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/ bin starts
Your program is put on / doc
IP: 8080 Access
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(1) Installation and commissioning of the RESIN Development Platform under the Windows2000 environment:
1 Required main software:
J2SDK 1.4.0 Beta2 Edition
RESIN version 2.0.2
MySQL version 3.23.41
3 main software download:
1.J2SDK-1_4_0-beta2-win.exe is downloaded at http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/. 37.2MB.
2.Resin-2.0.2.zip version is downloaded at http://www.caucho.com/download/index.xtp. 4.17MB.
3. Mysql-3.23.41-win.zip downloads at http://www.mysql.com/downloads/mysql-3.23.html. 11.9MB.
4 Main software installation:
1. J2SDK1.4.0 installation is simpler, just press the prompt to install it as a C: /JDK1.4 directory.
2. RESIN2.0.2 installation is simpler, just extract it to C: / under use WinZip, which will automatically generate a C: /RESIN-2.0.2 directory.
3. When mysql3.23.41 is installed, first extract it to any directory, run setup.exe in the directory and press the prompt to install it as a C: / mysql directory.
5 Main software configuration:
1. Add the following lines in the c: /autoexec.bat file:
SET PATH = C: / Tools; c: /jdk1.4/bin; c: /jdk1.4/jre/bin
/ / Specify the Java path
Set classpath = c: /RESIN-2.0.2/lib; c: /jdk1.4/lib; c: /jdk1.4/jre/lib // Specify class path
Set java_home = c: /jdk1.4
2. Modify the C: /RESIN-2.0.2/conf/RESIN.CONF file content:
// mysql database path
// Add this line after
Source = 'Web-INF / CLASSES' // Specify compiling class path Compile = 'true' /> // To compile this directory ... / / Specify the httpd file name ... 1. Run C: /RESIN-2.0.2/bin/setup.exe settings with other web servers. 2. Restart Windows 6 Main software started: 1. MySQL start: Run c: /mysql/bin/winmysqladmin.exe 2. RESIN start: Run C: /RESIN-2.0.2/bin/httpd.exe 7 Main body software debugging: 1. Enter in the browser's address bar to see the resin introduction and description of Caucho, and run the various DEMO programs, RESIN's JSP foundation platform Installation and commissioning is successful! 2. Create a JDBC.JSP file in the c: /resin-2.0.2/doc directory (editable with FrontPage 2002):
<% @ Page ContentType = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%>
Java.sql.connection sqlconn;
Class.Forname ("com.caucho.jdbc.mysql.driver"). NewInstance ();
Java.sql.drivermanager.getConnection ("JDBC: mysql_caucho: // localhost: 3306 / test", "", "");
3. Enter in the address bar of the browser, you can't see any error information (the page is blank), the connection between RESIN and MySQL is by c: /RESIN-2.0. 2 / lib / jdbc-mysql.jar As a JDBC driver of MySQL, the more complete JSP platform installation and commissioning is successful!
(2) Redhat Linux 7.1 (2.4.2-2) Environment RESIN Application Platform installation and commissioning: 1 Redhat Linux 7.1 (2.4.2-2) is fully installed in English language (2.2GB), and apache1 is completed. 3.19, mysql3.23.36 and other software have been installed into Linux, in order to automatically load the above software while system startup, use the root user to log in and run Setup:
1. Select the FireWall Configuration item, select the Customize item, select the [*] WWW (http) entry, and then exit. This allows the system to open HTTP functions.
2. Select the NetWork Configuration item to fill in the corresponding network address (eg at the IP AddRES, fill in the corresponding mask (eg 25555.255.0) at NetMask, and then exit. This has a fixed IP address.
3. Select the System Services item, select [*] httpd item and [*] mysqld, and then exit. This allows the system to automatically start HTTPD and MySQLD software at the next startup.
2 required main software:
J2SDK 1.4.0 version
RESIN version 2.0.2
3 main software download:
1.J2SDK-1_4_0-beta2-linux-i386-rpm.bin is in http://java.sun.com/ /j2se/1.4/. 36.6MB.
