MD5 encryption

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

// tabs = 2 // ------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - //// md5 Message-Digest for delphi 4 //// Delphi 4 Unit IMPLEMENTING THE // RSA Data Security, Inc. MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm /// Implementation of Ronald L. Rivest's RFC 1321 /// / Copyright? 1997-1999 Medienagentur fichtner & meyer // Written by matthias fichtner //// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------------------- --------------- // See RFC 1321 for RSA Data Security's Copyright and license notice! // ------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------- //// 14-Jun-97 MF Implement MD5 According TO RFC 1321 RFC 1321 // 16-Jun- 97 MF Initial Release of The Compiled Unit (No Source Code) R FC 1321 // 28-Feb-99 MF Added MD5Match Function for Comparing Two Digests RFC 1321 // 13-Sep-99 MF Rework The Entire Unit RFC 1321 // 17-Sep-99 MF REWORKED The "test driver" Project RFC 1321 // 19-SEP-99 MF release of Sources for MD5 Unit and "Test Driver"

Project RFC 1321 / /// ----------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- - // The Latest release of md5.pas will always be available from // The distribution site at: ----------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------- // Please send Questions, bug reports and suggestions // regarding this code to : -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----- // This Code Is Provided "As IS" without express or // Implied Warranty of any Kind. Use it at Your Own risk.//------------- -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------- Unit MD5;

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Interface // -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Uses windows;

TYPE MD5COUNT = array [0..1] of dword; md5state = array [0..3] of dword; md5block = array [0..15] of dword; md5cbits = array [0..7] of byte; md5digest = array [0..15] of byte; md5buffer = array [0..63] of byte; md5context = Record State: md5state; count: md5count; buffer: md5buffer; end; {1, md5string, md5file, md5print, md5match These four functions are for call. Others are a subunies used to assist these several functions. 2, MD5String is an encrypted string. 3, MD5File is encrypted this file. 4, MD5Print is to convert the encrypted ciphertext into strings. 5, MD5MATCH is used to compare whether the ciphertice is consistent.

Encrypted string AAA MD5String ('AAA') Displays the encrypted AAA to MD5Print (Md5String ('AAA')) compares whether the two ciphertexts are consistent: MD5Match (MD5String ('first plaintext'), MD5String ('明文 ') in secondary input')}

procedure MD5Init (var Context: MD5Context); procedure MD5Update (var Context: MD5Context; Input: pChar; Length: longword); procedure MD5Final (var Context: MD5Context; var Digest: MD5Digest);

Function Md5String (m: string): md5digest; function md5file (n: string): md5digest; function md5print (d: md5digest): string;

Function MD5MATCH (D1, D2: MD5Digest): boolean;

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------- Implementation // -------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------

Var Padding: MD5Buffer = ($ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00, $ 00);

Function F (x, y, z: dword): DWORD; Begin Result: = (x and y) OR ((NOT X) and z);

Function G (X, Y, Z: DWORD): DWORD; Begin Result: = (x and z) OR (Y AND (NOT Z));

Function H (x, y, z: dword): dWord; begin result: = x xor y xor z; end;

Function I (X, Y, Z: DWORD): DWORD; Begin Result: = y xor (x or (not z));

Procedure Rot (VAR x: DWORD; N: BYTE); begin x: = (x shl n) or (x shr (32 - n));

Procedure FF (VAR A: DWORD; B, C, D, X: DWORD; S: BYTE; AC: DWORD); Begin INC (A, F (B, C, D) X AC); Rot (A, S); Inc (A, B); END;

Procedure GG (var A: DWORD; B, C, D, X: DWORD; S: BYTE; AC: DWORD); Begin Inc (A, G (B, C, D) X AC); Rot (A, S); Inc (a, b); end; procedure hh (var A: dword; b, c, d, x: dword; s: byte; AC: DWORD); begin incc (A, H (B, C, D) X AC); ROT (A, S); Inc (A, B); END;

Procedure II (Var A: DWORD; B, C, D, X: DWORD; S: BYTE; AC: DWORD); Begin Inc (A, I (B, C, D) X AC); Rot (A, S); Inc (A, B); END;

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

// Encode Count Bytes At Source Into (Count / 4) DWORDS At TargetProcedure ENCODE (Source, Target: Pointer; Count: longword); var s: pbyte; t: pdword; i: longword; begin s: = source; t: = Target; for i: = 1 to count div 4 do begin t ^: = s ^; inc (s); t ^: = t ^ or (s ^ SHL 8); Inc (s); t ^: = T ^ OR (S ^ SHL 16); Inc (s); T ^: = T ^ or (s ^ SHL 24); INC (S); INC (T); end; end;

