What is the use of onContentReady, OnContentSave, OnContentSave, OnContentSave, OnContentSave, ONCONTENTSAVE

zhaozj2021-02-12  216

ONCONTENTREADY: FIRES WHEN THE Content of The Element, To Which The Behavior Is Attached, Has Been Completely Parsed


OnDocumentReady: Fires When the Behavior's Containing Document Has Been Completely Pass.


OnContentsave: Fires Just Before The Content of An Element That Is Attached To An Element Behavior Is Saved OR Copie.


Ondetach: Fires Before A Behavior Is Detached from an element.


OnContentReady refers to the TAG loaded by Element. OnDocumentReady means that onContentReady fingers, onContentSave is completed when HTC is specified as a Pesist, requires saving properties ... (For example, INPUT TYPE = Text can keep Value after retreat) ONDETACH Relative to OnContentReady, OndocumentReady, HTC and Element are detached..

Differences about OnContentReady and OndocumentReady

For example, Element is:

Then OnContentReady refers to loading and onDocumentReady means nested document loaded.


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