In ASP MSSQL, I use a full text search multi-keyword (such as "ASP Tutorial") to search, you can get the correct result of "ASP" and "Tutorial" in the article, but I hope that it is like Baidu when it is displayed. The contents of "ASP" and "Tutorial" are displayed, and the keyword is displayed in red. I tried to do with ASP functions, but the effect is always not ideal. Do you want this to achieve this feature? Thank you ...
<% Function Boldword (StrContent, Word) Dim Objregexpset Objregexp = New = true = True
Objregexp.pattern = "(人)" strcontent = objRegexp.replace (strcontent, " $ 1 ") set objRegexp = NothingBoldword = strcontentend
a = "I am Chinese!" b = "Yes"
Response.write Boldword (A, B)%>