Windows 2000XP registry ultimate modification (reproduced)

xiaoxiao2021-03-06  42

Microsoft Windows 2000 / XP is a powerful operating system that provides us with the security performance that WINDOWS 9X has never had before, but you feel that the settings of some places are not enough, here is some of the WINDOWS 2000 registry. Modifications to achieve our goal. I. Modifying the start menu and taskbar. Due to the many modifications under Windows 9x, there is a lot of common me. I have not described here :) Also note that the changed registry project Is it in HKEY_CURRENT_USER, and if you only want to modify the HKEY_USERS / user code (such as S-1-5-21-448539723-113007714-842925246-1000), it is possible. 1. Prohibiting the up and down drag on HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer, then assign it to: 1 (0x1), 2. Prohibition of change tasks Board and start menu settings in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer newly created DWORD named NosetTaskbar, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 3. Do not keep the recently opened document record in HKEY_CURRENT_USER New / Software / Microsoft / Windows CurrentVersion Policies / at / / Explorer named NoRecentDocsHistory the DWORD, and then assign it to 1 (0x1) to 4. disable personalized menus in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer newly created DWORD named Intellimenus, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 5. Disable User Tracking Function In HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer New DWord DWord Then, then assign it to 1 (0x1), PS: User Tracking Function is a function of using the program that tracks the user, the user navigation path, and the user open document. The system uses this information from defining a Windows feature, such as personalized menus, and more. 6. Add the option to "Run" in a separate memory space "to create a new MemcheckboxInrundlg DWORD under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer, then assign it to 1 (0x1) PS: By default, all sixteen programs run in a single share of VDM processes as threads. In this case, these programs share the memory space allocated to the VDM (Virtual DOS Machine) process, so it cannot be run at the same time. Our setting is to allow users to run a sixteen programs in dedicated (not shared) VDM processes. In addition, the check box is only enabled when the user enters a sixteen program in the Run dialog. 7. Prevent the system from looking for a shortcut key by performing a synthesis target drive.

(NTFS format hard drive only) Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer, create DWORD named NORESOLVESEARCH, then assign it to 1 (0x1), PS: In the default, The system cannot find the target file for the shortcut (.lnk), it looks for all paths related to shortcuts. If the target file is located in the NTFS partition, the system will use the id of the target file to look for the path. We set this to prevent the system from looking for a shortcut to find a comprehensive target drive. 8. Prevent the system from using the NTFS trace function to resolve a shortcut. (NTFS format hard drive only) Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Windows / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer, new DWORD named NORESOLVETRACK, then assign it to 1 (0x1). 9. Display with gray text is not complete The "Start" menu shortcut in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer newly creates DWORD named GreymsiaDS, then assignes it to 1 (0x1), can PS: After using this feature, Open the speed of the "Start" menu will slow down.

Second, modify the desktop settings 1. Hide all icons for the desktop in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer New DWORD, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 2. From the desktop Delete "My Document" in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Polic, newly created a new item named Nonenum, then the next new one named {450D8FBA-AD25-11D0-98A8-0800361B1103} DWORD, Then assign it to 1 (0x1), PS: This function is not really deleted "My Document" folder 3. Remove "Online Neighbors" on the desktop in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer newly created a DWORD named Nonethood, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 4. Remove Internet Explorer icon on the "Quick Start" on the desktop and taskbar on HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION @ / Policies / Explorer newly created DWORD named NointerNeticon, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 5. Do not add the latest open document sharing to "Online Neighbors" on HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer newly created DWORD named NorecentDocSnetHood, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 6. Prohibit User Change the Path of "My Document" folder in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer newly created DWORD named DisablePersonalDirChange, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 7. Prevent users from changing the desktop toolbar in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Micr OSoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer New DWORD is newly created, then assign it to 1 (0x1). Place a project or toolbar in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer New DWORD, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 9. Do not save when exiting is set in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE under / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer Create a new DWORD called NoSaveSettings, and then assign it to 1 (0x1) to disable the active Desktop 10. in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer Newly built DWORD named NoActiveDesktop, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 11. Enable event desktop in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer New DWORD DWORD,

