To specify the MARYSL's login time is 4 o'clock in Monday to 5:00 pm, on Tuesday, at 8 am and 8pm to 5:00 pm on Wednesday to Friday, please type: Net user marysl / time: M, 4 AM-5PM_T, 1PM-3PM ;WF, 8:00-17:0
(6) NET Accounts upgrade the user account database and modify the password of all accounts and login requests.
Syntax Net Accounts [/ forcelogoff: {minutes | no}] [/ minpwlen: {days | unlimited}] [/ minpwage: days] [/ uniquepw: Number]
[/ domain]
Parameters / Forcelogoff: {Minutes | NO} Settings When the user account or valid login time expires, the number of minutes to end the user and the server before the server. The default value NO can prevent mandatory cancellation users.
/ minpwlen: LENGTH sets the maximum number of characters for the user account password. The number of characters is 0 to 127, the default is 6 characters.
/ MAXPWAGE: {Days | Unlimited} Set the maximum number of valid days of user account password. Numerical unlimited settings is not time limit. The / MaxPwage command line option must be greater than / minupwage. The number of days is from 1 to 49, 710 (ie the value of Unlimited is equal to 49,710 days), and the default is 90 days.
/ MINPWAGE: DAYS settings can change the minimum number of days prior to the new password. The default is 0 days, so that the shortest time is not set. This range is 0 to 49,710 days.
/ UNIQUEPW :: Number requires the user to repeat the same password when the Number specified when the password is changed. The range of password changes is 0 to 24, and the default is Five Password.
/ Domain performs actions to the main domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation will be executed on the local computer.
Note: The NET Logon service must run on a computer where you want to change the account parameter. Use NET Accounts without parameters to display passwords, login restrictions, and domain information.
Before using Net Accounts, you must do the following: Create a user account. Create a user account using the User Manager or Net User. Run the NET Logon service on all verifiable servers logged in. NET LOGON will automatically start when the system starts. When using / forcelogoff: minutes, a warning will be sent a few minutes a few minutes before the user is canceled from the network. If some files have been opened, the system will also notify the user. If Minutes is less than 2, the system will warn the user to log out from the network.
Example: To display the current settings, password requirements, and server roles, type: Net Accounts
To set a user account password for no less than 7 characters, type: Net Accounts / MINPWLEN: 7
To specify that users can reuse passwords after five change passwords, type: net accounts / uniquePW: 5
To prevent the user from changing the password in 7 days, and forced users can change the password every 30 days, and use 5 minutes to warn the user's logout after the login time expires, type: Net Accounts / MINPWAGE: 7 / MAXPWAGE: 30 / forcelogoff : 5
To make sure that the previous settings take effect only after the computer is logged in to the domain, type: Net Accounts / MINPWAGE: 7 / MAXPWAGE: 30 / Domain
(7) NET session management server computer connection. Use the NET session command without parameters to display information about all sessions of the local computer.
Syntax Net session [// computename] [/ delete]
Parameters / / Computername identifies the computer you want to list or disconnect. / DELETE ends the computer and // computername's session and shut down all the files that open in the computer. If // computername is omitted, all sessions on the local computer will be canceled.
Net Help Command Displays the help of the specified net command.
CAUTION: It is possible to use Net Session to cause data loss. Warning users may need before disconnecting the session.
Note: You can also run Net Session using Net Sessions or Net SESS. Use the NET session command to view the username and computer name on the server, whether the user opens the file and the idle session time of each user.
The information will be displayed in a format similar to:
Computer User Name Client Type Opens iDLE TIME
// basstt chrisdr windows 2000 1 00:00:13 // Sharonca administrator dos lm 2.1 0 01:05:13
To display a user session, use ComputerName in the command. The information of a single user includes a list of shared resources connected to the user. When the client's user is successfully connected to the server, the session will be recorded. Two computers on the same network can be successful, and the user has a username and password accepted by the server. The client's user must perform a session with the server before using the server resources, only the session is established when the client's user is connected to the resource. There is only one session between the customer and the server, but there may be multiple entry points or connections between the resources.
To set the time-free time before you automatically disconnect the connection, set the AutodisConnect function using the Net Config Server / Autodisconnect command. For more information on the NET Config Server command, see the related topics. Automatic disconnecting connection is transparent to the user because the session will be automatically re-established when the user has access to resources again.
To abort the session with the server, use Net session // computername / delete.
Example To display a list of session information for your local server, type: Net Session
To display a computer name for computer named Shepherd, type: Net session // shepherd
To end all sessions of the server and the client connected to the server, type: Net session / delete
(8) NET File Displays all open shared file names on the server and file lock code for each file (if any). This command also closes a separate shared file and delete file locks. Use the NET file command without parameters to display a list of open files on the server.
Syntax Net file [id] [/ close]
Parameter ID specifies the identification number of the file. / Close Close the open file and release the locked record. The server command prompt to be shared into the command. Net Help Command Displays the help of the specified net command.
Note You can also type NET Files to run this command. Use Net file to view and control files shared on your network. Sometimes the user will incorrectly open or lock the shared file. At this time, other users on the network will not access the lock sections of the file. You can use Net file / close to delete the lock and turn it off. Net file's output is similar to the following form:
File path Username #locks
1 C: / Database Debbiet 2
Example To view information about shared files, type:
Network file
To close the file with the logo number 1, type: Net file 1 / close
(9) NET Group Add, display, or modify global groups in the domain. Syntax Net Group [Groupname] [/ Comment: "text"] [/ domain]
Net group [groupname {/ add] [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain]
NET Group [Groupname Username] [...] {/ add | / delete} [/ domain]
Parameter groupname Specifies the name of the group to be added, extended, or deleted. Specify only the group name to see the list of users in the group.
