Here will detail the most critical net commands of the intrusion MS, which will be the most useful in your control system. Note: IPC is remotely connected using the NET command, which is a more dangerous remote service. If there is nothing big, please try to close. This can greatly reduce remote threats.
We have a few more practical value. -> 1.Net ViewNet View [// computername [/ cache] | / domain [: domainname]] NET View / Network: NW [// computename]
NET View Displays a domain list, a computer list, or a resource shared by the specified computer.
Net view [// computername | / domain [: domainname]]]
NET View / Network: NW [// computename]
If you use without parameters, NET View displays a list of computers in the current domain.
// computername
Specifies the computer to view its shared resource.
/ domain [: DomainName]
Specifies to view the domain of its available computers. If DomainName is omitted, all the domains in the network will be displayed.
/ network: NW
Display all available servers on the NetWare network. If the computer name is specified, the available resources on the computer are displayed in the NetWare network. Other networks added to the system can also be specified using this switch.
NET View Example To view a list of resources shared by // Production Computer, type:
Net View // Production
To see the available resources on NetWare Server // Marketing, type:
NET View / Network: NW // Marketing
To view a list of computers in the Sales Domain or Working Group: Type:
Net View / Domain: Sales
To view all servers in the NetWare network, type:
NET View / Network: NW
Net View Description Use the Net View command to display a list of computer. The display content is similar to the following:
Server Name Remark
// Production Production File Server
// Print1 Printer Room, First Floor
// Print2 Printer Room, Second Floor
-> 2.Net USE
NET USE Connects to or disconnects your computer or displays information about your computer. This command also controls a persistent network connection.
NET USE [DeviceName | *] [// computername / sharename [/ volume]] [password | *]] [/ user: [domainname /] username] [[/ delete] | [/ personistent: {yes | no}] ]
NET Use DeviceName [/ Home [Password | *]] [/ delete: {yes | no}]
NET USE [/ persistent: {yes | no}]
If it is used without parameters, NET USE retrieves a list of network connections.
Assign name to connect to resources or specify disconnected devices. There are two equipment names: Disk drives (D: to Z :) and printers (LPT1: to LPT3 :). Type an asterisk instead of a specific device name, assign the next available device.
// computername / sharename
Specifies the name of the server and shared resources. If ComputerName contains blank characters, the computer name is enclosed from the double-reverse slope (/ /) to the computer name. The computer name length can be 1 to 15 characters.
/ Volume
Specifies the NetWare volume on the server. The NetWare Customer Service (Windows 2000 Professional) or NetWare Gateway Service (Windows 2000 Server) must be installed and is running to the NetWare server.
Specifies the password required to access the shared resource.
Generate a password prompt. The password is not displayed when you type a password at the password prompt.
/ User
Specifies the different user names of the connection.
Specify other domains. For example, NET USE D: // Server / Share / User: Admin / Mariel connects the user identifier Mariel, as if the connection is established from the Admin domain. If DomainName is omitted, the current login domain will be used.
Specifies the username used when logging in.
/ delete
Cancel the specified network connection. If the user specifies the connection with an asterisk, all network connections will be canceled.
/ home
Connect the user to the home directory.
/ persistent
Control the use of persistent network connections. The default is the last set of settings. Non-devices will not last.
Save all connections as it is established and restores them when you log in.
The established connection or subsequent connection is not saved. The existing connection is restored when logging in next time. Use the / delete switch to delete a persistent connection.
NET USE Example To use the disk drive device name E: assign the Letters shared directory on the // Financial server, type:
NET Use E: // Financial / Letters
To assign a disk drive device name M: Assign (map) to the directory Maria in the Letters volume on the // Financial NetWare server, type:
NET USE M: // Financial / Letters / Maria
To assign the device name LPT1: assign the Laser2 shared printer queue on the // Accounting server, type:
Net use lpt1: // accounting / laser2
To disconnect from the LPT1 printer queue, type:
To assign a disk drive device name h: assignment to the main directory as a user Mariel, type:
Net Use H: / home / user: mariel
To assign a disk drive device name f: assign the SCRATCH shared directory of the // Financial server, the directory requires password hctarcs, but does not establish a persistent connection, type:
NET USE F: // Financial / Scratch Hctarcs / Persistent: NO
To disconnect the // Financial / Scratch directory, type:
NET USE f: // Financial / Scratch / Delete
To connect to the resource shared on the // Financial 2 server, type: Net Use K: "// Financial 2" / Memos
The server name containing spaces must be enclosed in quotation marks. If the quotation is omitted, Windows 2000 will display an error message.
