I have installed. TEXT, I want to use it to provide some applets for Web service interfaces. But the following question: I entered http://localhost/dottextWeb/services/blogcontent.asmx? Op = getENTRIES to enter the interface test page, then fill in a number in the input box, such as 10 (itemcount), then submit. This thought will get XML return results, but there is an error prompt: the blog page you have access does not exist. Site is: [localhost], blog is [Services], for example, I created a client, add http://www.cnblogs.com/dottextweb/services/blogcontent.asmx web reference. Then test, throw an exception at runtime, similar to the above error prompt, as follows: Unprocessed "System.INVALIDOPERATIONEXCEPTION" exception appears in System.Web.Services.dll.
Additional Information: The client discovers the response content type "text / html; charSet = UTF-8", but it should be "text / XML". The request failed, the error message is: