Tea ---, immediately drink tea, it is necessary to push the tract fluid, affect food digestion, and the tannic acid in tea can solidify the material in the food, increase the burden on the stomach, and affect the absorption of proteins. It is best to drink tea for an hour after a meal.
Fruit --- food enters the stomach, must pass one to two hours of digestion process, can relieve the discharge, the fruit to eat immediately after the meal will be blocked in the stomach after the meal, if the time stays in the stomach too long, Causes symptoms such as bloating, diarrhea or constipation, will result in digestive dysfunction. It is best to eat fruits after a meal, two hours.
Walking --- Some people say "Hundreds of steps after a meal, live to ninety-nine". This statement is wrong. Because, the stomach is in a full state, even a very slight movement will also cause the stomach to vibrate, increase the gastrointestinal burden, affect the digestive function. Therefore, after a meal, it is suitable for 30 minutes, and then active is appropriate.