Then assign it to 1 (0x1). 12. Disable the active desktop project, but you can use the active desktop in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies to create a new item named ActiveDesktop, and then newly built below it A DWORD named NOComponents, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 13. Prohibiting Change Activity Desktop Configuration In HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer New DWORD DWORD, then It assigns 1 (0x1) 14. Prevent users from adding Web content to "Active Desktop" in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies newly created a new item named ActiveDesktop, then newly built next to it For the NoaddingComponents DWORD, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 15. Allow use of bitmap as wallpaper to create a new item called ActiveDesktop under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / MICROSOFT / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies, then in it Next, a DWORD named NOHTMLWALLPAPER is new, then assign it to 1 (0x1). The following newly built DWORD named NochangingWallpaper, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 17. Hide "Appearance" in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Polic, newly created a new item named System, and then It's next to the new DWORD named NODISPAPPEARANCEPAGE, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 18. Disable the "Show" in the control palette in HK EY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CURRENTVERSION / POLICIES Newly created a new item named System, then set up a DWORD named NODISPCPL in it, then assign it to 1 (0x1). 19. Disable "Screen Protection "Options Create a new item called System under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies, then build a DWORD named NODISPSCRSAVPAGE in it, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 20. Hide "Settings" option newly created a new item named System under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies, then set up a DWORD named NodispSettingSpage below it below it, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 21 Hide "Background" New a new item called System under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies,

Then you will newly build DWORD named NODISPBACKGROUNDPAGE below it, then assign it to 1 (0x1). It creates a item named Control Panel below, then build a item named Desktop in its below, and finally build a string called ScreenSaveActive, then assign it to "0" 23 To all the screen protector, add a password to build a named Windows in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, then build a item named Control Panel below it, then build a name below it Desktop's item, finally establish a string called ScreenSaveriSsecure below this item and assign it to "1".

24. Set the latency of the screen (in seconds, the numerical should be between 1-86400), build a name called Windows under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, and then build a name in it Control Panel's item, then build a item named Desktop in it, and finally create a string called ScreenSavetimeout below, and then assign it to you. You can need 25. Only allow users to use specific Screen Protection Create an item named Windows under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, then build a item named Control Panel below it, then build a item named Desktop in it, and finally The following is established a String named Scrnsave.exe, and then assigns it to the screen protected name (* .scr) you need. PS: If the target screen saver is not in% SystemRoot% / System32, you want to enter complete The path is only line 26. Specify the maximum number of objects to be in response to browse or search the Active Directory system (set to 1000 here, the default is 10000) Newly built a new item named Windows under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, and then It is new below to create an item called Directory UI, then build a DWORD named QueryLimit in it, then assign it to 1000 (0x3e8) 27. Display filter bar on Active Directory Search in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / POLICIES / Microsoft newly created a new item named Windows, then build a new item named Directory UI below it, then build a DWORD named EnableFilter in it, then assign it to 1 (0x1) 28. Hide Active Directory folder Newly created a new item named Windows under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies, then build a item named Directory Ui below it, then build a DWORD named HidedirectoryFolder in it below it, then It assigns 1 (0x1) three, repair Change Control Panel 1. Disable "Control Panel" including control.exe in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer newly built DWORD assignment to 1 (0x1) PS: Also banned 2. run Control.exe disable certain documents in the control panel under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer Create a new DWORD called DisallowCpl assignment is 1 (0x1), and then in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer newly created a new item called DisllowCPL, then newly built a String named 1, assigns the control panel file you want to disable to it.

PS: If you want to disable multiple files, you need to build the corresponding number of string in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer, and the naming method extends down in the form of arabic number. The key value is forbidden. Control panel file. 3. Only use DWORD assign specific control panel file under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer new one called RestrictCpl to 1 (0x1), and then in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER / Software / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer newly creates a new item called RestrictCPL, then build a String named 1 in it, assigning the control panel file you want to give it ordered. PS: Multiple files can be enabled at the same time, the method is the same. "Add / Remove Programs" related modifications 1. Disable "Add Remove Programs" (not to prevent the use of other methods to install, delete programs) Newly built a new Uninstall under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / MICROSOFT / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies, then The DWORD assignment named NoadDremovePrograms is 1 (0x1) in its next. 2. Hide "Change or Remove Programs" Under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies, create a new item named Uninstall, then build a DWORD assignment value named NoremovePage in its below to 1 (0x1) 3. Hide "Add New Program" Newly created a new uninstall under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies, then newly built a DWORD assignment value named NoadDPage in its next steps to 1 (0x1). 4. Hide "From CD-ROM or Floppy Add Programs" Newly built a uninstall entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies, then newly built a DWORD assignment named NoadDFromcdorfloppy in its below. 0x1). 5. Hide "From Microsoft Add Programs" in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CURRENTVERSION / Polic, newly created a new item named Uninstall, then build a DWORD assignment value named NoadDFromInternet in it below it (0x1) . 6. Hide "Add Programs from the Network" to create a newly named Uninstall under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies, then build a DWORD assignment named NoadDFromNetWork in its next step (0x1) can. 7. Hide "Add / Remove Components" Newly created a new item named Uninstall under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies, then build a DWORD assignment value named NOWINDOWSETUPPAGE in it below it (0x1) .

