1. Complicate the ACE package bound into a directory, which will generate a directory ACE_WrapPERS containing the ACE in that directory. In the next step, it is assumed that the ACE distribution package is decompressed into the ACE_ROOT = C: / ACE_WrapPERS, so the ACE will exist in the ACE_ROOT / ACE directory. 2. Create a file in the ACE_ROOT / ACE directory, named config.h, the content is: #include "ace / config-win32.h" 3. Load the ACE project file (ACE_ROOT / ACE / ACE) in VC . DSW) 4. Each project will contain multiple configurations, which are mixed with options such as debug / release, mfc / non-mfch, and STATIC / DYNAMIC library. Determine what you need (for example, debug code requires a debug version of the ACE). All of these different configurations can provide some convenience, you can or use different modes to construct applications of different configurations, or change the different configurations on NT by changing the ACE / Config.H. Note: If you use a dynamic connection, ensure that the ACE_ROOT / BIN is added to your PATH environment variable, otherwise you will encounter the problem that you are looking for Ace.dll or Aced.dll when running the program. 5. If you build ACE on Windows NT or Windows 2k, you can start building her immediately without any changes, if you build on Windows 9x / me, then you must be in ACE_ROOT / ACE / Config.h. # Add a line before the include block: #define ace_has_winnt4 0 This will remove some Winnt / Win2k special code in the ACE. 6. If you want to use the standard C header file (C Standard Draft Draft Draft Draft ", you should add a line before the #include block of ACE_ROOT / ACE / CONFIG.H. Define ACE_HAS_STANDARD_CPP_LIBRARY 1 7. If you need to use with the MFC, add as follows to your config.h file, pay attention, if you want to use a spawn a new thread, you must guarantee the SPAWN thread using the THR_USE_AFX flag. #define ace_has_mfc 1 ?? Note: I can't pass when I use this macro compilation Ace, I know that I know is advised. 8. If you want to build a static version of the ACE, you need to define ACE_AS_STATIC_LIBs in config.h, which must also be defined in those applications that wish to use the ACE. As an option, you can add a row before #include statement in ace_root / ace / config.h. #DEfine ace_no_inline to cancel the inline linkage to reduce the size of the static library (and your run code). 9. Naming Rules for ACE DLL and LIB libraries: We use the following rules to clearly use the MSVC's ACE DLL and LIB files. "Library / DLL NAME" (Is a static library? "S": "") (including debugging information? "D": ") {" .dll "|" .lib "} is used in the MSVC environment More information of ACE can be found here.