At, I saw Cowiki liked it, although I didn't know how the function, but I like it very much, a non-much good website. I have found it online, the function is also very good. I will finally see the interface when I downloaded it back and installed. I finally saw the interface when I spent a week.
Because there are some module dependencies, PHP5 is best placed behind.
Mysql installation
Installation directory: / usr / local / mysql
Download address:
installation steps:
#groupadd mysql
# ueradd -g mysql mysql
# cd / usr / local
# CD / usr / local / mysql
# ./scripts/mysql_install_db --user = mysql
# chown -r root.
# chown -r mysql data
# chgrp -r mysql.
# bin / mysqld_safe --user = mysql &
2. Apache installation
Installation directory: / usr / local / apache
installation steps:
# tar -zxvf http2.0.x.x.tar.gz
# cd http2.0.x.x
#. / configure -prefix = / usr / local / apache -enable-so -enable-shutrite
Description: --Nable-ReWrite Parameter Compile APAHCE's Rewrite module, you can implement the URL rewrite, there is a point similar to the Forward (Request, Response) feature in JSP.
--Prefix Sets Apache installation directory
#make, this step takes a little time. Compile source code into binary files
#make install; This step is installed to install the Apache server, mainly implementing step-by-step files, copies to the corresponding directory.
3. PHP5 installation
Installation Directory: / usr / local / php5 version: PHP
BATA1, (must not use high versions of PHP5, otherwise you can find errors, low versions have no test)
installation steps:
#. / configure --Prefix = / usr / local / php5 /
--with-apxs2 = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs /
--with-mysql = / usr / local / mysql
Description: - with-apxs2 = / usr / local / apache / bin / apxs Install PHP to a dynamic module of APAHCE, if not specified the correct APXS position, you need to manually add a module.
--with-mysq = / usr / local / mysql makes PHP support MySQL,
1. If it is installed on the redhat9.0, the libXML2 version will appear lower than libxml.
.10 error. You can solve it after downloading the latest libXML installation online.
# Make
#make install;
#vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf, adding PHP in httpd.conf.
AddType Application / X-httpd-php .php
4. Cowiki installation
Version: Cowiki-
Installation Directory: / OPT / COWIKI Download Download:
Installation process:
# MKDIR / OPT / COWIKI Create a directory where Cowiki is installed.
# cp cowiki-
.tar.gz / TMP
# CD / TMP
# tar -zxvf cowiki-
.tar.gz decompressed installation package
# cd cowiki-
# cp -rf htdocs /*.* / opt / cowiki copy PHP to the publisher
# cp -rf incrudes /*.* / opt / cowiki replication required to package to Cowiki released directory
Create a Cowiki Database:
# / usr / local / mysql / bin / mysqladmin Create Cowiki
# / usr / local / mysql / bin / MySQL COWIKI
Paste the mysql.sql script file in Cowiki / Misc / Database to the command line. You can create a table you need.
# CP core.conf-dist core.conf creates a Cowiki profile. There are some configuration information in Core.conf-distth, just modify the content.
# vi core.conf Modify configuration information
Resource = "mysql: // user: passwd @ localhost / database"
Resource = "mysql: // user: passwd @ localhost / database"
Resource = "mysql: // user: passwd @ localhost / database"
Modified to:
Resource = "mysql: // root: test @ localhost / cowiki"
Resource = "mysql: // root: test @ localhost / cowiki"
Resource = "mysql: // root: test @ localhost / cowiki"
# Vi /usr/local/apache/conf/httpd.conf (Modify APAHCE Profile Add Vocal Capital)
Alias / Cowiki / "/ OPT / COWIKI /"
Options Indexes FollowSymlinks
Allow from all
# / Usr / local / apache / bin / apachectl restart launches the restart server.
Open the browser input address: http://localhost/cowiki/index.php
If you see the configuration of Cowiki, the configuration is successful. If the configuration error will not be able to access the interface, the corresponding error message will appear.
554- If the mysql link error may lead to this error code.
The configuration is successful, but it will not enter the background management through admin.php. Because there is no background user. The default administrator is root. You need to configure your password before you can do it.
Open the Spacer input address: http://localhost/cowiki/crypt.php. A password form will appear, enter a password (length greater than 5) prompts, display a cryptive string. Add this string to the core.conf file
Root_passwd = "×××××××"
Open the browser to enter http://localhost/cowiki/index.php, and then click [Admin] to make the background management page in the [admin] in the upper right corner.
Note: The installation process is coming, and the main mistakes have been caused by no correct support packages. Look at the PHP, APAHCE, COWIKI installation documentation can generally be resolved.
For the Cowiki I am also just learning, welcome to discuss how to use