1: Inserting the same number of records and the contrast between submits and adult submission we can see that it is 25112152 - 8024588 = 17087564 8024588 - 13384 = 8011204 Contrast phase difference to 9 msql> show parameters transaction_auditingname Type Value ------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------ Transaction_auditing Boolean Truesql> SQL> SELECT NAME, VALUE AUNGE 'Redo Size'; Name Value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---- Redo Size 13384SQL> Begin2 for i in 1..25835 loop3 insert INTO RAINY.T SELECT * FROM DBA_OBJECTS WHERE ROWNUM = 1; 4 end loop; 5 end; 6 / pl / sql procedure successfully completed.sql> Commit COMMIT COMPLETE.SQL> SELECT NAME, VALUE FROM V $ sysstat where name like 'redo size'; name value ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------- Redo Size 8024588SQL> begin2 for i in 1..25835 loop3 insert into rainy.t select * from dba_objects where rownum = 1; 4 commit; 5 end loop; 6 end; 7 / PL / SQL procedure successfully completed.SQL> select name, value From v $ sysstat where name like 'redo size'; name value --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------ Redo Size 251121522: About setting Transaction_auditing = false / true 1892572 - 12332 = 13880240 Compared with the same situation in the same situation 17087564, you can see that the system generates two differences of about 3 msql> show parameters transaction_auditingname type value -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------ -------------------------- Transaction_auditing Boolean Falsql> SQL> Select Name, Value from V $ sysstat where name like 'redo size'; name value ------------------------------------- ------------------------------------ REDO SIZE 12332SQL>