8. Disable "Support Information" to create a new item called Uninstall under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / POLICIES, and then newly built a DWORD assignment named NosupportInfo below it is 1 (0x1). 9. Specify the program classification that occurs when the user opens the "Add New Program" page. (Must have this category in the addition / delete definition) Newly built a uninstall entry under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies, then build a String called Defaultcategory in it below it, then you It is said that you want a category assignment to it. "Printer" related modification 1. Prohibit users from installing printers (including network printers) to create DWORD assignment named NoadDprinter under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / CURRENTVERSION / Policies / Explorer to create a DWORD assignment of 1 (0x1). 2. Prohibiting users from deleting printers (including network printers) in hkey_current_user / software / microsoft / windows / currentversion / policies / explorer new DWORD assignment is 1 (0x1). 3. Let users use the Add Printer Wizard to find a shared printer on hkey_current_user / soft / policies / microsoft to create a new item named Windows NT, then build a new item named Printers below it, then in it Next, a new item named Wizard is new, and finally the DWORD assignment named DOWNLVEL BROWS is 1 (0x1) in its next step. 4. Specify the initial Active Directory location of the search printer in HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft Newly created a new item named Windows NT, then build a new item named Printers below it, then build a new name Wizard in it The item, finally built a String named the default search scope, and then assigns the location of the Active Directory to it. PS: If you want to search in, the path name should be ldap: // DC = Domain, DC = HopeClan, DC = COM 5. Let users use the web printer (the server must support Internet print) HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft Newly built items named Windows NT, then build a new item called Printers below, then build a new item called Wizard in it, and finally this is newly named Printers in it. Page URL String, then assign a search to it. Such as: "" 6. Enable Internet Print Features In HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft New a new item called Windows NT, then newly built a new item called Printers, Then set up a DSABLEBPRINTING in it to 0 (0).

7. Allows (from Active Directory delete) The published printer has created a new item called Windows NT in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, then build a item named Printers in it, then build a new one below it. DWORD assignment named Immortal is 0 (0). 8. Allows the printer on Active Directory in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Newly built items called Windows NT, then build a new item named Printers below it, then build a new name PublishprinTers in it. DWORD is assigned 1 (0x1). 9. Print the domain's print browse the master server publishing a shared printer in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft newly created a new item called Windows NT, then newly built a item named Printers, then newly built in it The DWORD assignment of ServerThread is 1 (0x1). 10. Automatically publish a new printer on the Active Directory to create a new item named Windows NT under HKICIES / Microsoft, and then build a item named Printers below it, and then build a name under its below. Wizard's item, and finally the DWORD assignment named Auto Publishing is 1 (0x1). 11. Support Link on the left side of the printer folder Newly built a new item named Windows NT under HKICIES / Microsoft, then build a item named Printers in it, then build a name under it Supportlink's String, assigns it with your support link to it. Creating a String called SupportLinkName in the same location, assigning it with the name of the link. "Plan Tasks" Related Modifications 1. Prohibiting Browse Plan Tasks Newly built a new name called Windows under HKICIES / Microsoft, then build a item called Task Scheduler5.0 in it, and finally below it Building a DWORD assignment called Allow Browse is 1 (0x1). 2. Prohibiting the "Advanced" menu of the planned task newly created a new item named Windows under HKICIES / Microsoft, then build an item called Task Scheduler5.0 in its below, and finally build one below it. The DWORD assignment called Disable Advanced is 1 (0x1). 3. Prohibiting users from adding or deleting tasks to add or delete tasks in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, then build a name-called Task Scheduler5.0 on its next. Item, finally established a Dword assignment called DragandDrop to 1 (0x1). 4. Prohibiting users from starting and stopping tasks in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, newly built a Windows item, then build a new item named Task Scheduler5.0 in it, and finally build a name in it. Execution's DWORD 1 (0x1).

