Function name: SBRK
Function: Change the location of the data segment
Usage: char * sbrk (int INCR);
Int main (void)
Printf ("Changing Allocation with SBRK () / N");
Printf ("Before Sbrk () Call:% Lu Bytes Free / N",
(unsigned long) Coreleft ());
SBRK (1000);
Printf ("After Sbrk () Call:% Lu Bytes Free / N",
(unsigned long) Coreleft ());
Return 0;
Function name: scanf
Function: Implementation formatting
Usage: int Scanf (char * format [, argument, ...]);
Int main (void)
Char label [20];
Char Name [20];
INT entries = 0;
Int loop, agn;
Double Salry;
Struct Entry_Struct
Char Name [20];
Int agec;
Float Salry;
Entry [20];
/ * Input a label as a string of characters restricting to 20 characters * /
Printf ("/ N / N / NPLEASE ENTER A Label for the Chart:");
Scanf ("% 20s", Label;
Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * /
/ * Input Number of Entries as an inTeger * /
Printf ("How Many Entries Will there be? (Less Than 20)");
Scanf ("% d", & entries);
Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * /
/ * Input a name restricting input to only letters upper or limited number * /
For (loop = 0; loop { Printf ("Entry% D / N", LOOP; Printf ("Name:"); Scanf ("% [A-ZA-Z]", Entry [loop] .name; Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * / / * Input an agent AGE as an integer * / Printf ("Age:"); Scanf ("% D", & Entry [loop] .age); Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * / / * Input a Salary as a float * / Printf ("Salary:"); Scanf ("% f", & entry [loop] .salary); fflush (stdin); / * Flush the Input stream in case of bad input * / } / * Input a name, Age and Salary as a string, integer, and double * / Printf ("/ NPLEASE ENTER Your Name, Age and Salary / N"); Scanf ("% 20S% D% LF", Name, & Age, & Salary; / * Print Out the Data That Was Input * / Printf ("/ N / NTABLE% S / N", Label); Printf ("Compiled BY% S AGE% D $% 15.2LF / N", Name, AGE, SALARY); Printf ("--------------------------------------------- ------ / n "); For (loop = 0; loop Printf ("% 4D |% -20S |% 5D |% 15.2LF / N", LOOP 1, Entry [loop] .name, Entry [loop] .age, Entry [loop] .salary; Printf ("--------------------------------------------- ------ / n "); Return 0; } Function Name: SearchPath Function: Search DOS path Usage: char * searchpath (char * filename); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * p; / * Looks for TLINK AND RETURNS A POINTER To the Path * / P = SearchPath ("TLINK.exe"); Printf ("Search for TLink.exe:% S / N", P); / * Looks for non-eviStent file * / P = SearchPath ("NOTEXIST.FIL"); Printf ("Search for Notexist.fil:% S / N", P); Return 0; } Function Name: SECTOR Function: Draw and populate the elliptical sector Usage: Void Far Sector (int X, int y, int standle, int endangle); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE Int midx, midy, i; INT Stangle = 45, endangle = 135; INT XRAD = 100, YRAD = 50; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& gdriver, & gmode, "); / * read result of infitization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } MIDX = getmaxx () / 2; Midy = getmaxy () / 2; / * Loop through the fill patterns * / For (i = EMPTY_FILL; I { / * SET the FILL STYLE * / SetFillStyle (i, getmaxcolor ()); / * DRAW the SECTOR SLICE * / Sector (MIDX, Midy, Stangle, Endangle, XRAD, YRAD); Getch (); } / * Clean Up * / Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: segread Function: Read Section Register Value Usage: void segread (struct Sregs * segtbl); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Struct Sregs Segs; Segread (& segs); Printf ("Current Segment Register Settings / N / N"); Printf ("CS:% x DS:% x / n", segs.cs, segs.ds; Printf ("ES:% X SS:% x / n",,; Return 0; } Function Name: SetActivePage Finance: Set the graphic output activity page Usage: Void Far SetActivePage (int Pagenum); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * SELECT A Driver and Mode That Supports * / / * MULTIPLE PAGES. * / INT GDRIVER = EGA, GMODE = Egahi, ErrorCode; INT X, Y, HT; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); PRINTF ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); getCH (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } x = getmaxx () / 2; y = getmaxy () / 2; HT = Textheight ("W"); / * SELECT The Off Screen Page for Drawing * / SetActivePage (1); / * Draw a line on page # 1 * / Line (0, 0, getmaxx (), getmaxy ()); / * Output a message on page # 1 * / SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); Outtextxy (x, y, "this is page # 1:"); Outtextxy (x, y ht, "press any key to halt:"); / * SELECT DRAWING to Page # 0 * / SetActivePage (0); / * OUTPUT A Message on Page # 0 * / OutTextxy (x, y, "this is page # 0."); Outtextxy (x, y HT, "Press Any Key to View Page # 1:"); Getch (); / * SELECT Page # 1 as the visible page * / SetvisualPage (1); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setAllPallette Function: Change all palette colors by specified mode Usage: Void Far SetallPallette (Struct Palette, Far * Pallette); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE Struct PaletType Pal; INT Color, MaxColor, HT; INT Y = 10; Char msg [80]; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } MaxColor = getMaxcolor (); HT = 2 * textheight ("w"); / * GRAB a COPY OF THE PALETTE * / GetPalette (& PAL); / * DISPLAY THE DEFAULT PALETTE Colors * / for (Color = 1; Color <= MaxColor; Color ) { SetColor (Color); Sprintf (MSG, "Color:% D", Color; Outtextxy (1, y, msg); Y = HT; } / * Wait for a key * / Getch (); / * Black out the colors one by one * / For (Color = 1; Color <= maxColor; Color ) { SetPalette (Color, Black); Getch (); } / * RESTORE THE PALETTE Colors * / SetAllPalette (& PAL); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: SetAspectratio Function: set the graphical crossing ratio Usage: Void Far Setaspectratio (int XASP, INT YASP); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE INT XASP, YASP, MIDX, MIDY; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } MIDX = getmaxx () / 2; Midy = getmaxy () / 2; SetColor (GetMaxColor ()); / * Get Current Aspect Ratio Settings * / Getaspectratio (& XASP, & YASP); / * DRAW NORMAL CIRCLE * / Circle (MIDX, MIDY, 100); Getch (); / * Claer the screen * / ClearDevice (); / * Adjust the aspect for a wide circle * / Setaspectratio (XASP / 2, YASP); Circle (MIDX, MIDY, 100); Getch (); / * Adjust the assect for a narrow circle * / ClearDevice (); Setaspectratio (XASP, YASP / 2); Circle (MIDX, MIDY, 100); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0;} Function name: setbkcolor Function: Set the current background color with a palette Usage: Void Far SetBkcolor (int color); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * SELECT A Driver and Mode That Supports * / / * Multiple Background Colors. * / INT GDRIVER = EGA, GMODE = Egahi, ErrorCode; INT BKCOL, MAXCOLOR, X, Y; Char msg [80]; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } / * Maximum color index supported * / MaxColor = getMaxcolor (); / * For centering text messages * / SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); x = getmaxx () / 2; y = getmaxy () / 2; / * Loop through the available colors * / For (BKCOL = 0; BKCOL <= MaxColor; BKCOL ) { / * Clear the screen * / ClearDevice (); / * SELECT A New Background Color * / SetBkcolor (BKCOL); / * OUTPUT A MESSSAGE * / IF (bkcol == white) SetColor (EGA_BLUE); Sprintf (MSG, "Background Color:% D", BKCOL); OutTextxy (X, Y, MSG); Getch (); } / * Clean Up * / Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setblock Function: Modify the size of the previously allocated DOS storage segment Usage: int setBlock (int SEG, INT newsize); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { Unsigned int size, segp; Int stat; Size = 64; / * (64 x 16) = 1024 BYTES * / Stat = allocmem (size, & segp); IF (Stat == -1) Printf ("Allocated Memory At Segment:% x / n", segp); Else { Printf ("Failed: Maximum Number Of Paragraphs Available IS% D / N", STAT); Exit (1); } Stat = setblock (segp, size * 2); IF (stat == -1) Printf ("Expanded Memory Block At Segment:% x / n", segp); Else Printf ("Failed: Maximum Number Of Paragraphs Available IS% D / N", STAT); FreeMem (segp); Return 