(Date Original - WWW.VCROAD.NET WUTAO8@263.net) ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 3eq2bj3i0L as a large number four students, I have a lot of units, there is successful, but For me, all failures are a success in a sense, especially the following, when I write this article, I have signed a software company in Nanjing, but I remember this year's February 21 this year. I interview Suzhou Taiwan's experience Lenovo now ◎ Flower copyright, refusal to reprint some of the cases of RPESXB2WDX learning programming, I really feel deeply, this interview makes me deeply experience the failure but also harvested a lot . I have to say it into three parts, 1. Yes ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Qnvrntehvn I interviewed the specific passage 2. 3. I think about it. Today I should do it.
Of course, these words are largely my personal opinions, it is impossible to get everyone an agreement, so ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ VN94TJRW40 in some views If a friend feels with me, please Don't mind, don't attack me, just when I have not said, welcome to contact me to discuss these issues! My email: wutao8@263.net ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ kaxkx5j3b21. Interview passes ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ QZGPCorlx0 is approximately in Taiwan, Rui, Taiwan, Suzhou company interview notice, notice I arrived at the Suzhou Industrial Park on February 21st. I took some majors in the interview. I put some majors ◎ Meteor copyright, refused to reprint ◎ T7ak3hmjws class is warm, especially C and data structure, due to the university, I Always study these aspects, coupled with adopted advanced programmers, for some common algorithms ◎ Flower copyright, refused to reprint ◎ K9bdgxonga, I have also reached the point where you are familiar with your chest, the feeling is that if you ask me I should have no problem! ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ X6lqfwagl121 day, I am in the 4:30 interview, and a technician gives me an interview. After I asked some simple questions, he gave me a programming topic, the topic is like this : ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ F5HBX4RFPM (due to the more cumbersome of the specific interview, I extracted its core idea to decompose into two independent simple questions, there is a possibility of decomposition, please forgive, actually An interview has a problem but is more complicated than it, and some high mathematical transforms) ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ BWGIPMEUFR1) Write a function calculation When the parameter is N (N large) value 1-2 3- 4 5-6 7 ... N ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 768bsvfmh7, my heart is clear! I didn't expect it as simple, I am a little bit of a bit of a bit! ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 0to2knzhkg soon give me a solution: ◎ Flower copyright ◎ 06LX5GTCFHLONG TEMP = 0; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ HMWP0GXEU0INT I, FLAG = 1; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ CRDLMRMQGZIF (n <= 0) ◎ Flower copyright Refuse to reprint ◎ 1qspickj6vprintf ("error: n must> 0); ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ jqbpuuh6myexit (1); ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ bbznae3lum} ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Yw1dazq5ctfor (i = 1; I <= n; i ) ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ agyQooszup {◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 38WBGRHF5STEMP = TEMP FLAG * i; ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ vdievruubflag = (- 1) * Flag; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 9zwvouk7NT} ◎ Flower copyright,
Refuse to reprint ◎ 96wnji9x0creturn Temp; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ DMTVNSMFFJ} ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ DVQDR3WVHV! When I looked at the interviewer with the eyes of expectation, he smiled and said to me, the execution result is definitely no problem! But when N is big, my program is very efficient, ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ MQYPRES3SK in the development of embedded systems, the operational efficiency of the program is important, can make CPUs to execute a directive is good He let me see what the program can be modified, ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ TDB529seis optimize the program! After listening to these words, my mood became a bit heavy, I didn't expect his requirements very strict, and after I have strictly analyze the procedure, I have given improved programs! ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ WEM1X5JZ76LONG FN (long n) ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ HysxtXXGCP {◎ Meteor copyright i = 1, FLAG = 1; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ ittjttjpy6if (n <= 0) ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ DWJBOVTF0i {◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ myfnnd1htdprintf ("error: n must> 0 ); Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ ebzzhjg6pmexit (1); ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Laazoppqbf} ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 6q9z8vdxdywhile (j <= n) ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ z45m49lqvq { ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ SY7DFFIO4RTEMP = TEMP i; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ B8M6R4umkvi = -i; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ GR8KS7VWEAI> 0? I : i -; ◎ Meteor copyright, Refuse to reprint ◎ u2stxmhyxyj ; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ MSCXCPH1YR} ◎ Meteor copyright My algorithm is optimal, but compared to the previous program, I will change all statements involved in multiplication to implement the addition instructions, which reach the requirements of the topic and ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ BNYRS3UMBE time shortened time A lot! And the cost is just a integer variable! But my current confidence has been hit, I will believe in the interviewer, he still smiles ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ lldz7moded and say: "Good, this program is indeed greatly improved! "I am in my heart! But he will then say that this program still can't reach his request, I want me to give better ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Xfxcdj1bhb program! God! There is also an optimization! I really a little collapse After a while, I asked him to give his program! Then he gave his procedure very refreshing!
◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Trli1QRHTFLONG FN (long n) ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ GU3LDTFNK {◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 6hsopkpuwqif (n <= 0) ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ vhgwt00oru {◎ Flower copyright, refused to reprint ◎ VYX60K6OSMPRINTF ("Error: n must> 0); ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Coahpvheo2exit (1); ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Tpsdllov51} ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ SDBF8VJC01IF (0 == n% 2) ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ X5PEXOYWTPRETURN (N / 2) * (- 1); ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ KK8ahaaey6ELSE ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 8ZB0Dupjvereturn (N / 2 * (- 1) N; ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 36ljrau2wj} ◎ Flower copyright So simple code, I really won't write, but why didn't I think it? He said that there is no mistake, and the difference between the three procedures run is simply the difference between the three programs when N is very large. When I just wanted to speak something, he first opened: "Don't think that the CPU calculation speed will push all the questions to it, the programmer should optimize the code and optimize the code. We can do it yourself Never let the CPU do, because the CPU is serving the user, not for us ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ AX2HVEDPVX programmer service! "How brusal language, I don't want to say anything again! Next is the second question: ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ mkedcqxnbl2), he asks me to use a skillful programming method to implement two functions with a function Function n is as: Fn1 (N) = N / 2! N / 3! N / 4! N / 5! N / 6! ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 77E3KITF9FFN2 (N) = N / 5! N / 6! N / 7! N / 8! N / 9! Now use a function fn (int N, int flag), when FLAG is 0, implement the FN1 function, if Flag is 1 Time ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ ZSL24M2YTR implementation FN2 function! His requirements are still efficient, efficiency, efficiency! To be real, if I feel good, I should give a better algorithm, but I really Nothing to think about the meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ ml6xwievxg, think, I have painted some of the formulas such as 6! = 6 * 5!, I said to give him an answer! Interview The official didn't say anything, gave his ideas: ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ HPQM0TDEAL defines a two-dimensional array FLOAT T [2] [5] to deposit [2!, 3!, 4!, 5 !, 6!}, {5!, 6!, 7!, 8!, 9!] Then give a loop: ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 0efdkps1ya ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ i6fhpenrh1for (i = 0; i <6; i ) ◎ Meteor copyright,
Refuse to reprint ◎ HiCv7hpywt {◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 1ShrjedTemp = Temp N / T [flag]; ◎ Meteor copyright Oh, the algorithm of typical space change time! ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Xogrhscveg these total spent 50 minutes, I still talk about him with him, talking about programming and life, then I have relaxed, ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ lrlv0wlsds Because I know that this interview result is only one: failed. At 5:30, the interviewer asked me to wait for us, so I left their company.
This is the whole of the interview! ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ zhuhwwnqye ◎ Meteor copyright I remember the big rain in that day, the temperature is very low, I think, I have been walking from 5:30 to 7:30, the whole body is wet, and I am cold and hungry, but I am just walking, my mind is full Doubt, I also want the rain to wake yourself! Seeing some friends here may think that if you don't make yourself, I will definitely believe in you, because I have never doubted Chinese programmers, I think China has the best procedures in China. Member, I have never thought that I have a master, so I can't do it. I don't mean that the Chinese programmer is poor than Taiwan or other places, so I am from my angle, I want to talk about some feelings: ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ WR988QMIVJ ◎ Meteor copyright What is the proportion? Taiwan, I don't know, have a few of China's 100 programmers? I can't count, from the above performance is enough to explain everything! Is it 1? 5? 10? 50? I didn't dare to mess with this number, I was hurt by netizens, then how many people in our country learn computer? Take our school, 4 classes of the computer 97, 5 classes, 98 classes, 10 classes, 17 classes in 2000, more people, what should I do? Our school's practice is to let the graduate students, and then? After a big settlement, a lot of money fell into the pocket of the school, but also said that the current student is low! It's really funny, I don't know what the school is doing for what is to cultivate a lot of programmers in China? Can students really learn computer knowledge? Ok, I dare, in our school to learn programming students and outstanding programmers (note that I refer to excellent, only a few bad programs, people can't calculate) should be 100: 0.1 ◎ Meteor copyright Refuse to reprint ◎ Yaoddjqhct In this proportion, although our Chinese learning programming people are covered, think about how many individuals can truly contribute to the development of China's software industry, and how many people can truly write outstanding programs! ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ PDMKXWFZEI ◎ Flower copyright We have real emphasis on the efficiency of the program and the quality of the program? We have a careful analysis of what we write, see if there is any way to improve, see if there is a simple way to achieve the same purpose? I asked, I found out that I have never optimized the procedure I wrote, up to DEBUG, but this is enough? These days I occasionally discovered a game I have written. It was when I first added www.vcroad.net as one member a year ago, I feel that I should take something out, then spend a week's time written. !
