERT syntax. (Give more tightening and faster insert statements)

- #, --debug [= Option_String]

Tracking the usage (for debugging).


Display a help message and exit.

Load Data Infile

--fields-terminated-by = ...

--fields-enclosed-by = ...

--fields-optionally-enclosed-by = ...

--fields-escaped-by = ...

--fields-terminated-by = ...

These options are used with -t selection and have the same meaning as the corresponding Load Data INFILE clause.

Load Data Infile syntax.

-F, --flush-logs

Wash the log file in the MySQL server before starting the export.

-f, --force,

Even if we get a SQL error during a table, continue.

-h, --host = ..

Export data from the MySQL server on the named host. The default host is Localhost.

-L, --Lock-Tables.

To start exporting the lock all tables.


Do not write table creation information (CREATE TABLE statement)

-d, --NO-DATA

Do not write any of the rows of information. If you just want to get the export of a table, it is very useful!


With --quick --add-drop-table --add-locks --extended-insert --lock-tables.

Should be given to the fastest possible export of a MySQL server.

-pyour_pass, --password [= Your_pass]

Passwords used when connecting to the server. If you don't specify a "= Your_Pass" section, MySQLDUMP needs a password from the terminal.

-P port_num, --port = port_num

The TCP / IP port number used in connection with a host. (This is used to connect to hosts other than localhost because it uses UNIX sockets.)

-q, --quick

Do not buffer query, export directly to stdout; do it using mysql_use_result (). -S / path / to / socket, - Socket = / path / to / socket

Socket files used when connecting to LocalHost (it is the default host).

-T, - Tab = path-to-some-directory

For each given table, create a table_name.sql file, which contains the SQL CREATE command, and a table_name.txt file, which contains data. Note: This only works when MySQLDUMP is running on the same machine in MySQLD daemon. The format of the .txt file is based on the Fields-XXX and --Lines - XXX options.

-U user_name, --user = user_name

Usernames used by MySQL when connecting to the server. The default is your UNIX login name.

-O var = option, --set-variable var = option Sets the value of a variable. Possible variables are listed below.

-v, --Verbose

Permutable mode. Print out more information made by the program.

-V, --version

Print version information and exit.

-w, --where = 'where-condition'

Only the recorded record is exported; pay attention to quotation marks forced!

"--where = user = 'jimf'" "" -wuserid> 1 "" -wuserid <1 "

1.2, one backup of the most common mysqldump:

Although Mysqldump support has a lot of orders, for most people, we only need to use -opt this command is enough, make a complete backup for your database:

MySQLDUMP --Opt Database> Backup-file.sql

But it is also useful to enrich another mysql database with information from a database:

MySQLDUMP --Opt Database | MySQL - Host = Remote-Host-C Database

1.3, file recovery databases exported using mysqldump

Since MySQLDUMP is exported is a complete SQL statement, it is easy to use the MySQL client to import the data:

Shell> mysqladmin create target_db_name

Shell> MySQL Target_DB_Name


Shell> mysql library name

Second, use the mysqldump timing backup database script

2.1, backup script

Use scripts to perform database backup operations every day, it is necessary for people who use the MySQL database, there are a lot of online online, here you have a friend's script dbackup:

This script is only available once a day, and only the last five days of backup is on the server.


#! / bin / bash

#This is a shellscript for auto db backup

#Powered by Aspbiz

# 2004-09


# Set the database name, database login name, password, backup path, log path, data file location, and backup mode

# By default, the backup method is TAR, but it can be mysqldump, mysqldotcopy

# By default, log in to the mysql database with root (empty), back up to /Root/dbxxxxx.tgzdbname=MYSQL

Dbuser = root

Dbpasswd =

Backuppath = / root /

Logfile = / root / db.log

Dbpath = / var / lib / mysql /

# BackupMethod = mysqldump

# BackupMethod = mysqlhotcopy

# Backupmethod = tar

#Setting end

Newfile = "$ backuppath" DB $ (DATE % Y% M% D) .tgz

DUMPFILE = "$ backuppath" DB $ (DATE % Y% M% D)

Oldfile = "$ backuppath" DB $ (DATE % Y% M% D --date = '5 days ago'). TGZ

echo "-----------------------------------------"> $ logfile

Echo $ (DATE "% Y-% M-% D% H:% M:% S") >> $ logfile

echo "--------------------------" >> $ logfile

# Delete Old File

IF [-f $ oldfile]


RM -F $ Oldfile >> $ logfile 2> & 1

echo "[$ oldfile] delete old file surcess!" >> $ logfile


echo "[$ lyfile] no old backup file!" >> $ logfile


IF [-f $ newfile]


Echo "[$ newfile] The Backup File Is Exists, Can't Backup!" >> $ logfile


Case $ backupmethod in


IF [-z $ dbpasswd]


MySQLDUMP -U $ DBUSER --Opt $ dbname> $ dumpfile


MySQLDUMP -U $ dbuser -p $ dbpasswd --opt $ dbname> $ dumpfile


TAR CZVF $ NEWFILE $ dumpfile >> $ logfile 2> & 1

echo "[$ newfile] backup success!" >> $ logfile





Mkdir $ dumpfile

IF [-z $ dbpasswd]


MySQLHOTCOPY -U $ dbuser $ dbname $ dumpfile >> $ logfile 2> & 1


MySQLHOTCOPY -U $ dbuser -p $ dbpasswd $ dbname $ dumpfile >> $ logfile 2> & 1


TAR CZVF $ NEWFILE $ dumpfile >> $ logfile 2> & 1

echo "[$ newfile] backup success!" >> $ logfile

RM-RF $ dumpfile ;;


/etc/init.d/mysqld stop> / dev / null 2> & 1

TAR CZVF $ NewFile $ dbpath $ dbname >> $ logfile 2> & 1

/etc/init.d/mysqld start> / dev / null 2> & 1

echo "[$ newfile] backup success!" >> $ logfile




echo "-----------------------------------------"> $ logfile

2.2, put the crontab periodically executed dbbackup

Assume Dbbackup in the / root directory. By using the crontab command, we set up 0:10 to perform / root / dbbakup scripts at 0:00.

1. Use crontab -e edit crontab

2, join in crontab:

#back for mysql database

10 0 * * * / root / dbbackup


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