Original address: http://www.w3schools.com/xhtml/xhtml_why.asp Translation: Fan Wei XHTML IS A Combination of HTML AND XML (Extensible Markup Language) .xHTML is an organic combination of HTML and XML. XHTML Consists of All The Elements in HTML 4.01 Combined with all elements in HTML 4.01 combine XHTML in combination with XML syntax. Why XHTML? Why do we use XHTML? We have reached a point where many pages on the www Contain "Bad" HTML. The Internet has developed too much bad HTML page. The Following HTML Code Will Work Fine If You View IT IN A Browser, Even IT Does NOT FOLLOW The HTML Rules: The following HTML code can display well in your browser, even if it doesn't follow the HTML standard .
this is bag html title> bad html body> xml is a markup language where everything has to be marked Up Correctly, Which Results in "Well-FORMED "Documents.xml is a tag language, each must be labeled correctly, and its result is inevitably a" well-form "document. XML was designed to describe data and HTML was designed to display data. XML is designed to describe data, while HTML is designed to display data Today's market consists of different browser technologies, some browsers run internet on computers, and Some Browsers Run Internet On Mobile Phones and Hand Helds. The Last-Mentioned Do Not Have The Resources Or Power To Interpret A "Bad" Markup Language. There are many browser technology in the current market, some can run on the computer, There are also some running on mobile phones or handheld. Finally, what is to be explained is that they do not have enough resources or to explain a "bad" markup language.