Tom constellation speed with thief

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  39

Database: (astro_pd)

PD_ID Auto Number

IFirst Text 'Conditions

Iseconde text 'condition 2

PD_RESULT Remarks Pairing Results

====================================================== astro_search.htm (speed match Page table) =============================================



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Cellspacing = "0" bgcolor = "# bae9d8">

blood type:
Blood type:
blood type: < Select name = "second" style = "font-size: 12px">
Blood type:
==================================================== Search_Result.asp (speed match results ) ======================================================================================================================================================

% r ========================== == Rem = filename: search_result.aspRem = function: constellation constellation matching Rem = author: shenzhe (shenzhe __ @ Rem = Description: This page uses XMLHTTP technology, arrested over the network from Rem = TOM TOM long as no Change the link address, we can update the rem ====================================================================================================== = trim "First")) ISECOND = Trim (Request ("Second")) Action = Trim (Request ("Action")) DIM Titletep = "Jieji Constellation ->" & IFirst & "VS" & ISECOND & "Speed ​​Assembly" DIM IURLIURL = ""&action&1&first="&ift&irst&"&second="&isecond'Response.write Iurlrem ============= ===================== REM = process name: ichangerem = effect: convert the format of the grab data REM ==================================================================================================================================================================================================================== ====================== function iChange (STR) DIM FinalStrdim iCharcodedim inextcode for i = 1 to lenb (str) iCharcode = ASCB (MIDB (Str, i, 1)) f crcode <& h80 kilcode "else inextcode = ASCB (MIDB (STR, I 1, 1) Finalstr = FinalStr &

CHR (ClNG (Icharcode) * & H100 CINT (INEXTCODE))) i = i 1 end if nextICHANGE = FinalStrend functionRem ========================= ======= = The next page is first judged from the database. If there is already a record, it is called directly, otherwise the REM = URL followed by the structure, extracting the desired data saves from Tom, and in the database ....... Rem ======= ========================= sql = "SELECT PD_RESULT from ask astro_pd where impirst = '" & impirst "' and ISECOND = '" & ISECOND & "'" SET RS = conn.execute (sql) if xi = creteObject ("microsoft.xmlhttp") iCode = ("get", Iurl, false iconnect.send ()

ICODE = ichange (iconnect.responsebody) 'response.write icoderem = acquisition content start == inum = len (icode) -instr (icode, "

") - 16iDE = Right (icode, inum) 'response.write icode inum = instr (iCode, "") - 1 pd_result = left (icode, inum)' response.write pd_content trans = acquisition pair End of content == set iconnect = Nothing

PD_RESULT = Replace (PD_RESULT, "'", "" "


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