NET Framework class library
Application attribute
The properties of the Application class are listed here. For a complete list of Application class members, see the Application member topic.
Public property
ALLOWQUIT gains indication The value of the caller can exit the application. CommonAppdataPath Gets the path to the application data shared by all users. CommonAppDataRegistry gains a registry key for application data shared by all users. Companyname Gets the company name associated with the application. CURRENTCULE Gets or sets regional information of the current thread. CurrentInputLanguage Gets or sets the current input language of the current thread. ExecutablePath Gets the path to activate the executable of the application, including the name of the executable. LocalUserappDataPath Gets the path to the application data of the local, non-roaming user. MessageLoop Gets the value indicating whether the message loop is present on the thread. ProductName Gets the product name associated with the application. ProductVersion Gets the product version associated with the application. SafetopyVelcaptionFormat Gets or settings When the top-level window title is displayed with the Copyright Warning flag, you want to apply the format string of the top window title. STARTUPPATH Gets the path to start the executable of the application, does not include the name of the executable. UseERAppDataPath Gets the path to the user's application data. UseRAppDataRegistry Gets the registry key of the user's application data.
NET Framework class library
Application method
A method of the Application class is listed here. For a complete list of Application class members, see the Application member topic.
Public approach
AddMessageFilter adds a message filter to monitor these messages when sending Windows messages to the target. Doevents are supported by the .NET Framework. Process all Windows messages currently in the message queue. EnablevisualStyles enables the application's Windows XP visual style. EXIT is supported by .NET Framework. Notifying All Message Pumps must be terminated and all application windows are turned off after processing the message. EXITTHREAD exits the message loop on the current thread and closes all windows on the thread. Olequired initializes the OLE on the current thread. ONTHREADEXCEPTION triggers ThreadException event. RemoveMessageFilter removes a message filter from the application's message pump. Run is supported by .NET Framework. Overloaded. Start running a standard application message loop on the current thread.