ACE is a very useful open source C network programming development package, which uses it more conducive to code to have a robustness, portability, relatively simple than direct use of API. It is estimated that when everyone just contacted the ACE, they had a certain difficulty. I might gave up in halfway. This is the summary of I learn ACE two days. It is basically unwritten, but I want to study Ace, you will definitely understand the meaning below.
My system environment is: Win2k Pro (SP4), VC6.0 (SP5) After a while, I want to open the Forum on my homepage, set up the VC area, welcome everyone to exchange 1, ACE Official Homepage: Download Address: I downloaded the ACE in the Latest Beta Kit. ZIP (Latest Release Compression Package seems to have problems, I have WinRAR3.30 decompressed report error) II. After decompression, put it on the D: / ACE_WrapPERS three, in the D: / ACE_WrapPers / ACE directory, new file config.h Join a line #include "ace / config-win32.h" four, compile: Open the D: /Ace_wrappers/ace/ace.dsw with VC6.0 Display Ace DLL CLASSES ACE LIB CLASSES or 1, from the menu to "Compile "," Place a long-range configuration ", select" Compilation "," Rebuild "(or any, such as Ace DLL - WIN32 MFC Debug) This process may last for half an hour or 2 From the menu, select "Compile", "Batch Build", and select the project you need. This process may last for two to four hours. LIB file is located in D: / ACE_WrapPers / ACE / under, the generated .dll file is located D: / ace_wrappers / bin / Under the same open ACE_STATIC.DSW Compile ACES.LIB Acup Acesd.lib ace_rmcasts.lib ace_rmcastsd.lib TMCasts.lib TMCastsd.Lib ACE generated DLL and LIB file naming: (d = debug, s = STATIC) Debug - Aced.lib, Debug Static - Acup, Release Static - ACE.LIB, Release Static - ACES.LIB 5, Sample Program Translation with VC to open D: /Ace_wrappers/tests/tests.dsw "Compile", "Batch Build", self-writer engineering: ACE programmer tutorial. Sample program in PDF: URL: http: / / copies the original code on the page to a new file and name Server.cpp to open, compile, rebuild all by VC, compile, Pop-up dialog, "This Build Command Require ...", click "Yes" will appear if there is "Cannot Open include file: 'ace / suck_acceptor.h': no such file or directory" project - set -c / C : Preprocessor, attached to the path:
D: / ACE_wrappers if "You must link against multi-threaded libraries when using ACE (check your project settings)" Engineering - Set -C / C : Code Generation - Use run-time library: Debug Multithreaded Dll if "error C2065 : 'ACE_ERROR': undeclared identifier "error C2065: 'ACE_DEBUG': undeclared identifier #include" ace / Log_Msg.h "error C4716: 'ace_main_i': must return a value added in main return 0;" error LNK2001: unresolved external Symbol "__declspec (dllimport) INT __CDECL" Project - Set -Link-Input: Object / Library Module: Add Aced.lib Additional Library Path: D: / ACE_WrapPers / Ace Compile The problem encountered in the Client 1, Error C2039: 'Sprintf ': IS NOT A Member "ACE / OS_NS_STDIO.H" 2, Error C2039:' Strlen ': is not a member of' ace_os' #include "ace / os_ns_string.h" 3, Error C2059: Syntax error: '?' error in this sentence: ACE_DEBUG ((lm_debug,? usage egx