IE plug-in mask breaks through traditional plug-in mask software thinking mode, plugin shielding software is not only able to block plugins! You can also identify the currently installed plugin! And uninstall the plugin! In addition to the basic functions of the mask plug-in, the IE plug-in mask is more dedicated to innovation! Display the currently installed plugin and uninstall the plugin! This is currently not available in any plug-in screen. The author hopes to make you worry-free fun through your own unremitting efforts. 1, can shield 105 IE plug-ins 2, can display the currently installed IE plug-in 3, can uninstall the currently installed IE plug-in 4, malicious website shield 5, malicious website virus detection 6, IE regular setting IE plug-in block update [ December 30]: Add software uninstall management, process management, system start management download: IE plugin Shield immunization 2005 1.0 ======================== == Thank LinuxFans report