0; } Function name: setbuf Function: Associate the buffer with flow Usage: Void SetBuf (File * Steam, Char * BUF); Example: #include / * Bufsiz is defined in stdio.h * / Char outbuf [bufsiz]; Int main (void) { / * Attach a buffer to the standard output stream * / SetBUF (stdout, outbuf); / * Put Some Characters INTO The Buffer * / PUTS ("This Is A Test of Buffered Output./N"); PUTS ("This Output Will Go Into Outbuf / N"); PUTS ("And Won't Appear Until The Buffer / N); PUTS ("Fills Up or We Flush The Stream./N"); / * Flush the output buffer * / Fflush (stdout); Return 0; } Function name: setcbrk Function: Set Control-Break Usage: int setcbrk (int value); Example: #include #include #include Int main (void) { INT BREAK_FLAG; Printf ("Enter 0 to Turn Control Break Off / N"); Printf ("Enter 1 To Turn Control Break ON / N); Break_flag = getCH () - 0; SetcBrk (Break_flag); IF (getcbrk ()) Printf ("CNTRL-BRK FLAG IS ON / N"); Else Printf ("CNTRL-BRK FLAG IS OFF / N"); Return 0; } Function name: setColor Function: Set the current line color Usage: Void Far SetColor (int color); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * SELECT A Driver and Mode That Supports * / / * MULTIPLE DRAWING Colors. * / INT GDRIVER = EGA, GMODE = Egahi, ErrorCode; Int Color, MaxColor, X, Y; Char msg [80]; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } / * Maximum color index supported * / MaxColor = getMaxcolor (); / * For centering text messages * / SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); x = getmaxx () / 2; y = getmaxy () / 2; / * Loop through the available colors * / For (Color = 1; Color <= maxColor; Color ) { / * Clear the screen * / ClearDevice (); / * SELECT A New Background Color * / SetColor (Color); / * OUTPUT A MESSSAGE * / Sprintf (MSG, "Color:% D", Color; OutTextxy (X, Y, MSG); Getch (); } / * Clean Up * / Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setdate Finance: Set DOS Date Usage: void setdate (struct date * dateblk); Example: #include #include #include Int main (void) { Struct Date Reset; Struct Date Save_Date; Getdate (& Save_Date); Printf ("Original Date: / N"); System ("Date"); RESET.DA_YEAR = 2001; RESET.DA_DAY = 1; RESET.DA_MON = 1; SetDate (& Reset); Printf ("DATE AFTER SETTING: / N"); System ("Date"); SetDate; & Save_Date; Printf ("Back to Original Date: / N"); System ("Date"); Return 0; } Function name: setDisk Function: Set the current disk drive Usage: int setDisk (int drive); Example: #include #include { Int Save, Disk, Disks; / * Save Original Drive * / Save = getDisk (); / * Print Number of Logic Drives * / Disks = setDisk (save); Printf ("% D Logical Drives On The System / N / N", Disks); / * Print The Drive Letters Available * / Printf ("Available Drives: / N"); For (Disk = 0; Disk <26; DISK) { SetDisk (Disk); IF (Disk == getDisk ()) Printf ("% C: Drive is Available / N", Disk 'A'); } SetDisk (Save); Return 0; } Function name: setdta Features: Set the disk transfer area address Usage: Void Setdta (Char Far * DTA); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { CHAR LINE [80], FAR * SAVE_DTA; CHAR BUFFER [256] = "setdta test!"; Struct FCB BLK; Int result; / * Get new file name from user * / Printf ("Enter A File Name to Create:"); Gets (line); / * Parse the new file name to the dta * / PARSFNM (Line, & BLK, 1); Printf ("% D% S / N", BLK.FCB_DRIVE, BLK.FCB_NAME); / * Request dos Services to create file * / IF (BDoSPTR (0x16, & BLK, 0) == -1) { "" "ERROR CREANG FILE"); Exit (1); } / * Save Old DTA and SET New DTA * / Save_dta = getdta (); Setda (buffer); / * Write new records * / BLK.FCB_RECSIZE = 256; BLK.FCB_Random = 0L; Result = RANDBWR (& BLK, 1); Printf ("Result =% D / N", Result; IF (! result) Printf ("Write OK / N"); Else { PERROR ("Disk Error"); Exit (1); } / * Request DOS Services to Close THE FILE * / IF (BDOSPTR (0x10, & BLK, 0) == -1) { "" ERROR Closing File "); Exit (1); } / * RESET the OLD DTA * / SetDA (Save_DTA); Return 0; } Function Name: SetFillPatterN function: Select user-defined fill mode Usage: Void Far setfillPattern (Char Far * Upattern, Int