1: Drag the MainMenu control to the form.
2: Edit menu options.
3: Write down the following code in Form_Load:
THIS.MENU = this.mainMenu1;
The focus is here, this is like the web page in .NET, binding. . Just starting to do it, I can't get it, I will now.
There is also a dynamic increase in VS.NET 2003. . Watch your own help. .
Menu event, the method of popping up new form is like this:
My.DataGrid mydg = new sc.my.dataGrid ();
Mydg.showdialog ();
There are two ways to pop up the form, one is showdialog, and the other is Show. .
I have studied myself. .
I am thinking now, how should I control when I am? ?
After study, I know. . You can set up the MenuItem's Visable and Enable properties. . Such permissions can be controlled. . Oh ~~ ``