To restore the current connection while logging in, type:
NET USE Description Use the NET USE command to connect or disconnect the network resources and view the current connection to the network resource. If the shared directory is used as the current drive, or is being used by the active process, it cannot be disconnected from the shared directory.
Get information about the connection
To get information about the connection, do one of the following:
Type NET Use DeviceName to get information about the specified connection. Type NET Use to get a list of all computer connections. Non-device connection
Non-devices will not last.
Connect to NetWare Server
After installing and running the NetWare client or gateway service software, you can connect to the Novell network's NetWare server. In addition to the need to include the volume to be connected, the syntax used when connected to the Windows web server is the same.
-> 3.Net Group Add, display, or modify global groups in the domain of Windows 2000 Server. This command is only available on the Windows 2000 Server domain controller.
Net group [groupname [/ comment: "text"]] [/ domain]
Net group groupname {/ add [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain]
NET Group Groupname Username [...] {/ add | / delete [/ domain]
Type the NET Group command without parameters displays the name of the server name and server on the server.
Specifies the name of the group to be added, extended, or deleted. Only a group name is available to view the list of users in the group.
/ Comment: "Text"
Add a comment for new or existing groups. The comment can contain up to 48 characters. Add quotes to text.
/ domain
Perform actions on the primary domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer.
This parameter is applied only to the Windows 2000 Professional Computer of the member in the Windows 2000 Server domain. By default, Windows 2000 Server computers perform operations on the primary domain controller.
List one or more usernames to add to a group or from the group. Separate multiple user names with spaces.
/ add
Add groups or add user names to the group. The user who uses this command to add to the group must establish an account.
/ delete
Delete the group, or remove the user from the group.
NET Group Example To display a list of all groups on your local server, type:
Net group
To add Group EXEC to a local user account database, type:
To add Group EXEC to the Windows 2000 Server Domain User Account Database for Installing Windows 2000 Professional Software Computers, type:
NET Group EXEC / Add / Domain
To add an existing user account Stevev, Ralphr (from Sales Domain) and JENNYT to the EXEC group on your local computer, type:
Net Group Exec Stevev Ralphr Jennyt / Add
To add an existing user account Stevev, Ralphr (from Sales Domain) and Jennyt to the "Windows 2000 Server" domain on the installation of Windows 2000 Professional software, type: Net Group Exec Stevev Ralphr Jennyt / Add / Domain
To display users in an EXEC group, type:
To add a note to an Exec group record, type:
Net Group EXEC / Comment: "The Executive Staff."
Net Group Description This command can also be typed as NET Groups.
Using the NET Group command will group users using the network in the same or similar way. Each member of the group is automatically obtained when you specify permissions to the group.
The group displayed on the server is similar to the contents of the following:
Group Accounts for // Production _____________________________________
* Domain Admins * Domain Users
Note that there is an asterisk (*) before each group name. The asterisk distinguishes the group that contains the user and group.
-> 4.Net localgroup Add, display, or modify local groups.
Net localgroup [groupname [/ comment: "text"]] [/ domain]
Net localgroup groupname {/ add [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain]
Net localgroup groupname name [...] {/ add | / delete} [/ domain]
Type NET localgroup commands without parameters Display the name of the local group on the computer.
Specifies the name of the local group to be added, expanded, or deleted. Just provide GroupName to view global groups in a user list or local group.
/ Comment: "Text"
Add a comment for new or existing groups. The comment can contain up to 48 characters. Add quotes to text.
/ domain
Perform actions on the primary domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation is performed on the local computer.
This parameter is applied only to the Windows 2000 Professional Computer of the member in the Windows 2000 Server domain. By default, Windows 2000 Server computers perform operations on the primary domain controller.
Name [...]
List one or more usernames or group names are listed to add or remove from the local group. Separate multiple items with spaces. Names can be local users, other domains of users or global groups, but they cannot be other local groups. If the user comes from another domain, add a domain name (for example, Sales / Ralphr) at the beginning of the username.
/ add
Add a global group name or add a user name to the local group. The user or global group must establish an account before adding this command to join the local group.
/ delete
Remove the group name or username from the local group.
