@ Specified response file /? List compiler option / AI Specifies that the directory / ARCH searched when the file reference to the #using instruction is referenced / arch to generate code / c to retain the annotation / c compilation during the pre-processing However, no link / CLR enables C managed extensions and generates output file / D definition constants and macro / E run on the public language run library to copy the pre-processor output to standard output / EP Specify an exception processing model / EP to preprocessor Output Copy to Standard Output / F Set Stack Size / FA Create List File / FA Settings List File Name / FD Rename Database Database File / FE Rename Upper Creating object files / fp Specifying Pre-translated Head File Name / FR Generate Browser File / FU Forced Use File Name, just like it has been passed to #using instructions / FX will insert code with source file merge / G3 optimization The code is preferably 386 processor. The compiler will ignore this option / g4 optimized code to preferably 486 processor. In Visual C 5.0, the compiler will ignore this option / g5 optimized code to optimize the Pentium Pro, Pentium II and Pentium III processor / G7 for Pentium 4 or Athlon optimized code at preferred Pentium Pro, Pentium II, and Pentium III processors / G7.
/ GA Optimized Windows Application Code / GB and / G6 Equivalent; Set the value of _m_ix86 to 600 / gd Use __cdecl call convention / GE activation stack detection / GF / GF enable string pool / GH call hook function _ PEXIT / GH Call Hook Function_penter / GL Enable Full Program Optimization / GM Enable Minimum Regeneration / GR Enable Runtime Type Information (RTTI) / GR Using __fastcall call convention / GS buffer security check / GS control stack detection / gt Support for fiber security / GX enable synchronous exception processing / Gy enabled synchronous exception processing / GY enable function level link / gz and / RTC1 same / gz use __stdcall call convention / H limit external (public) name length / Help List Compiler Options / i Search In Directory Contains File / J Change Default Char Type / LD Create Dynamic Link Library / LDD Creating Debug Dynamic Link Library / Link To pass the specified option to link / md to create with Msvcrt.lib Multi-threaded DLL / MDD Create a Trial Multiethrough DLL / ML using MSVCRTD.LIB Use libc.lib to create a single-thread executable / mld Use libcd.lib to create a debrification single thread executable / MT using libcmt.lib creates multi-thread executable File / MTD use libcmtd.lib to create a quotable multithreadable executable / NOLOGO Cancel Display Login Copyright Sign / O1 Create Small Code / O2 Creating Fast Code / OA Assumption No Alias / OB Control Inline Exhibition Open / OD Disable Optimization / OG Using Global Optimization / OI Generate Internal Functions / OP Improves Floating-Point Consistency / OS Code Size Priority / OT Code Speed Priority / OW Assume in Function Call Using Alias / OX Using Maximum Optimization (/ OB2GITY / GS) / OY omitted frame pointer / qi0f Perform Pentium 0x0f Error Repair / Qifdiv Execute Pentium FDIV Error Repair / QIFIST When you need to convert from floating point type to integer, cancel _ftol / p Write pre-processor output write file / RTC Enable runtime error Check / showincludes during compilation Show list / TC / TC specifying a file / TP / TC specified C source file / u Remove predefined macro / U Remove all predefined macro / V Settings Version string / VD cancel or enable hidden VTORDISP class member / VMB That is the best base / VMG to point to members, using the pointer to the member, using a full general / VMM declaration multiple inheritance / VMS declaration single inheritance / VMV declaration Virtual inheritance / W Set warning level / w Disable all police Admission / Wall Enable all warnings, including the default warning / WL Enable error message when compiling C source code from the command line, the single line diagnostic / WP64 detection 64-bit portability issue / x ignore standard contains directory / Y- Ignore all other pre-translated head compiler options / YC Create Pre-compilation File / YD to place the full debug information in all object files / yl to create a debug library into the PCH reference / in the generation Pre-translated head file / yx Automatic Processing Premetrical / Z7 Generates Compared with C 7.0 Compatible Debug Information / ZA Disable Language Extended / ZC Specified Standard Behavior / ZD Generate Line No. / ZE Enable Language Extension / ZG Generate Function Prototype / Zi The debug information is included in the program database with "Edit and Continue" compatible program database / zi generation complete debug information / zl from .Obj file to remove the default library name / zm Specify Precompiletive Memory Allocation Restriction / ZP Package Structure Members / ZS only check the Chinese author Blog: