To Achieve this, you have to follow three steps: 1.write a Have to specify mime-type for you file. Refer to,6566,040, 00.html? FsrParam = 3-3- / main / 0, 1_32_30 ,00.html & fileid = 2765 for an example. 2.Modify Your Aif File to register your app. Character_set utf8 resource aif_data {... EmbedDability = KAppEmbeddable; // KAppNotEmbeddable; newfile = KAppSupportsNewFile; // KAppDoesNotSupportNewFile; datatype_list = {DATATYPE {priority = EDataTypePriorityNormal; type = "application / x-mm-xxx";}};} 3.Register your mime-type in wap serverRefer NOKIA Document Handler for Further Information