How to set the initial directory of Emacs? (SetQ default-directory "/ Workspace /") How to change a variable of an Emacs in Emacs how to make Emacs to copy the text with other programs? See MULE-GBK installation instructions, this is this: (MULE-GBK-SELECTION-SETUP) Emacs How to set the line number? MX SETNU-MODE wants to know which input method you can use, you can type CX RET C- / SPC The Emacs then appears in all multi-language input list panes. Then you can type the name of the input method you use. Set the preset input method, add the following line to ~ / .emacs file: (custom-set-variable "chinese-array30)) This is after starting Emacs, you will You can switch between English input and row column input method directly with C- / instructions.