/ Comment: "text" adds comments for new or existing groups. The comment can contain up to 48 characters. Add quotes to text.
/ Domain performs actions on the main domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation will be executed on the local computer.
/ Add group, or add user names to the group. You must use this command to create an account to the user you want to add to the group.
/ DELETE delete group, or remove the user from the group.
UserName [...] lists one or more usernames to add to a group or from the group. Separate multiple user names with spaces.
Net Help Command Displays the help of the specified net command.
Note Use the NET Group command without the parameters to display the name of the server name and server on the server. You can also type NET Groups. Use the NET Group command and group users using the network in the same or similar way. Each member of the group is automatically obtained when you specify permissions to the group. In the output, NET Group will prioritize groups containing (*) users and groups with asterisk.
The NET Group output of the server is similar to the following form:
Group Accounts for // Production
* Domain Admins * Domain Users
Example To display a list of all groups on your local server, type: net group
To add Group EXEC to your local user account database, type: Net Group Exec / Add
To add Group EXEC to a domain database, type: Net Group Exec / Add / Domain
To add existing user accounts Stevev, Ralphr, and Jennyt to an Exec group on your local computer, type: Net Group Exec Stevev Ralphr Jennyt / Add
To add existing user accounts Stevev, Ralphr, and Jennyt to an Exec group in a domain database, type: Net Group Exec Stevev Ralphr Jennyt / Add / Domain
To display users in an Exec group, type: Net Group EXEC
To add a note to an Exec group record, type: Net Group Exec / Comment: "The Executive Staff."
(10) NET PAUSE suspends currently running services.
Syntax Net Pause Service
Parameters Service must specify the computer you want to pause. The table below lists the partial value of the service. Value Description Netlogon pauses "Network Login" service. "NT LM Security Support Provider" Pauses "NT LM Security Support Provider" service. Schedule suspends the Task Scheduling Program service. Server pauses "Server" service. Workstation suspend "workstation" service.
Net Help Command Displays the help of the specified net command.
Note On the server, use the NET PAUSE command before stopping the service to make the user complete your work or from the resource disconnected. The pause service is only to wait for the service, and the software is not deleted from memory. Users who have connected resources can complete their own tasks, but do not allow new connections to the resource. If you want to stop the service that affects the shared resource, you should be suspended first. Send messages to stop using Net Send. You can use the NET STOP to stop using the NET STOP after completing the use of resources. To reactivate the suspended service, use Net Continue.
All services cannot be suspended. The pause operation will affect the service in the following aspects: Pause the "Network Login" service will prevent the computer from handling login requests. If there are other login servers in the domain, the user can still log in to the network. Pause the Server service will prevent users from establishing a new connection to the server shared resource. If there is no other login server on the network, the user will not be able to log in to the network. Existing connections will not be affected. During the pause server, the administrator can still establish the connection of the server.
Pause the "Workstation" service will not define usernames, passwords, and connections, but will connect requests for printer devices to your computer, rather than connecting to a network printer.
If the service name contains spaces, use quotation marks to cause text (for example, "Service Name").
Example To pause the Server service, type: Net Pause Server
If the server name consists of two or more words, the server must be circled with quotation marks. E.g,
To suspend "NT LM Security Support Provider", type: NET PAUSE "NT LM Security Support Provider"
(11) Network local group Add, display, or modify local groups. Use the NET localgroup command without parameters to display the name of the server on the computer and the local group.
Syntax Net localgroup [groupname] [/ Comment: "text"] [/ domain]
Net localgroup [groupname {/ add] [/ comment: "text"] | / delete} [/ domain]
Net localgroup [groupname name] [...] {/ add | / delete} [/ domain]
Parameter groupname Specifies the name of the local group to be added, extended, or deleted. Use NET localGroup Groupname without other parameters to display a list of users or global groups in the local group.
/ Comment: "text" adds comments for new or existing groups. The comment can contain 48 characters. Add quotes to text.
/ Domain performs actions to the main domain controller of the current domain. Otherwise, the operation will be executed on the local computer.
Name [...] lists one or more usernames or group names to add or delete from the local group.
/ add adds a global group name or adds the user name to the local group. You must create an account before using this command to add a user or global group to a local group.
/ DELETE deletes a group name or username from the local group.
Net Help Command Displays the help of the specified net command.
Note Using / Domain / Domain only applies to Windows XP Professional Computers that become domain members. By default, the server computer will perform actions on the primary domain controller.
Use NAME to separate multiple items with spaces. Names can be local users, other domains of users or global groups, but they cannot be other local groups. If the user comes from another domain, add a domain name (for example, Sales / Ralphr) at the beginning of the username.
User Group uses the NET localGroup command to group users of the computer or network using the user group. Each member of the local group automatically obtains the same permissions when specifying permissions for this group.
Example To display a list of all local groups on your local server, type: NET localGroup To add local group Exec to your local user account database, type: Net localgroup EXEC / Add
To add local groups EXEC to domain user account database, type: Net localgroup exec / add / domain
To add an existing user account Stevev, Ralphr (from Sales Domain) and JENNYT to the EXEC local group on the local computer, type: Net localgroup Exec Stevev Sales / Ralphr Jennyt / Add
To add an existing user account Stevev, Ralphr, and Jennyt to an Exec local group in the domain, type: NET localgroup Exec Stevev Ralphr Jennyt / Add / Domain
To display users in the EXEC local group, type: net localgroup exec
To add a comment to an Exec local group log, type: Net localgroup exec / comment: "The Executive Staff."