I used to develop Delphi's database development. After the J2EE, I consciously consciously accumulated, such as SQL syntax, stored procedure, sad, it was so sweet to be a CODER, but fortunately, I followed the database designer Two months of PowerDesiger, now regular, ready for easy. Remember to CDM PDM, you need to look at whether the new project is used to use ODM.
From the online COPY coming back:
Conceptual Data Model (CDM) Information System Conceptual Design Tool, That is At this time, the details of the physical implementation are not considered, only the overall logical structure of the database is independent of any software and data storage structure. The main objects are: domain, data items (DataItem), entity, attributes, contacts, and the like.
Physical Data Model (PDM) Considues the physical implementation of the database, including software and data storage structures. PDM Object: Table (Table Column), PRIMARY & Foreign Key, Reference (Reference), Index (INDEX), View (View), etc. I have considered that according to the situation of the project group, use ROSE only stayed in the example of the example (I like it to the document, see! We have action demand analysis!), It is better to use PowerDesigner's key CDM design Although we don't have OOA, we can ortho! This, the database generated by the PDM can be considered as a sustainable storage end of the business object model, which can easily use Hibernate as an ORM framework. After all, in the face of a new project starting from the beginning, trying to be very attractive.