Key characteristics
NDOC 1.3 includes the following important new features:
• Newly produced HTML Help 2 document generator, the new name is " 2003 documenter". • Support some new code annotations, such as Preliminary, Threadsafety, and Exclude, etc. • Supports ObsoleTeattribute and FlagSattribute properties. • Allows the user to customize the code annotation tab and control its format. • Enhanced user interface. • Performance improvements in reflection and documentation generation. • Better to provide MSDN compatibility
" 2003" Documenter
New VS.NET 2003 Documenter creates an HTML Help 2 document, supports XML data islands, better integration into Visual Studio online help.
Performance improvement
All code generators have been significantly improved.
• The XML MERGE process is improved, only a small part of all processes. • The page generation time is reduced by 20-50%. • The memory consumption is significantly reduced. • The generation of namespace tree no longer causes performance and stability issues, and always created a document.
Program assembly
• After modifying an assembly, GUI can be loaded without reboot. • Most assemblies can be loaded from network sharing resources. Due to the restriction of .NET Framework, the managed C assembly must exist in the local drive, otherwise security exception will be triggered. • The assembly resolution is improved, rarely appearing that the case where an assembly cannot be found.
NDOC can now handle non-English characters.
In addition to MSDN HTMLHELP, Unicode (UTF-8) supports support in other documents. There are some known issues in the HTML Help compiler, causing its unable to support mixed character encoding.
Although NDOC supports multi-character sets, the text automatically generated by NDOC, which is similar to the similar section, is still not localized in this release.
Launch multiple NDOCs
Solved previous file lock issues, multiple NDoc instances can run at the same time.
User Interface
• Drag and drop operation. Drag and drop from the Source Manager to NDOC GUI, you can join the assembly to the project. • Error processing is enhanced. • HELP compiler information. This information is now written to the log. If an error occurs, the error message will be displayed. • Property Grid is enhanced in many ways. • Support assemblies without XML documents. • Support assembly relative path.
related resources
• Official website: • NDOC 1.3 Document: • NDOC 1.3 Download: -v1.3.msi? Download