2.Resin-2.0.2.tar.gz Download at http://www.caucho.com/download/index.xtp. 3.12MB.
4 Main software installation:
1.JDK1.4.0 installation:
#CP J2SDK-1_4_0-beta2-linux-i386-rpm.bin / usr / local copies the J2SDK1.4.0 to the / usr / local directory.
#CD / USR / LOCAL enters this directory.
#. / j2sdk-1_4_0-beta2-linux-i386-rpm.bin automatically generates J2SDK-1.4.0.i386.rpm file.
# rpm -ivh j2sdk-1.4.0.i386.rpm Unzip this file and generates /usr/local/jdk1.4.0 directory.
#LN -s JDK1.4.0 JDK creates JDK shortcuts.
#LN -s JDK / JRE establishes JRE shortcuts.
2.Resin2.0.2 installation:
#cp resin-2.0.2.tar.gz / usr / local copies the RESIN 2.0.2 into the / usr / local directory.
#CD / USR / LOCAL enters this directory.
#TAR XVZF RESIN-2.0.2.tar.gz Decompress this file and automatically generates /usr/local/resin-2.0.2 directories.
#CD resin-2.0.2 Enter the directory.
#. / configure -with-apache = / usr / local / apache
#make install
5 Main software configuration:
1. # vi /etc/rc.d/rc.local Edit System Self-started file:
Join one line:
/usr/local/resin-2.0.2/bin/httpd.sh start
/ / Means that the resin service is also launched when the system is boosted.
// Note: Stop /usr/local/resin-2.0.2/bin/httpd.sh stop
// Note: Restart /usR/local/RESIN-2.0.2/bin/httpd.sh restart // Note: If the system appears after restarting:
#TCP Start at Mon Aug 27 07:00:10 CST 2001
#tcp start at mon Aug 27 07:00:20 CST 2001
#TCP Start at Mon Aug 27 07:00:30 CST 2001
The solution is to put /usr/local/resin-2.0.2/bin/httpd.sh start
This line comes out in rc.local. Manual operation after restart
/usr/local/resin-2.0.2/bin/httpd.sh start.
2. # vi / etc / profile Editing System Environment Profile:
Join the following lines:
PATH = $ PATH: / USR / local / jdk / bin: / usr / local / jre / bin
Export Path
Java_home = / usr / local / jdk
Export java_home
Classpath = / usr / local / jdk / lib: / usr / local / jre / lib: /usr/local/resin-2.0.2/lib
Export ClassPath
3. # vi /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf Edit Apache profile:
Modify the following lines:
Listen 8080
Port 8080
// The two lines of the above are the default HTTP port 80 of Apache, ready to give RESIN.
4. # vi /usr/local/resin-2.0.2/conf/RESIN.CONF Edit the resin profile:
Modify the following lines:
// mysql database path
// Join the line after
Source = 'Web-INF / CLASSES' // Specify compiling class path Compile = 'true' /> // To compile this directory ... / / Specify the httpd file name 5. # vi /usr/local/resin-2.0.2/bin/httpd.sh Edit Resin profile: (No change) 6 Main software debugging: 1. Enter in the browser's address bar to see the resin introduction and description of Caucho, and run the various DEMO programs, RESIN's JSP foundation platform Installation and commissioning is successful! 2. Create a JDBC.JSP file in the /usr/local/resin-2.0.2/doc directory (available VI first edit the jdbc.txt file, then use #CP jdbc.txt /usr/local/resin-2.0.2/ DOC / JDBC.JSP):
<% @ Page ContentType = "text / html; charset = GB2312"%>
Java.sql.connection sqlconn;
Class.Forname ("com.caucho.jdbc.mysql.driver"). NewInstance ();
Java.sql.drivermanager.getConnection ("JDBC: mysql_caucho: // localhost: 3306 / test", "", "");
3. Enter in the browser's address bar. You should not see any error message (the page is blank)