NET localgroup example To display a list of all local groups on your local server, type:
Net localgroup
To add local groups EXEC to a local user account database, type:
Net localgroup exec / add
To add local groups EXEC to the Windows 2000 Server Domain User Account Database, type:
Net localgroup exec / add / domain
To add existing user accounts Stevev, Ralphr (from Sales Domain) and Jennyt to EXEC local group on your local computer, type: Net localgroup Exec Stevev Sales / Ralphr Jennyt / Add
To add an existing user account Stevev, Ralphr (from Sales Domain) and JENNYT to the EXEC group on your local computer, type:
Net localgroup Exec Stevev Ralphr Jennyt / Add / Domain
To display users in the EXEC local group, type:
NET localgroup exec
To add a comment to an Exec local group log, type:
Net localgroup exec / comment: "The Executive Staff."
Net localgroup Description Use the NET localGroup command to group users who use a computer or network in the same or similar way. Each member of the local group automatically obtains the same permissions when specifying permissions for this group.
-> 5.Net User Add or modify user accounts or displays user account information.
Net user [username [password | *] [options]] [/ domain]
Net user username {password | * / add [options] [/ domain]
Net user username [/ delete] [/ domain]
If you use without parameters, NET USER will display a list of user accounts on your computer.
Specify the name of the user account to add, delete, modify, or view. The user account name can have 20 characters.
Assign or change your password for the user account. The password must meet the minimum length of the / minptin option settings for the NET Accounts command. Up to 127 characters can be available. However, if there are both Windows 2000 computers on the Internet, there is also a Windows 95 or Windows 98 computer, the password should not exceed 14 characters. The password supported by Windows 95 and Windows 98 is up to 14 characters. If the password is too long, you will not be able to log in to the network from the Windows 98 or Windows 95 computer.
The prompt of the password is generated. The password is not displayed when you type a password at the password prompt.
/ domain
Perform actions on the main domain controller of the computer main domain.
This parameter applies only to Windows 2000 Professional Computers that belong to WINDOWS 2000 Server domain. By default, Windows 2000 Server computers perform operations on the primary domain controller.
This operation is performed on the main domain controller of the computer main domain. This domain may not be a login area. / add
Add user accounts to the user account database.
/ delete
Remove the user account from the user account database.
Specify the following options:
Enable or disable user accounts. If the user account is inactive, the user cannot access resources in the computer. The default is set to YES.
/ Comment: Text
Provide a descriptive descriptive descriptive with a user account. This note can have up to 48 characters. Add quotes to text.
/ countrycode: nnn
Use the operating system "Country" code to implement the specified language files for user help and error messages. Value 0 represents the default "Country" code.
/ expiRes: {date | never}
If DATE is set, you will expire for the user account; do not set the time limit to the user account. The expiration time can be MM / DD / YY, DD / MM / YY or MMM, DD, YY, depending on the "Country" code. Note that the account expires at the beginning of the specified date. The month can be a number, spelling or abbreviation of three letters. Years can be two or four digits. Use a comma and sever separation date (no spaces). If YY is omitted, it will assume the date of the next appearance (depending on the date and time of the computer). For example, if the input date is between January 10, 1994 to January 8, 1995, the following DATE items, etc .; Jan, 9 1/9/95 January, 9,1995 1/9
/ fullname: "Name"
Specifies the full name of the user instead of the username. The name is enclosed with quotation marks.
/ homedir: path
Set the path to the user home directory. This path must exist.
/ Passwordchg: {yes | no}
Specifies whether the user can change your own password. The default is set to YES.
/ passwordReq: {yes | no}
Specifies whether the user account must have a password. The default is set to YES.
/ ProfilePath: [PATH]
Set the path to the user login profile. This path points to the registry profile.
/ scriptpath: path
Set the path to the user login script. The Path value cannot be an absolute path; Path is relative to% SystemRoot% / System32 / REPL / IMPORT / SCRIPTS.
/ TIMES: {TIMES | All}
Specifies the time to allow the user to use a computer. The Times value is represented as day [-day] [, day [-day]], time [-time] [, time [-time]], the increment is limited to 1 hour. Date can be spelled or abbreviated (M, T, W, TH, F, SA, SU). A 12 or 24 representation can be used in hours. For 12-hour representation, use AM, PM or A.m., P.
To list a member of the Super User Group, type NET localgroup "power users" and press Enter. Be sure to include quotes. To list a member of the user group, type NET localgroup users and press Enter.
To list a member of the administrator group, type NET localGroup Administrators and press ENTER.