A. Software Platform
Mandrake8.2apache 1.3.27OpenSSL 0.9.7MOD_SSL 2.8.12MOD_PERL 1.27FrontPage Extension 5.0patch-fp-apache 1.3.22 mm 1.2.1 J2SDK 1.0.1 Tomcat 4.0.1 Webapp 1.0.1 Apache :: ASP 2.50 PHP 4.3.1
B. Configuration steps
1. Copy all the packages into the / usr / src / suff / directory, and unpack. 2. Install OpenSSLCD /USR/SRC/Soft/openssl0.9.7./config -fpicno-threads make make test make install 3. Install MM CD /USR/SRC/SOFT / MM-1.2.1 ./configure -disable-shared Make 4. Install mod_ssl./configure -with-apache = / usr / src / Soft / Apache1.3.27 5. Install apache cd/usr/src/soft/apache1.3.27 cp -af ../fp-patch-apache1. 3.22 ./ Patch -p0 ./configure --enable-module = SSL --ENABLE-Shared = SSL --ENABLE-MODULE = SO --Nable-Rule = Shared_Core - Add-module = mod_frontpage.c make make certificate Type = custommake install 6. installation mod_perl cd /usr/src/soft/mod_perl1.27perl Makefile.PL EVERYTHING = 1 USE_DSO = 1 DO_HTTPD = 1 WITH_APXS = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs Make Make install 7. installation FrontPage extension Vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf Changes to Allowoverride None to All to all the # 去 c 5 5... c d/ ion55.0 ./fp-install.sh CD / USR / local / apache / bin / cp -af httpd.orig httpd Add the following text in /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf
Options None ALOWOVERRIDE All Order Allow, Deny Allow from ALL
8. Installing Apache :: aspperl -mcpan -e shell Ask if you manually configure the CPAN, select CPAN> Install bundle :: Apache :: ASP CPAN> EXIT CD /ROOT/.cpan/build/apache-asp2.50 perl makefile. Pl make make test make install Add the following text in httpd.conf
SetHandler Perl-ScirptperLmodule Apache :: ASP Perlhandler Apache :: ASP Perlsetvar Global. PerlsetVar StateDir / TMP / ASP
9. Install the J2SDK 1.4.1cd / usr / src / suff / ./j2sdk-1.4.1-linux-i586.bin accepts the agreement, enter YES to generate J2SDK1.4.1 directory 10. Install Tomcat4.0.1 CD / USR / SRC / Soft / cp -af Tomcat4.0.1 / usr / local Add to include Java_Home = / usr / java_home classpath = / usr / java / j2sdk1.4.1 / lib: / usr / java /j2sdk1.4.1/jre/lib Export CLASSPATH CATALINA_HOME = / usr / local / Jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1 Export CATALINA_HOME CATALINA_BASE = / usr / local / Jakarta-tomcat-4.0.1 Export CATALINA_BASE PATH = $ PATH: $ JAVA_HOME / BIN: $ JAVA_HOME / JRE / BIN EXPORT PATH launches Apache and Tomcat, access http: // server ip: 8080 via the browser, see the Tomcat's homepage indicates that the Tomcat is successful. 11. Integrate apache and tomcat cd /usr/src/soft/webapp-module-1.0.1-tc401/ ./support/buildconf.sh ./configure with_apxs = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs make make install CP -af ./apache1.3/mod_webapp.so / usr / local / apache / libexec added the following text Addmodule mod_webapp.c LoadModule mod_webapp libexec / mod_webapp.so WebAppConnection in httpd.conf wardConnection warp localhost: 8008 WebAppDeploy examples warpConnection / examples / Access HTTP: // Server IP / Examples / see index.html in the local browser, and can perform JSP examples, indicating successful configuration. I have forgotten that the specific steps of access. If friends know, please send steps to my email zysno1@sina.com. Greatful. 12. Install PHP CD /USR/SRC/SOFT/PHP-4.3.1 ./configure --disable-short-tags --enable-sysvsem --enable-sysvshm --with-mysql --with-pgsql --with -apxs = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs make make install cp -af libs / libphp4.so / usr / local / apache / libexecvi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf adds to the following position Content LOADMODULE PHP4_MODULE LIBEXEC / LIBPHP4.SO AddModule MOD_PHP4.C AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php .php3 .phtml Installation All Complete, I wish you good luck! !