Color); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE Int Maxx, Maxy; / * A user defined film Pattern * / Char pattern [8] = {0x00, 0x70, 0x20, 0x27, 0x24, 0x24, 0x07, 0x00}; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } Maxx = getmaxx (); MAXY = getMaxy (); SetColor (GetMaxColor ()); / * SELECT A User Defined Fill Pattern * / SetFillPattern (Pattern, getmaxcolor ()); / * Fill the screen with the pattern * / BAR (0, 0, Maxx, Maxy); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setfillstyle Function: Set the padding mode and color Usage: Void Far SetFillStyle (int pattern, int color); Example: #include #include #include #include #include / * The names of the weight styles supported * / Char * fname [] = {"EMPTY_FILL", "Solid_Fill", "LINE_FILL", "LTSLASH_FILL", "Slash_Fill", "BKSLASH_FILL", "LTBKSLASH_FILL", "Hatch_fill", "Xhatch_fill", "Interleave_fill", "WIDE_DOT_FILL", "Close_dot_fill", "User_fill" } Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ErrorCode Int Style, MIDX, Midy; Char StyleStr [40]; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } MIDX = getmaxx () / 2; Midy = getmaxy () / 2; For (Style = Empty_Fill; Style { / * SELECT the FILL STYLE * / SetFillStyle (Style, getmaxcolor ()); / * Convert Style Into A String * / STRCPY (Stylestr, FName [style]); / * Fill a bar * / BAR3D (0, 0, MIDX-10, MIDY, 0, 0); / * OUTPUT A Message * / OutTextxy (MIDX, Midy, StyleStr); / * Wait for a key * / Getch (); ClearDevice (); } / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setftime Finance: set file date and time Usage: int setftime (int Handle, Struct ftime * ftimep); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { Struct ftime file; File * fp; IF ((fp = fopen ("Test. $$$", "w")) == NULL) { PERROR ("Error:"); Exit (1); } FPRINTF (FP, "Testing ... / N"); / * Load ftime structure with new time and date * / Filet.ft_tsec = 1; FILET.FT_MIN = 1; Filet.ft_Hour = 1; Filet.ft_day = 1; FILET.FT_MONTH = 1; FILET.FT_YEAR = 21; / * Show Current Directory for Time and Date * / System ("Dir Test. $$$"); / * Change the time and date stamp * / SetFTIME (Fileno (FP), & Filet); / * Close And Remove The Temporary File * / Fclose (FP); System ("Dir Test. $$$"); Unlink ("Test. $$$"); Return 0; } Function name: setgraphbufsize Function: Change the size of the internal graphics buffer Usage: UNSIGNED FAR setgraphbufsize (unsigned buffsize); Example: #include #include #include #include #define bufsize 1000 / * Internal Graphics Buffer Size * / Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE INT X, Y, Oldsize; Char msg [80]; / * SET the size of the interfacel graphics buffer * / / * Before Making a call to initgraph. * / Oldsize = setgraphbufsize (bufsize); / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } x = getmaxx () / 2; y = getmaxy () / 2; / * OUTPUT SOME Messages * / Sprintf (MSG, "Graphics Buffer Size:% D", BUFSIZE SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); OutTextxy (X, Y, MSG); Sprintf (MSG, "Old Graphics Buffer Size:% D", OldSize); Outtextxy (x, y textheight ("w"), MSG); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setgraphmode Function: set the system into graphics mode and clear screen Usage: Void Far setgraphmode (int M); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE INT X, Y; / * Initialize Graphics and local variables * / initgraph (& gdriver, & gmode, ""); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } x = getmaxx () / 2; y = getmaxy () / 2; / * OUTPUT A Message * / SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); Outtextxy (X, Y, "Press Any Key to EXIT Graphics:"); Getch (); / * RESTORE SYSTEM to TEXT MODE * / RestoreCRTMode (); Printf ("We're now in text mode./n); Printf ("Press Any Key to Return to Graphics Mode:"); Getch (); / * Return to graphics mode * / Setgraphmode (GETGRAPHMODE ()); / * OUTPUT A Message * / SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); OutTextxy (X, Y, "We're Back in graphics mode."); Outtextxy (x, y textheight ("w"), "Press any key to halt:"); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; }