The principle of file naming: The most easily understood in the least letters.
Index file uniform use index.html file name (lowercase)
The index.html file is unified as a "bridge page", not making specific content, just as a jump page and a Meta tab. Main content page for main.html
Press the English translation of the menu. E.g:
About Us / Aboutus
Information feedback / Feedback
Product / Product
All single English word file names must be lowercase, all combined English word file names the second first letter uppercase;
All file names are underscore
Image naming principles are named in image English letters. The principle of size is written.
For example: Picture of website logo is logo.gif
Mouse induction effect picture naming specification is "picture name _ on / off".
For example: menu1_on.gif / menu1_off.gif
Other file naming specifications
1.JS's naming principle is named by functional English words.
For example: The JS file name of the advertising bar is: ad.js
2. All CGI file suffixes for CGI
All CGI programs configuration files are config.cgi