Call CreateMapxLayerInfo (Li) // Then specify the type, the parameters must be: li.type, li.addparameter
CreateMapfields (FLD) / / then add field addstringfield
Session (cmapxobject) .Layers.Add (li) // Add a layer
Session (cMapxObject) .datasets.add midatasetlayer, as the Layer object of the data source, the name of the data set returned after binding, the name of the bound layer
CreateMAppoint (ptcenter) / / then specify the latitude and longitude
FT1 = session (cmapxObject) .FeatureFactory.createSymbol (PNT, session (cMapxObject) .defaultStyle
Set ft2 = session (cmapxObject) .Layers ("new"). AddFeature (ft1) // ft1 is a free primer, the following must be operated on the FT2
Set rvs = session (cmapxobject) .DataSets ("new"). RowValues (ft2) / / then set a field value one by one
ft2.Update 1, RVS / / must bring these two parameters, if you use Keyfield / KeyValue, you don't have to