Architecturally name DotNETStruts______________________________________________ is still not known why the architecture is named DotNETStruts, because I saw a Java Struts feel good, but the Java IDE flattered, so I wanted to achieve with DotNET Struts framework, so named
Copyright 唠: _____________________________________________ This program is not protected by any legal protection, I only hope that our Chinese programmers will actively do the open source on the DOTNET, do the architecture on the DOTNET. I only hope to keep their name DotNetStruts, author Haha
Introduction ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ A table teacher (ID, name, gender, class), where ID is the primary key and automatically adds the value, can be used with this class DIM TE AS New Entity ("Teacher") TE.Property ("Id") = 10001TE. Property ("name") = "zhangsan" TE.Property ("gender") = "f" '' TE.Property ("agn") = 23 This sentence is abnormal because the configuration file (ie the database is required), the table TEACHER '' No Age Field '' '' below is some operations T.Insert () TE.UPDATE TE.DELETE TE.SELECT () where INSERT operation ignores the automatic value of field (indeed) INSERT TEACHER (Name, Gender) VALUES (' ZHANGSAN ',' F ') Update Operation The primary key is the condition of WHERE. That is, the generated SQL is Update Teacher Set Name =' zhangsan ', GENDER =' F 'WHERE ID = 1000 DELETE operation will ignore any properties outside of the primary key, SQL is delete from teacher where id = 10001 select operation Utilization "and" operation filter record, SQL is SELECT * from time WHERE ID = 10001 and name = 'zhangsan' and gender = 'f' master slave table operation '' print number 10001 Teacher's So Dim St AS Entityif TE.Haschilds ("Studnet") THEN for Each St in Teacher.getChilds () Console.Write (St.get ("Name") NEXTEND IF '' printing student number is102 Teacher's Name Dim St AS New Entity ("StudNet") St.Property ("ID") = 102IF St.Hasparent () THEN Console.write (st.getParent.get ("name") Endiff
For ASP.NET support to increase the main content of the recording Teacher_insert.htm .........