The procedure is not complicated, but it has been used in a lot of data structures, and has used a wonderful algorithm, plus Windows interface and game playability. After writing a lot, I was really admired. Yourself! But now: No comment, a lot of ugly functions such as: void chushihua (), there is no necessary variable, you can use the simple statement to complete the work I use the gorgeous algorithm, a large number of global variables ....., If you say that you can listen, the more than 600 rows of procedures are a gap in addition to running! If I can hear some backspinses a year ago, I probably I can realize it, but since I heard since the original code, I heard the words of praise, no one filed me to improve the proceedings of procedures, this is What is the problem? Very worth thinking! ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 7ophhhqops ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ SDRDSP7JZV has a doubt is: Does we say and do really? When I was in the school, I was assigned to a computer contest. I invited a teacher to go to the finals, mainly some algorithm topics, this teacher may be the only teacher in my university, from the program debugging to score, For each program, the time efficiency and space efficiency is taken carefully, then comprehensive score, forty people's rolls, and the teacher debugged from three o'clock in the evening, and after some written wonderful statements, I added annotation. I am so happy to have such a teacher and do an in-depth communication with him, but after the matter, I have a unpleasant thing, and I got the second student in the game to find me, saying that all the procedures were successfully debugged. He is full, and it should be first, I said he, finally tested his original procedure and the first original procedure comparison, good, both programs are running very well, then the classmate said: "My program is written very simple, only the number of questions completed the requirements, but he wrote a lot, why gave him more points.
"I was very angry. If it is not the teacher's responsibility, then the first place and the second place really want to intermodize, please, the less the number of procedures, the higher the quality of the program, I remember me He talked about this truth, and finally persuaded him! Haha, but I can only talk, I don't know how many people have, saying that my head is the way, but I have never valued it! ◎ Meteor Copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ LydtqyTfb1 ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ ll1mlnwcif3. I plan to do it! ◎ Meteor copyright Guess the netizens of this article probably have a belly, a belly complaint, borrow this article venting, not what I want to achieve, I don't have a worthy of my own one, but in some I really do something wrong, or it is deviated from the right direction. Now it is when it is correct and reorganizing the kuman. I believe in the best programmers in the world, I also believe in me. The level will not always keep the status, I will clean up the truth now! ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Ativrksqmf is really skillful, I will read this manual online when I write this manual online, I I don't know what to indicate, but I think if I have been doing this basic principle, I will implement my ideal - an excellent software designer! ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ z1pedzknyw ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ Opiptyhmlq (below these words is not my original, I am thinking about it online, I am really fortunate to see these, this article also ends with the following text, I sincere I hope that you can get inspirated from this article. This article welcomes everyone to reprint, you can write who is the author, but please write www.vcroad.net original, thank you for your support) ◎ Meteor copyright, refuse reprinted ◎ aCUouioKsV ◎ Copyright meteor, refused reproduced ◎ nwssvLUGA9 author: Kingdee middleware CTO Yuan Honggang Copyright ◎ meteor, refused reproduced ◎ 1c3anxn7i0 ◎ Copyright meteor, refused reproduced ◎ cNN8fvCOeS unwittingly do software has been done for a decade, There is a joy of success, but also the pain of failure, but I can't say that I am a master. Because it is more than the real master, it is too far away. There is no shortcut in the world, but some basic principles It is possible to follow. ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ JTH0LN47AI ◎ Meteor copyright , It is difficult to write high levels of programs. According to my observation, people who learn computer majors can more written high quality software than others. The program will write, but when you find that it is difficult to write a certain degree, it should think about whether it is to go back to learn these most basic theories. Don't go to learn OOP at the beginning, even if you are fine, you may have no hand when you encounter some basic algorithms. ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ 6LKIWZCI0W ◎ Flower copyright, refuse to reprint ◎ JVHQG2WSZY 2. Rich imagination. Don't stick to a fixed thinking method. When you encounter problems, you should think about several solutions to solve the problem, try the way others have never thought about.