Ctrl - J (Template) Whole most commonly used Out Ctrl - J (System.out.Println (")) for System.out.Println (")), is also commonly used
Then Ctrl - H is the unbeared word automatically complement .. For example, the COU CTRL - H will automatically appear in COU CTRL - h after definition.
There is also Ctrl - Shift - h appears Method Signature ... Sometimes, although "." Will appear Method Signature .. But sometimes you will not be careful to play Ctrl - Shift - h ...
Full literary version of Ctrl - A -> TabCtrl - a all the choices .. Tab is typographic version ...
Ctrl - SHIFT - C Auto Surround Try Catch The place where Exception will appear, press Ctrl - Shift - C to automatically generate TRY CATCH ....: jbuilder shortcuts
Ctrl - J (Template) Whole most commonly used Out Ctrl - J (System.out.Println (")) for System.out.Println (")), is also commonly used
Then Ctrl - H is the unbeared word automatically complement .. For example, the COU CTRL - H will automatically appear in COU CTRL - h after definition.
There is also Ctrl - Shift - h appears Method Signature ... Sometimes, although "." Will appear Method Signature .. But sometimes you will not be careful to play Ctrl - Shift - h ...
Full literary version of Ctrl - A -> TabCtrl - a all the choices .. Tab is typographic version ...
Ctrl - SHIFT - C Auto Surround Try Catch The place where Exception will appear, press Ctrl - Shift - C to automatically generate TRY CATCH ....