1. Enter JMX-Console.war, usually this directory in the {jboss_home} / server / default / deploy directory.
2. Edit the web-inf / web.xml in this directory, and comment out the
3. Edit the and of the web-inf / classes under this directory;
1) Use the username and password in the file, format UserName = Password. Of course, multiple users can be added in this format.
2) The username and role define the username and role in the Roles.Properties file, format UserName = Role. The Role here must correspond to
4. Edit the Web-INF / JBOSS-Web.xml file, open the
There is also: Login-config.xml
FLAG = "Required" /> authentication> application-policy> 5. OK! Everything is big! J Restart JBoss, you will appear in the input username and Password window J In addition, I want to set up the Web-Console's setup step, but you need to modify login-config.xml like this. Another is most likely being picked up. Change the web-console login-config.xml entry so that that properties files are uniquely named to avoid ambiguity with which resource is picked up. You also would need to rename the web-console Properties Files. Code: Flag = "Required">