How to add icons and text in the toolbar? (How to add icon and text)

zhaozj2021-02-12  210

a) How do I add icons and text in the toolbar? (HOW to add icon and text) / **************************************** *************************** / / * * / / * function name: createhottoolbar * /// * Description: Create the main Toolbar. * // * * // *************************************************** ************************ / BOOL CMAINFRAME :: Createhottoolbar () {if (! M_wndtoolbar.createex (this, tbstyle_flat, ws_child | ws_visible | CBRS_TOP | ! CBRS_TOOLTIPS | CBRS_FLYBY | CBRS_SIZE_DYNAMIC / * | CBRS_GRIPPER * /) || m_wndToolBar.LoadToolBar (IDR_TOOLBAR1)) {TRACE0 ( "Failed to create toolbar / n"); return FALSE; // fail to create} // Set the text for each buttonCToolBarCtrl & bar = m_wndToolBar.GetToolBarCtrl (); int nIndex = 0; TBBUTTON tb; for (nIndex = m_wndToolBar.GetToolBarCtrl () getButtonCount () - 1;. nIndex> = 0; nIndex -) {ZeroMemory (& tb, sizeof ( TbButton); m_wndtoolbar.gettoolbarctrl (). GetButton (Nindex, & Tb); // DO We Have A SEPARATOR? IF ((tb.fsstyle & tbstyle_sep) == TBSTYLE_SEP) Continue; // Have We got a valid command ID? IF (tb.idcommand == 0) Continue; // Get TH e resource string if there is one.cstring string strtext; lpctstr lpszbuttontext = null; cstract strbuttontext (_t (")); _ tchar seps [] = _t (" / n "); strText.LoadString (tb.idcommand); if ( ! strText.IsEmpty ()) {lpszButtonText = _tcstok ((LPTSTR) (LPCTSTR) strText, seps); while (lpszButtonText) {strButtonText = lpszButtonText; lpszButtonText = _tcstok (NULL, seps);}}! if (strButtonText.IsEmpty ( )) M_WndToolBar.SetButtontext (Nindex, strbuttontext);


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