Function name: setjmp
Function: non-local transfer
Usage: int setJMP (JMP_BUF ENV);
Void Subroutine (Void);
JMP_buf jumper;
Int main (void)
Int value;
Value = setjmp (jumper);
IF (value! = 0)
Printf ("Longjmp with Value% D / N", Value);
exit (value);
Printf ("About to Call Subroutine ... / N");
Subroutine ();
Return 0;
Void Subroutine (Void)
Longjmp (Jumper, 1);
Function name: SetLinesTyle
Function: Set the current line width and type
Usage: Void Far SetLinesTyle (int Linestype, unsigned Upattern);
/ * The names of the line style supported * /
Char * lname [] = {
Int main (void)
/ * Request Auto Detection * /
Int Style, MIDX, Midy, Userpat;
Char StyleStr [40];
/ * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * /
INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, ");
/ * Read Result of Initization * /
ErrorCode = graphresult ();
IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * /
Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode));
Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:");
Getch ();
EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * /
MIDX = getmaxx () / 2;
Midy = getmaxy () / 2;
/ * A user defined line pattern * /
/ * Binary: "0000000000000001" * /
Userpat = 1;
For (Style = Solid_Line; Style <= Userbit_Line; Style )
/ * SELECT The line style * /
SetLinesTyle (Style, UserPat, 1);
/ * Convert Style Into a string * / strcpy (stylestr, lname [style]);
/ * Draw a line * /
LINE (0, 0, MIDX-10, Midy);
/ * Draw a rectangle * /
Rectangle (0, 0, getmaxx (), getmaxy ());
/ * OUTPUT A Message * /
OutTextxy (MIDX, Midy, StyleStr);
/ * Wait for a key * /
Getch ();
ClearDevice ();
/ * Clean Up * /
Closegraph ();
Return 0;
Function name: setmem
Function: save the value to the storage area
Usage: void setmem (void * addr, int Len, char value);
Int main (void)
Char * DEST;
Dest = Calloc (21, SIZEOF (CHAR));
SetMem (DEST, 20, 'C');
Printf ("% s / n", dest);
Return 0;
Function name: setmode
Function: Setting Open File Mode
Usage: int setmode (int Handle, unsigned mode);
Int main (void)
Int result;
Result = setmode (fileno (stdprn), o_text);
IF (result == -1)
PERROR ("Mode Not Available / N);
Printf ("Mode SuccessFully Switch / N");
Return 0;
Function name: setPalette
Function: Change the color of the palette
Usage: Void Far SetPalette (int index, int actural_color);
Int main (void)
/ * Request Auto Detection * /
INT Color, MaxColor, HT;
INT Y = 10;
Char msg [80];
/ * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * /
INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, ");
/ * Read Result of Initization * /
ErrorCode = graphresult ();
IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * /
Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode));
Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:");
Getch ();
EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * /}
MaxColor = getMaxcolor ();
HT = 2 * textheight ("w");
/ * Display the default colors * /
For (Color = 1; Color <= maxColor; Color )
SetColor (Color);
Sprintf (MSG, "Color:% D", Color;
Outtextxy (1, y, msg);
Y = HT;
/ * Wait for a key * /
Getch ();
/ * Black out the colors one by one * /
For (Color = 1; Color <= maxColor; Color )
SetPalette (Color, Black);
Getch ();
/ * Clean Up * /
Closegraph ();
Return 0;
Function name: setRGBPALETTE
Function: Define the color of the IBM8514 graphics card
Usage: Void Far SetRGBpalette (int color, int red, int wh, int blue);
Int main (void)
/ * SELECT A Driver and Mode That Supports the Use * /
/ * Of the setrgbpalette function. * /
Struct PaletType Pal;
/ * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * /
INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, ");
/ * Read Result of Initization * /
ErrorCode = graphresult ();
IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * /
Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode));
Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:");
Getch ();
EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * /
GetPalette (& PAL);
For (i = 0; i SetRGBPALETTE (Pal.colors [i], i * 4, i * 4, i * 4); / * DISPLAY THE SCALE * / HT = getmaxy () / 16; XMAX = getmaxx (); y = 0; For (i = 0; i { SetFillStyle (Solid_Fill, i); BAR (0, Y, Xmax, Y HT); Y = HT; } / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setTextJustify Function: Setting the text alignment for graphic functions Usage: Void Far SetTextJustify (int horiz, int value); Example: #include #include #include #include / * Function prototype * / Void XAT (int X, int y); / * Horizontal Text Justification Settings * / Char * hjust [] = {"left_text", "Center_text", "Right_Text" } / * Vertical Text Justification Settings * / Char * vjust [] = {"left_text", "Center_text", "Right_Text" } Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE Int Midx, Midy, HJ, VJ; Char msg [80]; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } MIDX = getmaxx () / 2; Midy = getmaxy () / 2; / * Loop through text justifications * / For (hj = left_text; hj <= right_text; hj ) FOR (vj = left_text; vj <= right_text; vj ) { ClearDevice (); / * SET the text justification * / SetTextJustify (HJ, VJ); / * CREATE A Message String * / Sprintf (MSG, "% S% S", hjust [hj], vjust [vj]); / * CREATE CROSS Hairs on the screen * / XAT (MIDX, MIDY); / * OUTPUT the Message * / OutTextxy (MIDX, MIDY, MSG); Getch (); } / * Clean Up * / Closegraph (); Return 0; } / * DRAW AN "X" AT (x, y) * / Void XAT (int X, int y) { LINE (X-4, Y, X 4, Y); LINE (x, y-4, x, y 4); } Function name: setTextStyle Function: Sets the current text attribute for graphic output Usage: Void Far setTextStyle (int Font, int Direction, char size); Example: #include #include #include #include / * The names of the text styles supported * / Char * fname [] = {"Default Font", "Triplex Font", "Small Font", "Sans Serif Font", "Gothic Font" } Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE Int Style, MIDX, Midy; INT size = 1; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } MIDX = getmaxx () / 2; Midy = getmaxy () / 2; SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); / * Loop through the available text styles * / FOR (Style = default_font; style <= gothic_font; style ) { ClearDevice (); IF (Style == Triplex_Font) SIZE = 4; / * SELECT The text style * / SetTextStyle (style, horiz_dir, size); / * OUTPUT A Message * / Outtextxy (MIDX, Midy, Fname [style]); Getch (); } / * Clean Up * / Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setTextStyle Function: Sets the current text attribute for graphic output Usage: Void Far setTextStyle (int Font, int Direction, char size); Example: #include #include #include #include / * The names of the text styles supported * / Char * fname [] = {"Default Font", "Triplex Font", "Small Font", "Sans Serif Font", "Gothic Font" } Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE Int Style, MIDX, Midy; INT size = 1; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } MIDX = getmaxx () / 2; Midy = getmaxy () / 2; SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); / * Loop through the available text styles * / FOR (Style = default_font; style <= gothic_font; style ) { ClearDevice (); IF (Style == Triplex_Font) SIZE = 4; / * SELECT The text style * / SetTextStyle (style, horiz_dir, size); / * OUTPUT A Message * / Outtextxy (MIDX, Midy, Fname [style]); Getch (); } / * Clean Up * / Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: Settime Function: Setting the system time Usage: Void SetTime (struct time * timep); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Struct Time T; GetTime (& T); Printf ("THE CURRENT Minute IS:% D / N", T.Ti_min); Printf ("Tha Current Hour IS:% D / N", T.Ti_Hour; Printf ("THE CURRENT HUNDREDTH OF A Second IS:% D / N", T.TI_HUND); Printf ("THE Current Second IS:% D / N", T.Ti_Sec); / * Add one to the minutes strunt element and then call settime * / T.TI_MIN ; SetTime (& T); Return 0; } Function name: SetuserCharsize Function: Change the character width and height for vector font Usage: Void Far Setusercharsize (int Multx, Int Dirx, Int Multy, INT DIRY); #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * Request Autodetection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } / * SELECT A TEXTSTYLE * / SetTextStyle (Triplex_Font, Horiz_Dir, 4); / * Move to the text starting position * / MoveTo (0, getmaxy () / 2); / * OUTPUT SOME NORMAL TEXT * / OutText ("NORM"); / * Make the text 1/3 The Normal Width * / Setusercharsize (1, 3, 1, 1); OutText ("Short"); / * Make The Text 3 Times Normal Width * / SetuserCharsize (3, 1, 1, 1); OutText ("Wide"); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setvbuf Function: Touch the buffer with the stream Usage: int setvbuf (File * Stream, Char * BUF, INT TYPE, Unsigned size Example: #include Int main (void) { File * Input, * Output; Char bufr [512]; Input = fopen ("", "R B"); Output = fopen ("File.out", "W"); / * SET UP INPUT Stream for Minimal Disk Access, USING OUR OWN Character Buffer * / IF (setvbuf (Input, bufr, _iofbf, 512)! = 0) Printf ("Failed to Set Up Buffer For Input File / N"); Else Printf ("Buffer Set Up for Input File / N); / * SET UP OUTPUT STREAM for Line Buffering Using Space Thatwill Be Obtained THROUGH AN Indirect Call To Malloc * / IF (setput, null, _iolbf, 132)! = 0) Printf ("Failed to Set Up Buffer for Output File / N"); Else Printf ("Buffer Set Up for Output File / N); / * Perform file I / o here * / / * Close Files * / Fclose (INPUT); Fclose (OUTPUT); Return 0; } Function name: setVect Function: Setting the interrupt vector entrance Usage: void setvect (int INTR_NUM, VOID INTERRUPT (* ISR) ()); Example: / *** Note: This is an interrupt service routine. You can not compile h Program with test stack overflow turned on and get an executable File Which Will Operate Correctly. * / #include #include #include #define INTR 0x1C / * The Clock Tick Interrupt * / Void Interrupt (* OldHandler) (Void); INT count = 0; Void Interrupt Handler (Void) { / * Increase the global counter * / COUNT ; / * Call the Old Routine * / OldHandler (); } Int main (void) { / * Save the old interrupt vector * / OldHandler = GetVect (INTR); / * Install the new interface interrupt handler * / SetVect (INTR, HANDLER); / * Loop Until The counter Exceeds 20 * / While (count <20) Printf ("COUNT IS% D / N", Count; / * RESET the old interrupt handler * / SetVect (INTR, OLDHANDLER); Return 0; } Function name: setverify Function: Set the verification status Usage: void setver (int value); Example: #include #include #include Int main (void) { INT Verify_flag; Printf ("Enter 0 TO Set Verify Flag Off / N"); Printf ("Enter 1 TO Set Verify Flag ON / N); Verify_flag = getCH () - 0; Setverify (Verify_flag); IF (getverify ()) Printf ("DOS VERIFY FLAG IS ON / N); Else Printf ("DOS VERIFY FLAG IS OFF / N"); RETURN 0; } Function name: setViewPort Function: Set the current viewport for the graphic output Usage: Void Far SetViewPort (int LEFT, INT TOP, INT RIGHT, INT bottom, int clipflag; Example: #include #include #include #include #define clip_on 1 / * Activates Clipping in ViewPort * / Int main (void) { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } SetColor (GetMaxColor ()); / * Message in default full-screen viewport * / Outtextxy (0, 0, "* <- (0, 0) in Default ViewPort"); / * CREATE A SMALLER ViewPort * / SetViewPort (50, 50, getmaxx () - 50, getmaxy () - 50, clip_on; / * Display Some Text * / Outtextxy (0, 0, "* <- (0, 0) in smaller viewport"); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setvisualpage Function: Setting the visible graphics page number Usage: Void Far setvisualPage (int Pagenum); Example: #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { / * SELECT A Driver and Mode That Supports * / / * MULTIPLE PAGES. * / INT GDRIVER = EGA, GMODE = Egahi, ErrorCode; INT