Function name: Sound
Function: Open the PC speaker with a specified frequency
Usage: Void Sound (Unsigned Frequency);
/ * Emits a 7-Hz Tone for 10 seconds.
Your PC May Not Be Able To Emit A 7-Hz Tone. * /
Int main (void)
Sound (7);
DELAY (10000);
Nosound ();
Return 0;
Function name: spawnl
Function: Create and run a subscriber
Usage: int spawnl (int mode, char * pathname, char * arg0,
Arg1, ... argn, null;
Int main (void)
Int result;
Result = spawnl (p_wait, "tcc.exe", null;
IF (result == -1)
Perror ("Error from Spawnl";
Exit (1);
Return 0;
Function Name: Spawnle
Function: Create and run a subscriber
Usage: int Spawnle (int MODE, Char * Pathname, Char * Arg0,
Arg1, ..., argn, null;
/ * Spawnle () esample * /
Int main (void)
Int result;
Result = SPAWNLE (p_wait, "tcc.exe", null, null;
IF (result == -1)
Perror ("Error from Spawnle";
Exit (1);
Return 0;
Function name: Sprintf
Function: send formatted output to string
Usage: int sprintf (char * string, char * farmat [, argument, ...]);
Int main (void)
Char buffer [80];
Sprintf (Buffer, "An Approximation Of PI IS% F / N", M_PI);
Return 0;
Function name: SQRT
Function: calculate the square root
Usage: Double SQRT (Double X);
Int main (void)
Double x = 4.0, result;
Result = SQRT (X);
Printf ("The Square Root OF% LF IS% LF / N", X, Result;
Return 0;
Function name: SRAND
Function: Initializing the random number generator
Usage: Void Srand (unsigned seed);
Time_t t;
SRAND (& T);
Printf ("Ten Random Numbers from 0 to 99 / N / N");
For (i = 0; i <10; i )
Printf ("% D / N", RAND ()% 100);
Return 0;
Function name: SSCANF
Function: Perform formatting input from strings
Usage: int Sscanf (Char * string, char * format [, argument, ...];
Int main (void)
Char label [20];
Char Name [20];
INT entries = 0;
Int loop, agn;
Double Salry;
Struct Entry_Struct
Char Name [20];
Int agec;
Float Salry;
Entry [20];
/ * Input a label as a string of characters restricting to 20 characters * /
Printf ("/ N / N / NPLEASE ENTER A Label for the Chart:");
Scanf ("% 20s", Label;
Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * /
/ * Input Number of Entries as an inTeger * /
Printf ("How Many Entries Will there be? (Less Than 20)");
Scanf ("% d", & entries);
Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * /
/ * Input a name restricting input to only letters upper or limited number * /
For (loop = 0; loop { Printf ("Entry% D / N", LOOP; Printf ("Name:"); Scanf ("% [A-ZA-Z]", Entry [loop] .name; Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * / / * Input an agent AGE as an integer * / Printf ("Age:"); Scanf ("% D", & Entry [loop] .age); Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * / / * Input a Salary as a float * / Printf ("Salary:"); Scanf ("% f", & entry [loop] .salary); Fflush (stdin); / * flush the input stream in case of bad input * / } / * INPUT A Name, Age and Salary As a string, integer, and double * / printf ("/ nplease enter your name, agn and sales / n"); Scanf ("% 20S% D% LF", Name, & Age, & Salary; / * Print Out the Data That Was Input * / Printf ("/ N / NTABLE% S / N", Label); Printf ("Compiled BY% S AGE% D $% 15.2LF / N", Name, AGE, SALARY); Printf ("--------------------------------------------- ------ / n "); For (loop = 0; loop Printf ("% 4D |% -20S |% 5D |% 15.2LF / N", LOOP 1, Entry [loop] .name, Entry [loop] .age, Entry [loop] .salary; Printf ("--------------------------------------------- ------ / n "); Return 0; } Function name: Stat Function: Read Open File Information Usage: int Stat (char * pathname, struct stat * buff); Example: #include #include #include #define filename "Test. $$$" Int main (void) { Struct stat statbuf; File * stream; / * Open a file for update * / IF ((stream = fopen (filename, "w ")) == NULL) { FPRINTF (stderr, "cannot open output file./n"); Return (1); } / * GET Information about the file * / Stat (filename, & statbuf); Fclose (stream); / * Display the information returned * / IF (StatBuf.st_Mode & S_IFCHR) Printf ("Handle Refers to A Device./N"); IF (statbuf.st_mode & s_ifreg) Printf ("Handle Refers to An ORDINARY FILE./N"); IF (statbuf.st_mode & s_iread) Printf ("User Has Read Permission on File./N"); IF (statbuf.st_mode & s_iwrite) Printf ("User Has Write Permission on File./N"); Printf ("Drive Letter Of File:% C / N", 'A' Statbuf.st_Dev); Printf ("Size of File in Bytes:% ld / n", statbuf.st_size); Printf ("Time File Last Opened:% S / N", CTIME (& statbuf.st_ctime); Return 0; } Function name: _STATUS87 Function: Take floating point status Usage: unsigned int _status87 (void); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Float x; Double y = 1.5e-100; Printf ("Status 87 Before Error:% X / N", _status87 ()); X = Y; / * <- force an error to occur * / y = x; Printf ("Status 87 after Error:% X / N", _status87 ()); Return 0; } Function name: Stime Function: Setting time Usage: int Stime (long * tp); Example: #include #include #include Int main (void) { Time_t t; StructTM * area; T = Time (NULL); Area = localtime (& t); Printf ("NUMBER OF Seconds Since 1/1/1970 IS: LD / N", T); Printf ("Local Time IS:% S", ASCTIME (Area)); T ; Area = localtime (& t); Printf ("Add A Second:% S", ASCTIME (Area)); T = 60; Area = localtime (& t); Printf ("Add A Minute:% S", ASCTIME (Area)); T = 3600; Area = localtime (& t); Printf ("Add AN Hour:% S", Asctime (Area)); T = 86400L; Area = localtime (& t); Printf ("Add A Day:% S", ASCTIME (Area)); T = 2592000L; Area = localtime (& t); Printf ("Add A Month:% S", ASCTIME (Area)); T = 31536000L; Area = localtime (& t); Printf ("Add A Year:% S", ASCTIME (Area)); Return 0; } Function Name: STPCPY Function: Copy a string to another Usage: char * stpcpy (char * destin, char * source); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char string [10]; Char * str1 = "abcdefghi"; STPCPY (String, Str1); Printf ("% s / n", string); Return 0; } Function Name: STRCAT Function: string splicing function Usage: Char * Strcat (Char * Destin, Char * SOURCE); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { CHAR DESTINATION [25]; Char * blank = "", * c = "c ", * borland = "borland"; STRCPY (Destination, Borland); STRCAT (DESTINATION, Blank); STRCAT (DESTINATION, C); Printf ("% s / n", destination; Return 0; } Function Name: STRCHR Function: Find the first match of the given character in a string / Usage: char * str, char C); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { CHAR STRING [15]; CHAR * PTR, C = 'R'; STRCPY (String, "This Is A String"); PTR = Strchr (String, C); IF (PTR) Printf ("THE CHARACTER% C IS At Position:% D / N", C, PTR-String); Else Printf ("THE Character Was Not Found / N); Return 0; } Function name: strcmp Function: string comparison Usage: int strcmp (char * str1, char * STR2); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buf1 = "aaa", * buf2 = "bbb", * buf3 = "ccc"; int PTR; PTR = strcmp (buf2, buf1); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 1 / N"); Else Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 1 / N"); PTR = strcmp (buf2, buf3); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 3 / N"); Else Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 3 / N"); Return 0; } Function name: Strncmpi Function: Compares part of a string with another string, regardless of case Usage: int Strncmpi (Char * STR1, CHAR * STR2, UNSIGNED MAXLEN) Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buf1 = "bbb", * buf2 = "bbb"; int PTR; PTR = Strcmpi (buf2, buf1); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 1 / N"); if (Ptr <0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR == 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 Equals Buffer 1 / N"); Return 0; } Function name: STRCPY Function: String copy Usage: char * strcpy (char * str1, char * STR2); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char string [10]; Char * str1 = "abcdefghi"; STRCPY (String, Str1); Printf ("% s / n", string); Return 0; } Function name: strcspn Function: Find the first segment of the first given character set content in the string Usage: int StRCSPN (Char * STR1, CHAR * STR2); Example: #include #include #include Int main (void) { Char * String1 = "1234567890"; CHAR * STRING2 = "747dc8"; Int length; Length = strcspn (string1, string2); Printf ("Character WHERE STRINGS INTERSECT IS AT POSITION% D / N", Length); Return 0; } Function name: strDup Function: copy the string to the new location Usage: char * strdup (char * STR); Example: #include #include #include Int main (void) { Char * dup_str, * string = "abcde"; DUP_STR = STRDUP (STRING); Printf ("% S / N", DUP_STR); Free (DUP_STR); Return 0; } Function name: Stricmp Dynamic: Two strings are compared in case sensitive mode Usage: int StricsP (Char * STR1, CHAR * STR2); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buf1 = "bbb", * buf2 = "bbb"; int PTR; PTR = Stricmp (buf2, buf1); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR <0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR == 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 Equals Buffer 1 / N"); Return 0; } Function name: strerror Function: Returns a pointer to the error message string Usage: char * strerror (int errnum); #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buffer; Buffer = strerror (errno); Printf ("Error:% S / N", Buffer; Return 0; } Function name: strcmpi Function: Write a string with another, regardless of case Usage: int strcmpi (char * str1, char * STR2); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buf1 = "bbb", * buf2 = "bbb"; int PTR; PTR = Strcmpi (buf2, buf1); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR <0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR == 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 Equals Buffer 1 / N"); Return 0; } Function Name: Strncmp Function: string comparison Usage: int strncmp (char * str1, char * str2, int maxlen); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buf1 = "aaabbb", * buf2 = "bbbccc", * buf3 = "ccc"; int PTR; PTR = Strncmp (BUF2, BUF1, 3); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 1 / N"); Else Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 1 / N"); PTR = Strncmp (buf2, buf3, 3); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 3 / N"); Else Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 3 / N"); Return (0); } Function name: Strncmpi Dynamic: Compares part of the string with the other string, regardless of case Usage: int strncmpi (char * str1, char * STR2); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buf1 = "bbbccc", * buf2 = "bbbccc"; int PTR; PTR = Strncmpi (buf2, buf1, 3); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR <0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR == 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 Equals Buffer 1 / N"); Return 0; } Function name: STRNCPY Function: String copy Usage: char * STRNCPY (Char * Destin, Char * Source, Int Maxlen); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char string [10]; Char * str1 = "abcdefghi"; STRNCPY (String, STR1, 3); String [3] = '/ 0'; Printf ("% s / n", string); Return 0; } Function name: strnicmp Function: Do not pay attention to comparing two strings in small writing Usage: int Strnicmp (Char * STR1, Char * STR2, UNSIGNED MAXLEN); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * buf1 = "bbbccc", * buf2 = "bbbccc"; int PTR; PTR = Strnicmp (BUF2, BUF1, 3); IF (PTR> 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Greater Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR <0) Printf ("Buffer 2 IS Less Than Buffer 1 / N"); IF (PTR == 0) Printf ("Buffer 2 Equals Buffer 1 / N"); Return 0; } Function name: strnset Function: Set all characters in a string to specified characters Usage: char * str, char * STR, CHAR CH, UNSIGNED N); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * string = "AbcdefghijklmnopqrStuvwxyz"; Char letter = 'x'; Printf ("String Before Strnset:% S / N", String); Strnset (String, Letter, 13); Printf ("String After Strnset:% S / N", String); Return 0; } Function name: strpbrk Function: Find characters in the gauge set in the string Usage: char * strpbrk (char * str1, char * STR2); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * string1 = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; Char * string2 = "M"; Char * PTR; PTR = strpbrk (string1, string2); IF (PTR) Printf ("StrPBRK Found First Character:% C / N", * PTR); Else Printf ("StrPBRK Didn't Find Character In Set / N"); Return 0; } Function name: STRRCHR Function: Find the last appearance of the specified character in the string Usage: char * STRCHR (Char * Str, CHAR C); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { CHAR STRING [15]; CHAR * PTR, C = 'R'; STRCPY (String, "This Is A String"); PTR = Strrchr (String, C); IF (PTR) Printf ("THE CHARACTER% C IS At Position:% D / N", C, PTR-String); Else Printf ("THE Character Was Not Found / N); Return 0; } Function Name: Strrev Function: Usage: char * strrev (char * STR); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * forward = "string"; Printf ("Before StrRev ():% S / N", Forward); Strrev (Forward); Printf ("After Strrev ():% S / N", Forward); Return 0; } Function name: strset Function: Set all characters in a string to specified characters Usage: char * str, char C); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { CHAR STRING [10] = "123456789"; CHAR SYMBOL = 'c'; Printf ("Before StRSET ():% S / N", String); StRSET (String, Symbol); Printf ("After StRSET ():% S / N", String); Return 0; } Function name: strspn Function: Find the first appearance of the subset of the specified character set in the string Usage: int StRSPN (Char * STR1, CHAR * STR2); Example: #include #include #include Int main (void) { Char * String1 = "1234567890"; Char * string2 = "123dc8"; Int length; Length = strspn (String1, String2); Printf ("Character WHERE STRINGS DIFFER IS AT POSITION% D / N", Length); Return 0; } Function name: strstr Function: Find the first appearance of the specified string in the string Usage: char * strstr (char * str1, char * STR2); Example: #include #include INT main (void) { Char * str1 = "borland international", * str2 = "nation", * PTR; PTR = strs (str1, str2); Printf ("THE SUBSTRING IS:% S / N", PTR); Return 0; } Function name: Strtod Function: Convert strings to Double type values Usage: Double Strtod (Char * Str, Char ** Endptr); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { CHAR INPUT [80], * ENDPTR Double Value; Printf ("Enter A Floating Point Number:"); Gets (Input); Value = strtod (Input, & Endptr); Printf ("THE STRING IS% S The Number IS% LF / N", Input, Value; Return 0; } Function name: STRTOK Function: Find the words separated by the divided division in the second string Usage: char * str1, char * STR2); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { CHAR INPUT [16] = "ABC, D"; Char * p; / * STRTOK Places A Null Terminator In Front of the Token, IF Found * / P = STRTOK (Input, ","); IF (p) Printf ("% s / n", p); / * A Second Call to Strtok Using A NULL As The First Parameter Returns a Pointer To the Character Following The Token * / P = strtok (null, ","); IF (p) Printf ("% s / n", p); Return 0; } Function name: Strtol Function: Convert strings to long intensity Usage: Long Strtol (Char * Str, Char ** Endptr, Int Base); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * string = "87654321", * endptr; Long lnumber; / * STRTOL Converts String to Long Integer * / lnumber = strtol (string, & evenptr, 10); Printf ("String =% S long =% ld / n", string, lnumber; Return 0; } Function name: Strupr Function: Convert the lowercase letters in the string to uppercase letters Usage: Char * Strupr (Char * STR); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Char * string = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", * ptr; / * Converts String to Upper case characters * / PTR = strupr (strup); Printf ("% S / N", PTR); Return 0; } Function name: SWAB Function: swap bytes Usage: void swab (char * from, char * to, int nbytes); Example: #include #include #include Char source [15] = "RFNA KoblRNA D"; Char Target [15]; Int main (void) { SwaB (Source, Target, Strlen (Source); Printf ("This is Target:% S / N", TARGET); Return 0; } Function name: system Function: Send a DOS command Usage: int system (char * command); Example: #include #include Int main (void) { Printf ("About to spawn and run a dos command / n"); System ("DIR"); Return 0; }