cmbHaitatubin, cmbShukkasoko, Combo3 private void cmbShukkasoko_SelectedIndexChanged (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {if (-1 == cmbShukkasoko.SelectedIndex) {clsFormFunction.ComboClear (cmbHaitatubin); return;}
String strbushosokocode = clsformfunction.getComBOCD (CMBShukkaSoko);
Haitatubinget (strbushosokocode, ref strmsg);} Prince int Haitatubinget (String strmsokocode, ref string strmsg) {. . . . . . . . Intret = Cmpspkick (strspname, dtsinparam, ref dtsoutparam, ref dtshaisoubin);
IF (intret! = 0) {strmsg = Outparamget (dtsoutparam.tables [0], "@o_errmsg"); return intret;}
string strDefault = OutParamGet (dtsOutParam.Tables [0], "@o_CmbDefValue"); clsFormFunction.ComboDataSetMake (ref dtsCmb, dtsHaisouBin.Tables [0], "BIN", "HAISO_ROOT_MJ"); clsFormFunction.ComboBind (cmbHaitatubin, dtsCmb); CLSFormFunction.comBeselect (cmbhaitatubin, strdefault);
CLSFormFunction.SetcomBopixWidth (cmbhaitatubin); cmbhaitatubin.selectionstart = 0; cmbhaitatubin.seectionLength = 0;
return 0;} // cmbHaitatubin, cmbShukkasoko, Combo3's Leave event private void combo_FocusLosted (object sender, System.EventArgs e) {FormFunction clsFormFunction = new FormFunction (); clsFormFunction.combo_FocusLosted (sender);
switch (((Control) sender) .Name) {case "cmbShukkasoko": if (cmbShukkasoko.SelectedIndex == -1) {clsFormFunction.ComboClear (cmbHaitatubin); return;} break;}} phenomena: 1 cmbShukkasoko All the text is When Items Text, Click Combo3, CMBShukkaSoko cannot automatically select the matching item, but the Click text control (non-Combo) is normal (can automatically select the matching item). 2 CMBSHUKKASOKO SELECTEDEXCHANGED, CMBHAITUBIN cannot automatically select one. ***** i service ........ A: In another event combo_textchang, using the combo.findstring provided by GrapeCity, the function is in a certain Some of the corresponding Item cannot be retrieved. The results are changed each time, Combo.Text changes, but Combo_TextChanging's como.findstring (...) is not out, causing E.CANCEL = True. Grapecity, I fu le u.