C / C compiler GCC Pre-Processing, Compilan, Assembling, Linking (Linking) Command: G - Compile C GCC - Compile CI Looking Header file EG G foo.c -i / Home / xiaowp / include -o foo-l Logo files EG G foo.c -l / home / xiaowp / lib -lfoo -o foo reference http://www.linuxdby.com/articlesdisplay.php?newsid=234http: //www.linuxdby.com/articlesdisplay.php?newsid=235http://tech.ccidnet.com/pub/article/c309_a102603_p1.htmlGDBmakeMinGW --GCC create a Managed Make C Project window automatically generate makefile in the implementation Depvelopement ToolEclipse CDT In C / C Build, Tool Setting can select Many parameters for G Generate Sog Test.cpp -fpic -Shared -O LibTest.so If it is best to generate it as DLL under Window, Other LD will be reported at the link. EXE CANNOT FIND LTEST error. so stupid. Reference http://bbs.chinaUnix.net/forum/viewtopic.php?t=373418 Reference SO Direct Use command line Specify C: / Java / Eclipse / Workspace / TestManage> G Testm.cpp -ic: / Java / Eclipse / Workspace / testso -lc: / java / eclipse / Workspace / Testso -llibTest.so -o testm In Eclipse's UI Specify Project Right-click Property C / C Build Tool Setting Sets GCC C Compiler-> Directories header file and GCC C Linker -> libaries The library file also needs to set the path Window: Set PATH, join the path where the SO is located, otherwise LD can't find Linux: Set the ld_library_pathWindow: Finally, generate the exe file, you need to copy SO to the current directory of EXE . Perform a successful reference http://sourceforge.net/mailarchive/forum.php?forum_id=5119&max_rows=255119sted&viewMonth=200406C uses C function E.G Extern Int Hello ();