1. Change the disk in Win2000, XP
My Computer - Control Panel - Management Tools - Computer Management - Storage - Disk Management
2. No longer the interface to install 3721
Edit your Winnt / System32 / Drivers / etc / hosts file, add the following:
******************************************************* localhost cnsmin.3721.com # # 3721 network real name Download.3721.com # 3721 Network real name 3721.com # 3721 network real name 3721.net # 3721 network real name CNSMin.3721.com # 3721 network real name CNSMIN.3721.NET # 3721 Network Real Name Download.3721.com # 3721 Network Real Name Download.3721.net # 3721 Network Real Name 3721.com "target =" _ blank "> www.3721. Com # 3721 Network Real Name 3721.NET "Target =" _ Blank "> www.3721.net # 3721 Network Real Name www.3721.com # 3721 Network Real Name CNSMin.3721.com # 3721 Network Real name Download.3721.com # 3721 Network real name *********************************************
In the future, you will never touch the 3721 page, and you will not pop up the annoying dialog.
For XP, this file is x: / windows / system32 / drivers / etc / hosts
For Win2000, this file is x: / winnt / system32 / drivers / etc / hosts
For Win98, this file is x: / windows / hosts
3. IE window becomes small solution
Sometimes I don't know, whenever IE opens a new window, it is a small window, even if I click the "Maximum" button, I still don't help. In fact, this is a "memory" effect of IE itself, that is, the next re-open window defaults to the status of the last time close. To restore each open IE window to normal, you can do it as follows: Step1. Go to the Registry Editor, go to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Main, remove the "Window_Placement" key in the window ;
Step2. Expand the Registry to HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Desktop / Old Work-all, remove the "OldWorkareArects" key in the right window;
Step3. Close the registry, restart your computer, maximize the IE window twice ("Maximize" → "Restore" → "Maximize"), and then restart IE is OK.
4. If you use Foxmail, the mailbox path is not in the default location, you can modify the account.cfg
5. When sharing in the folder under 98, add a share after the shared name can be hidden
6. Sometimes the guided virus or the case where the optical drive cannot be found. Generally, the FDISK / MBR reboot can be resolved under DOS can solve the 7.2000 or XP hard disk default is shared, even if you turn the sharing, after startup, Will share. Want to let the workstation within the domain do not stole your personal work results, try to establish a batch file and put it in the STARTUP of all users (or build a shortcut to put it inside). The following: Net Share C $ / Delete Net Share D $ / Delete Net Share E $ / Delete
8. Remove the default sharing of Windows 2000: For each Server version: In the Registry Editor (regedit.exe), find "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SYSTEM / CURRENTCONTROLSET / Services / Lanmanserver / param ETERS" in the Registry Editor, then newly built A "double-byte value", named "AutoShareserver" and set it to "0". Then restart the server. For Professional Edition: The same is just the same as AutoShareserver to AutoShaRewks
9. Solve the COMS lock problem in the DOS command line DEBUG -O 70 2F -O 71 2F -Q