1, data layer
The data layer consists of four classes, two of which bearer, Moviedetails and CategoryDetails, only attributes, no way, represents a row in Movies and Categories, respectively. The other two are basic data operation classes, providing corresponding specific data operations, respectively: Movies and categories.
The following uses the class diagram to represent the specific situation of the four classes:
Category_ID: INT
Level: String
Title: String
Intro: String
UPTime: DateTime
ShowTime: DateTime
ViewCount: int
Image: String
Address: String
Category_ID: INT
Name: String
Category_Intro: String
Movies (in Connectionstring: String)
GetMovies ():
GetMovies ():
GetMoviesbycount ():
GetHeadLines ():
Getgetmoviedetails ():
GetDetailsrow ():
Add (): int
Delete (): bool
AddViewCount (): bool
Categories (in connectionString: string)
Getcategories ():
GetCategoryName ():
GetCategoryDetails ():
GetDetailsrow ():
Add (): int
Delete (): bool
Two basic data operation classes are described in detail below:
Method details
Public Movies (String NewConnectiionstring)
Class constructor to connect strings as parameters
Public Dataset getMovies (int Category_ID)
Returns all movie entries for the specified type
Public DataSet GetHeadines (int Category_ID)
Returns all movie entries for the specified type entry Movie_ID, Title, Uptime, ViewCount, Image
Public Dataset getMovies ()
Returns all movie information in order for uploading time
Public Dataset getMoviesbycount ()
Returns all movie information in order to click rate
Public DataSet GetHeadlines (int Category_ID)
Returns a category movie head information
Public MoviesDetails getMoviedetails (int movie_id)
Returns a specific content of the movie entry specified by MOVIE_ID PUBLIC DATAROW GETDETAILSROW (int movie_id)
Returns DataRow for movie details
Public Int Add (int Category_ID, String Level, String Title, String Intro, DateTime Uptime, DateTime ShowTime, String Image, String Address)
Add a new movie entry, if success, return new movie_id if there is a repeated record, return -1
Public Bool Update (int movie_id, int category_id, string level, string title, string intertime showtime, string image, string address)
Update information about the specified movie entry
Public Bool Delete (int movie_id)
Delete the specified movie entry
Public Bool AddViewCount (int movie_id)
Add 1 unit access to the specified movie entry
Method details
Public categories (String newConnectiionstring)
Class constructor to connect strings as parameters
Public DataSet getcategories ()
Returns a DataSet with all categories
Public Dataset getcategoryName ()
Return to all categories of names and numbers
Public CategoryDetails getcategoryDetails (int category_id)
Returns a CategoryDetails instance that describes the specified classification
Public DataRow getDetailsRow (int category_id)
Returns the DataRow specified by the ID classification entry
Public Int Add (String Name, String Category_Intro)
Add a new category entry, if success, return new category_id, return -1 if there is a repeated record
Public Bool Update (int Category_ID, String Name, String Category_Intro)
Update details of specified classification entry
Public Bool Delete (int Category_ID)
Delete the specified classification entry
Using system.data; using system.data.sqlclient;
namespace Coofucoo.Data {public class MovieDetails {public int movie_id; public int category_id; public string level; public string title; public string intro; public DateTime uptime; public DateTime showtime; public int viewcount; public string image; public string address;}
Public class movies: coofucoo.core.dbobject {public moviestring: base (newconnectionstring) {}
// return all the Movie of the specified category public DataSet GetMovies (int category_id) {// create the parameters SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; // set the values parameters [0] .Value = category_id; return RunProcedure ( "GetMovies", parameters, "movies");} // return all the Movie order by upload time public DataSet GetAllMovies () {return RunProcedure ( "GetAllMovies", new IDataParameter [ ] {}, "movies");
Public DataSet getMoviesbycount () {Return Runprocedure ("getMoviesbycount", new iDataParameter [] {}, "moviesbycount");
// return the headlines for the current and approved Movie public DataSet GetHeadlines (int category_id) {// create the parameter SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; parameters [0] .Value = category_id; Return Runprocedure ("GetHeadines", parameters, "headlines");}
// return only the record with the specified ID public MovieDetails GetMovieDetails (int movie_id) {// create the parameter SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; parameters [0]. Value = movie_id; using (DataSet Movie = RunProcedure ( "GetMovieDetails", parameters, "MovieDetails")) {MovieDetails details = new MovieDetails (); // if the record was found, set the properties of the class instance if (Movie. Tables [0]. ROWS.COUNT> 0) {DATAROW ROWMOVIE = MOVIE.TABLES [0]. Rows [0]; Details.Movie_id = Convert.Toint32 (RowMovie ["Movie_ID"]); Details.category_ID = Convert.Toint32 (RowMovie ["Category_ID"]); Details.Level = RowMovie ["Level"]. TOSTRING (); Details.title = ROWMOVIE ["Title"]. Tostring (); Details.Intro = ROWMOVIE ["INTRO"]. TOSTRING (); details.uptime = convert.todatetime (RowMovie ["uPtime"]); details.showtime = convert.todatetime (RowMovie ["ShowTime"]); Details.ViewCount = Convert.Toint32 (Rowmov IE ["ViewCount"]); details.image = rowmovie ["Image"]. TOSTRING (); Details.address = ROWMOVIE ["address"]. Tostring ();} else details.movie_id = -1; return Details; }
// return only the record with the specified ID public DataRow GetDetailsRow (int movie_id) {// create the parameter SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; parameters [0]. Value = movie_id; using (DataSet Movie = RunProcedure ( "GetMovieDetails", parameters, "MovieDetailsRow")) {return Movie.Tables [0] .Rows [0];}} // delete the record identified by the specified ID public bool Delete (int movie_id) {int numAffected; // create the parameter SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; parameters [0] .Value = movie_id; RunProcedure ( "DeleteMovie" Parameters, Out NumaffECTED;