// Decode Count DWORDS at Source Into (Count * 4) Bytes At TargetProcedure Decode (Source, Target: Pointer; Count: longword); var s: pdword; t: pbyte; i: longword; begin s: = source; t: = Target; for i: = 1 to count do begin t ^: = s ^ and $ ff; inc (t); t ^: = (s ^ shr 8) And $ ff; inc); t ^: = (S ^ SHR 16) AND $ FF; INC; T ^: = (S ^ SHR 24) AND $ FF; INC (T); Inc (s); end; end;

// Transform State According to First 64 BYtes At BufferProcedure Transform (Buffer: Pointer; VAR State: Md5State); VAR A, B, C, D: DWORD; Block: Md5Block; Begin Encode (Buffer, @Block, 64); A : = State [0]; B: = State [1]; C: = State [2]; D: = State [3]; FF (A, B, C, D, Block [0], 7, $ d76a478 Ff (D, A, B, C, Block [1], 12, $ E8C7B756); FF (C, D, A, B, Block [2], 17, $ 242070dB); FF (B, C, D, A, Block [3], 22, $ C1BDCEEE); FF (A, B, C, D, Block [4], 7, $ F57C0FAF); FF (D, A, B, C, Block [5] , 12, $ 4787C62A); FF (C, D, A, B, Block [6], 17, $ A8304613); FF (B, C, D, A, Block [7], 22, $ FD469501); FF (A, B, C, D, Block [8], 7, $ 698098d8); FF (D, A, B, C, Block [9], 12, $ 8B44F7AF); FF (C, D, A, B Block [10], 17, $ fff5bb1); FF (B, C, D, A, Block [11], 22, $ 895CD7BE); FF (A, B, C, D, Block [12], 7, $ 6B901122); FF (D, A, B, C, Block [13], 12, $ FD987193); FF (C, D, A, B, Block [14], 17, $ A679438E); FF (B, C, D, A, Block [15], 22, $ 49b40821); GG (A, B, C, D, Block [1], 5, $ F61E2562); GG (D, A, B, C, Block [ 6], 9, $ C040B340); GG (C, D, A, B, Block [11], 14, $ 265E5A51); GG (B, C, D, A, Block [0], 20, $ E9B6C7AA) Gg (a, b, c, d, block [5], 5, $ d62f105d); GG (D, A, B, C, Block [10], 9, $ 2441453); GG (C, D, A, B, Block [15], 14, $ D8A1E681); GG (B, C, D, A, Block [4], 20, $ E7D3FBC8); GG (A, B, C, D, Block [9], 5 $ 21e1cde6); GG (D, A, B, C, Block [14], 9, $ C33707D6); GG (C, D, A, B, Block [3], 14, $ F4D50D87); GG (B , C, D, A, Block [8], 20, $ 455A14ED); GG (A, B, C, D, Block [13], 5, $ A9E3E905); GG (D, A, B, C, Block [2], 9, $ FCEFA3F8); GG (C, D, A, B, Block [7], 14, $ 676F02D9); GG (B, C, D, A, Block [12], 20, $ 8D2A4C8A HH (A, B, C, D, Block [5], 4, $ FFFA3942); HH (D, A, B, C, Block [8], 11, $ 8771F681);