X, Y, HT; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } x = getmaxx () / 2; y = getmaxy () / 2; HT = Textheight ("W"); / * SELECT The Off Screen Page for Drawing * / SetActivePage (1); / * Draw a line on page # 1 * / Line (0, 0, getmaxx (), getmaxy ()); / * Output a message on page # 1 * / SetTextJustify (center_text, center_text); Outtextxy (x, y, "this is page # 1:"); Outtextxy (x, y ht, "press any key to halt:"); / * SELECT DRAWING to Page # 0 * / SetActivePage (0); / * OUTPUT A Message on Page # 0 * / OutTextxy (x, y, "this is page # 0."); Outtextxy (x, y HT, "Press Any Key to View Page # 1:"); Getch (); / * SELECT Page # 1 as the visible page * / SetvisualPage (1); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: setwritemode Features: Set the output mode of the drawing line of the graphics mode Usage: Void Far Setwritemode (int M); Example: #include #include #include #include int main () { / * Request Auto Detection * / INT GDRIVER = Detect, Gmode, ERRORCODE INT XMAX, YMAX; / * Initialize Graphics and Local Variables * / INITGRAPH (& GDriver, & gmode, "); / * Read Result of Initization * / ErrorCode = graphresult (); IF (ErrorCode! = GROK) / * an error occurred * / { Printf ("Graphics Error:% S / N", GrapherrorMsg (ErrorCode)); Printf ("Press Any Key to Halt:"); Getch (); EXIT (1); / * Terminate with an error code * / } XMAX = getmaxx (); YMAX = getMaxy (); / * SELECT XOR DRAWING MODE * / Setwritemode (XOR_PUT); / * Draw a line * / line (0, 0, xmax, ymax); Getch (); / * Erase the line by Drawing over it * / LINE (0, 0, Xmax, Ymax); Getch (); / * SELECT OVERWRITE DRAWING MODE * / Setwritemode (COPY_PUT); / * Draw a line * / LINE (0, 0, Xmax, Ymax); / * Clean Up * / Getch (); Closegraph (); Return 0; } Function name: Signal Function: Set the corresponding action of a signal Usage: int Signal (int Sig, Sigfun FNAME); Example: / * This Example Installs A Signal Handler Routine for SIGFPE, Catches an integer overflow condition, makes an adjustment TO AX Register, And Returns. This Example Program May Cause Your Computer To Crash, And Will Produce Runtime ErrorS Depending on Which Memory Model is used. * / #pragma inline #include #include Void Catcher (int Sig, int Type, int * reglist) { Printf ("caught it! / n"); * (Reglist 8) = 3; / * make returna = 3 * / } Int main (void) { Signal (SIGFPE, CATCHER); ASM MOV AX, 07FFFH / * AX = 32767 * / ASM INC AX / * Cause overflow * / ASM INTO / * ACTIVATE HANDLER * / / * The Handler Set Ax To 3 on Return. If That Hadn't Happened, There Would Have Been Another Exception When the next 'inTo' WAS EXECUTED AFTER THE 'DEC' INSTRUCTION. * / ASM DEC AX / * No Overflow Now * / ASM INTO / * DOESN'T ACTIVATE * / Return 0; } Function name: sin Function: sinusoidal function Usage: Double Sin (double x); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Double Result, x = 0.5; Result = sin (x); Printf ("The sin () of% LF IS% LF / N", X, Result); Return 0; } Function name: sinh Function: Double Sinusoidal Function Usage: Double Sinh (Double X); Example: #include #include { Double Result, x = 0.5; Result = sinh (x); Printf ("" The HyperBolic sin () OF% LF IS% LF / N ", X, Result); Return 0; } Function name: SLEEP Dynamic: Perform a pending period Usage: Unsigned Sleep (unsigned seconds); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { INT I; For (i = 1; i <5; i ) { Printf ("Sleeping for% D Seconds / N", i); Sleep (i); } Return 0; } Function name: Sopen Function: Open a share of the file Usage: int sithname, int access, int shflag, int permiss; Example: #include #include #include #include #include #include Int main (void) { INT HANDLE; Int status; Handle = Sopen ("c: //autoexec.bat", o_rdonly, sh_denyno, s_iread); IF (! Handle) { Printf ("Sopen Failed / N"); Exit (1); } Status = Access ("c: //autoexec.bat", 6); IF (status == 0) Printf ("Read / Write Access ALLOWED / N); Else Printf ("Read / Write Access Not ALOWED / N); Close (Handle); Return 0; }