Return (Numaffected == 1);
// update the Movie identified by the specified ID public bool Update (int movie_id, int category_id, string level, string title, string intro, DateTime showtime, string image, string address) {int numAffected; // create the parameters SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter ( "@ category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4), new SqlParameter ( "@ levell", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter ( "@title", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 50), new SqlParameter ( "@ intro", SqlDbType.Text), new SqlParameter ( "@ showtime", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter ( "@ image", SqlDbType.NVarChar , 100), New SqlParameter ("@ address", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 100),}; // set the value} [0] .value = movie_id; parameters [1] .value = category_id; parameters [2] .value = Level.trim (); parameters [3] .value = Title.trim (); parameters [4] .value = intro.trim (); parameters 5] .value = showtime; parameters [6] .value = image.trim (); parameters [7] .value = address.trim (); Runprocedure ("Updatemovie", parameters, out number
Return (Numaffected == 1);
// add a Movie public int Add (int category_id, string level, string title, string intro, DateTime uptime, DateTime showtime, string image, string address) {int numAffected; // create the parameters SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ("@category_id", sqldbtype.int, 4), New Sqlparameter ("@ Level", Sqldbtype.Nvarchar, 50), New SqlParameter ("@ title", Sqldbtype.nvarchar, 50), New Sqlparameter ("@ INTRO" , SqlDbType.Text), new SqlParameter ( "@ uptime", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter ( "@ showtime", SqlDbType.DateTime), new SqlParameter ( "@ image", SqlDbType.NVarChar, 100), new SqlParameter ( "@address", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 100), new sqlparameter ("@ movie_id", sqldbtype.int, 4)}; // set the value, parameters [0] .Value = category_id; parameters [1] .value = level .Trim (); parameters [2] .Value = Title.trim (); parameters [3] .value = intro.trim (); parameters [4] .value = Up Time; parameters [5] .value = showtime; parameters [6] .value = image.trim (); parameters [7] .Value = address.trim (); parameters [8] .direction = parameterdirection.output; Runprocedure ( "Insertmovie", Parameters, Out NumaffECTED;
Return (int) parameters [8] .value;
// set the Viewcount public bool AddViewcount (int movie_id) {int numAffected; // create the parameters SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ movie_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)};
// set the values parameters [0] .value = MOVIE_ID;
Runprocedure ("AddViewCount", Parameters, Out Numaffected; Return (Numaffected == 1);}
}} Categories: using System; using System.Data; using System.Data.SqlClient; namespace Coofucoo.Data {public class CategoryDetails {public int category_id; public string name; public string category_intro;}
Public class categories: coofucoo.core.dbobject {public categoriestring: base (newconnectionstring) {}
// Return All The Categories Public Dataset getcategories () {Return Runprocedure ("getcategories", new iDataParameter [] {}, "categories");}
// Return All name of the categories public dataset getcategoryName () {Return Runprocedure ("getcategoryName", new iDataParameter [] {}, "categoryName");}
// return only the record with the specified ID public CategoryDetails GetCategoryDetails (int category_id) {// create the parameter SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; parameters [0]. Value = category_id;
using (DataSet categories = RunProcedure ( "GetCategoryDetails", parameters, "CategoryDetails")) {CategoryDetails details = new CategoryDetails (); // if the record was found, set the properties of the class instance if (categories.Tables [0] .Rows.count> 0) {DATAROW ROWCATEGORY = Categories.tables [0] .ROWS [0]; Details.category_ID = (int) Rowcategory ["category_id"]; details.name = rowcategory ["name"]. TOSTRING Details.category_intro = rowcategory ["category_intro"]. TOSTRING ();} else details.category_id = -1;
Return Details;}}
// return only the record with the specified ID public DataRow GetDetailsRow (int category_id) {// create the parameter SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; parameters [0]. Value = category_id; using (DataSet Categories = Runprocedure ("getcategorydetails", parameters, "categoryDetails)) {return categories.tables [0] .rows [0];}
// delete the record identified by the specified ID public bool Delete (int category_id) {int numAffected; // create the parameter SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ category_id", SqlDbType.Int, 4)}; parameters [ 0] .value = category_id; Runprocedure ("deletecategory", parameters, out numias;
Return (Numaffected == 1);
// update Name, Description and ImageUrl of the record identified by the specified ID public bool Update (int category_id, string name, string category_intro) {int numAffected; // create the parameters SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ category_id "Sqldbtype.int, 4), New SqlParameter (" @ name ", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 50), new sqlparameter (" @ category_intro ", sqldbtype.nvarchar, 100),}; // set the value of parameters [0] .Value = category_id; parameters [1] .Value = name.trim (); parameters [2] .value = category_intro.trim ();
Runprocedure ("Updatecategory", Parameters, Out NumaffECTED;
Return (Numaffected == 1);
// add a new category public int Add (string name, string category_intro) {int numAffected; // create the parameters SqlParameter [] parameters = {new SqlParameter ( "@ name", SqlDbType.VarChar, 50), new SqlParameter ( " @category_intro ", sqldbtype.varchar, 100), new sqlparameter (" @ category_id ", sqldbtype.int, 4),}; // set the value = name.trim (); parameters [1] .Value = category_intro.Trim (); parameters [2] .Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; // run the procedure RunProcedure ( "InsertCategory", parameters, out numAffected); return (int) parameters [2] .Value;}