How to Split Screen (How To Split The Screen)

zhaozj2021-02-12  164

*********************************************************** ****************** // * * // * function name: oncreateclient * // * Description: create some splitter windows. * // * * // *** *********************************************************** *************** / BOOL CMAINFRAME :: OnCreateClient (lpcreateStruct / * lpcs * /, ccreatecontext * pContext) {// create splitter windowif (! M_wndsplitter.createstatic (this, 2, 1 ))) RETURN FALSE;

// Add the second splitter PANE - A Message View in Raw 1if (! M_Wndsplitter.createView (1, 0, Runtime_Class (CTRACEVIEW), CSIZE (0, 0), PCONTEXT) RETURN FALSE;

// split the first splitter Paneif (! m_wndsplitter, 1, 2, ws_child | ws_visible | ws_border, m_wndsplitter.idfromrowcol (0, 0))) {Return False;};

// add default view to the first paneif (! M_wndSplitter2.CreateView (0, 0, RUNTIME_CLASS (CFtpTreeView), CSize (100, 100), pContext)) {return FALSE;}; // add list view to the second paneif ( ! m_wndsplitter2.createview (0, 1, Runtime_Class (cftplistView), CSIZE (100, 100), PCONText) {Return False;

// Remember CTraceView PointercWnd * PWND = m_Wndsplitter.getPane (1, 0); m_ptraceview = Dynamic_DOWNCAST (CTRACEVIEW, PWND);

CRECT RC; GetClientRect (& RC);

M_Wndsplitter.seRowInfo (0, rc.height () * 3/4, 50); M_Wndsplitter.seRowinfo (1, rc.height () / 4, 50);

M_Wndsplitter2.SetColumnInfo (0, 200, 10); m_wndsplitter2.setactivepane (0, 0);

m_binitialized = true;

// Initialize Tree Control Here // PopulaTree ();

M_BShowTrace = AFXGetApp () -> getProfileint ("settings", "showtrace", 1); if (! m_bshowtrace) m_wndsplitter.hiderow (1);

// Show Connect Dialogif (AFXGetApp () -> GetProfileint ("Settings", "ShowConnectionDLG", 1)) PostMESSAGE (WM_COMMAND, ID_FILE_CONNECT);

// Save View Styleint NviewStyle = AFXGetApp () -> GetProfileint ("Settings", "ViewStyle", ID_VIEW_LARGEICON; OnViewStyle (NVIEWSTYLE); return true;}


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