The XML file format is as follows: XML Version = "1.0" encoding = "GB2312"?>
BEAN file: package com.test; import *; Import java.util. *; Import org.w3c.dom. *; Import javax.xml.parsers. *; Public class myxmlreader {public static void main (String arge []) {long lasting = System.currentTimeMillis (); try {File f = new File ( "data_10k.xml"); DocumentBuilderFactory factory = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance (); DocumentBuilder builder = factory.newDocumentBuilder (); Document doc = Builder.Parse (f); nodelist nl = doc.getElementsBytagname ("Value"); for (int i = 0; i Due to its traversal capabilities, DOM parsers are often used in XML documents that require frequent changes. The SAX parser uses an event-based model. It can trigger a series of events when parsing the XML document. When a given TAG is found, it can activate a callback method, telling the label that the method has been found. SAX's requirements for memory are usually relatively low because it allows developers to determine the TAG to be processed. In particular, when the developer only needs to process some of the data contained in the document, SAX has a better manifestation. However, encoding work is more difficult to use the SAX parser, and it is difficult to access multiple different data in the same document. BEAN file: package com.test; import org.xml.sax. *; Import org.xml.sax.helpers. *; Import javax.xml.parsers. *; Public class myxmlreader Extends defaulthandler {java.util.stack tags = new java.util.Stack (); public MyXMLReader () {super ();} public static void main (String args []) {long lasting = System.currentTimeMillis (); try {SAXParserFactory sf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance (); SAXPARSER SP = sf.newsaxparser (); MyXMLReader Reader = new myXMLReader (); sp.parse ("DATA_10K.XML"), Reader;} catch (Exception E) {E.PrintStackTrace ();} system. Out.println ("Run Time:" (System.currentTimeMillis () - Lasting) "Mix");} public void characters (char ch [], int start, int length) throws saxexception {string tag = (String) Tags.peek (); if (tag.equals ("no")) {system.out.print ("license plate number:" new string (ch, start, length));} if (tag.equals ("AddR ")) {System.out.println (" Address: New String (CH, Start, Length));}} PUBLIC VOID StarTelement (String Uri, S TRING LOCALNAME, TAGS.PUSH (QNAME);}}} 10k consumption time: 110 47 109 375 422 1000K time consumption: 3234 3281 3688 3312 10000K time: 32578 34313 31797 31890 30328 Then the purpose of jdom JDOM is to become a Java-specific document model, which simplifies interaction with XML and faster than using DOM. Since it is the first Java specific model, JDOM has been vigorously promoted and promoted. It is considering that it is ultimately used as "Java Standard Extension" through "Java Specification Request JSR-102". JDM development has begun from early 2000. There are two main aspects of JDOM and DOM. First, JDOM only uses a specific class without using an interface. This simplifies API in some respects, but also limits flexibility. Second, the API uses a Collections class, simplifies the use of Java developers that are familiar with these classes. The JDOM document declares that its purpose is to "use 20% (or fewer) energy to solve 80% (or more) Java / XML issues" (assuming 20% depending on the learning curve). Jdom is of course useful for most Java / XML applications, and most developers have found that API is much easier to understand than DOM. JDOM also includes a considerable extensive check of program behavior to prevent users from doing anything in XML. However, it still needs you to fully understand XML to do some work beyond basic work (or even understand in some cases). This may be more meaningful than learning the DOM or JDOM interface. JDOM does not contain a parser. It usually uses the SAX2 parser to parse and verify the input XML document (although it can also represent the previously constructed DOM as input). It contains some converters to indicate the JDOM to the SAX2 event stream, a DOM model, or an XML text document. JDOM is an open source released under the Apache license variant. Bean file: package com.test; import *; Import java.util. *; Import org.jdom. *; Import org.jdom.input. *; Public class myxmlreader {public static void main (String Arge " ]) {long lasting = System.currentTimeMillis (); try {SAXBuilder builder = new SAXBuilder (); Document doc = (new File ( "data_10k.xml")); Element foo = doc.getRootElement (); List Allchildren = foo.getChildren (); for (int i = 0; i