HH (C, D, A, B, Block [11], 16, $ 6d9d6122); HH (B, C, D, A, Block [14], 23, $ FDE5380C); HH (A, B, C, D, Block [1], 4, $ A4Beea44); HH (D, A, B, C, Block [4], 11, $ 4BDECFA9); HH (C, D, A, B, Block [7], 16 $ F6BB4B60); HH (B, C, D, A, Block [10], 23, $ bebfbc70); HH (A, B, C, D, Block [13], 4, $ 289B7EC6); HH (D , A, B, C, Block [0], 11, $ EAA127FA); HH (C, D, A, B, Block [3], 16, $ D4EF3085); HH (B, C, D, A, Block [6], 23, $ 4881D05); HH (A, B, C, D, Block [9], 4, $ D9D4D039); HH (D, A, B, C, Block [12], 11, $ E6DB99E5 HH (C, D, A, B, Block [15], 16, $ 1FA27CF8); HH (B, C, D, A, Block [2], 23, $ C4AC5665); II (A, B, C, D, Block [0], 6, $ F4292244); II (D, A, B, C, Block [7], 10, $ 432AFF97); II (C, D, A, B, Block [14] , 15, $ AB9423A7); II (B, C, D, A, Block [5], 21, $ FC93A039); II (A, B, C, D, Block [12], 6, $ 655B59C3); II (D, A, B, C, Block [3], 10, $ 8F0CCC92); II (C, D, A, B, Block [10], 15, $ FFEFF47D); II (B, C, D, A Block [1], 21, $ 85845DD1); II (A, B, C, D, Block [8], 6, $ 6FA87E4F); II (D, A, B , Block [15], 10, $ Fe2Ce6e0); II (C, D, A, B, Block [6], 15, $ A3014314); II (B, C, D, A, Block [13], 21, $ 4E0811A1); II (A, B, C, D, Block [4], 6, $ F7537E82); II (D, A, B, C, Block [11], 10, $ BD3AF235); II ( C, D, A, B, Block [2], 15, $ 2AD7D2BB); II (B, C, D, A, Block [9], 21, $ EB86D391); Inc (State [0], A); INC (State [1], B); INC (State [2], C); Inc (State [3], D); end; // ---------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------

// Initialize Given ContextProcedure Md5init (VAR Context: MD5Context); Begin with Context Do Begin State [0]: = $ 67452301; state [1]: = $ EFCDAB89; State [2]: = $ 98badcfe; state [3]: = $ 10325476; Count [0]: = 0; Count [1]: = 0; ZeroMemory (@Buffer, SizeOf (MD5Buffer)); end; end; // Update given Context to include Length bytes of Inputprocedure MD5Update (var Context: MD5Context Input: pChar; Length: longword; var index: longword; partlen: longword; i: longword; begin with context do beg, index: = (count [0] shr 3) And $ 3f; inc; 0], Length shl 3); if count [0] <(Length SHL 3) THEN INC (count [1]); Inc (count [1], length shr 29); end; partlen: = 64 - index; if length> = Partlen dam CopyMemory (@ context.buffer); transform (@ context.buffer, context.state); i: = partlen; while i 63

// Finalize given Context, create Digest and zeroize Contextprocedure MD5Final (var Context: MD5Context; var Digest: MD5Digest); var Bits: MD5CBits; Index: longword; PadLen: longword; begin Decode (@ Context.Count, @Bits, 2) ; Index: = (Context.count [0] SHR 3) and $ 3f; if Index <56 Then Padlen: = 56 - INDEX ELSE Padlen: = 120 - Index; Md5Update (Context, @padding, padlen; md5update , @BITS, 8); DECODE (@ context.state, @digest, 4); zeromemory (@Context, SizeOf (MD5Context));

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

// Create digest of given Messagefunction MD5String (M: string): MD5Digest; var Context: MD5Context; begin MD5Init (Context); MD5Update (Context, pChar (M), length (M)); MD5Final (Context, Result); end ; // Create digest of file with given Namefunction MD5File (N: string): MD5Digest; var FileHandle: THandle; MapHandle: THandle; ViewPointer: pointer; Context: MD5Context; begin MD5Init (Context); FileHandle: = CreateFile (pChar (N ), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL or FILE_FLAG_SEQUENTIAL_SCAN, 0); if FileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then try MapHandle: = CreateFileMapping (FileHandle, nil, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, nil); if MapHandle <> 0 then try ViewPointer: = MapViewOfFile (MapHandle, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0); if ViewPointer <> nil then try MD5Update (Context, ViewPointer, GetFileSize (FileHandle, nil)); finally UnmapViewOfFile (ViewPointer); end; finally CloseHandle (MapHandle ); End; finLy CloseHandle (FileHandle); End; MD5Fina l (context, result);

// Create HEX REPRESENTATION OF GIVEN DIGESTFUNCTION MD5PRINT (D: Md5Digest): String; var i: byte; const digits: array [0..15] of char = ('0', '1', '2', '3 ',' 4 ',' 5 ',' 6 ',' 7 ',' 8 ',' 9 ',' A ',' B ',' C ',' D ',' E ',' F ') Begin Result: = ''; for i: = 0 to 15 do result: = result digits [(D [i] shr 4) and $ 0f] DIGITS [D [i] and $ 0f];

/ / -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------

// Compare Two DigestsFunction MD5MATCH (D1, D2: Md5Digest): boolean; var i: byte; begin i: = 0; Result: = true; while result and (i <16) do begin Result: = D1 [i] = D2 [i]; inc (i); end; end; end.


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