5. Prevent users from viewing and changing an existing task in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft newly built a name called Windows, then build a item named task scheduler5.0 in it, finally below it Building a DWORD assignment called Property Pages is 1 (0x1). 6. Disable "Creating a new task" Newly built a Windows item under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, then build an item called Task Scheduler5.0 in it, and finally build a Task below it. Creation DWORD assignment is 1 (0x1). 7. Prohibit "Delete Task" Newly built a Windows item under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, then build an item called Task Scheduler5.0 in it, and finally build a Task Deletion in it. DWORD assignment is 1 (0x1). "Regional Options" setting 1. Prohibit the user from selecting the WINDWOS 2000 menu and the selection of the conversation language (to prohibit "Japanese" as an example) New a new item named Control Panel under HKEY_CURRENT_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft, then below it Create a new item named Desktop, and finally create a String assignment named MultiuilanguageID to "00000411" in its below. Internet Explorer fully sets the IE property section Disable General Page in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel, new DWORD, which is called GeneralTab, and then assigns: 1 (0x1).

Disabling Change The Home Page In HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel New DWORD, then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the change the auxiliary function settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel Newly creates DWORD named Accessibility, then assigns: 1 (0x1) to disable the settings of the temporary file in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel to create new name Cache's DWORD, then assigns the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the change color settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel DWORD, then assign the value: 1 (0x1) Can disable the change font settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel New DWORD, then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the change language settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel Newly built DWORD named Languages, and then assigns: 1 (0x1) to disable the change link color in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel newly created a new name LINKS DWORD, then assign a value: 1 (0x1) can disable the change history record settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel, newly created DWORD, then assign: 1 (0x1) Disable security items HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / under Control Panel to create a new DWORD called SecurityTab then assigned: 1 (0x1) to disable the content items in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel Newly built DWORD named ContentTab, then assign a value: 1 (0x1) to disable the change rating settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel New DWORD, then assign the value: 1 (0x1) can disable the Change Certificate Settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel DWORD, then assigns: 1 (0x1) to disable the form of automatic completion function in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel DWORD named Formsuggest,

Then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the automatic save password in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel, new DWORD named FormSuggest Passwords, and assign the value: 1 (0x1) can be disabled Change the Profile Assistant Settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel New DWORD, then assigns the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the connection item in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Under Internet Explorer / Control Panel, create DWORD named ConnectionStab and then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to implement "Auto Detection" on the dial-up connection "in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet Setting DWORD named DialupAutodetect then assigned: 1 (0x1) to disable automatic proxy caching DWORD script in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet Settings EnableAutoProxyResultCache a new name, and then assigned as follows: 0 (0) You can disable the change connection settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel, newly created DWORD named Connection Settings, and assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the Internet connection wizard in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel New DWORD named ConnWiz Admin Lock, then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the change proxy server settings in HKey _Local_User / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel newly creates DWORD named Proxy, then assigns: 1 (0x1) to display error information about agent script download failed in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / under the new Windows / CurrentVersion / Internet Settings named DisplayScriptDownloadFailureUI the DWORD, and then assigned to: 1 (0x1) to disable the program key under HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel to create a new DWORD called the ProgramsTab And assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the change the default browser check in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel DWORD, then the value is: 1 (0x1) Disable Change Calendar and Contact Settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel DWORD named CalendarContact,

Then assign the value: 1 (0x1), if you can change the mail settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel, new DWORD, then assign: 1 (0x1) can be disabled " set Web settings "function to create a new DWORD called ResetWebSettings of at HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel, then the assignment is: 1 (0x1) to disable the advanced items in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Under Internet Explorer / Control Panel, create DWORD named AdvancedTab, and then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the change advanced page settings in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Control Panel New ADVANCED DWORD, then assign (0x1) to prohibit users from using the named Locked Down's DWORD in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Identities, and then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to set the Internet Explorer's menu "File" menu Disable "Save As ..." Newly created a DWORD named NobrowSersaveas under HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policitys, and then assigns: 1 (0x1) to disable saving " Web page, all "under HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodelivery / Restrictions new one called NoBrowserSaveWebComplete the DWORD, and then assigned to: 1 (0x1) to disable the browser is closed in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / So Create a new DWORD called NoBrowserClose the next ftware / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions, and then assigned to: 1 (0x1) to disable the "New" to create a new name in the HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions For the DWord of NOFilenew, then assign the value of: 1 (0x1), "Open" is disabled in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restriction, and then the value is: 1 (0x1) You can "full screen" to create DWORD named NOTHEATERMODE in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restriction, and then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable "Source File" in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions Newly built DWORD named NoviewSource,

Then assign the value of: 1 (0x1) to disable the custom toolbar in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer to create DWORD named NobandCustomize, and then assign value: 1 (0x1) Disable custom toolbar in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Microsoft / Windows / CurrentVersion / Policies / Explorer New DWORD, then assignes: 1 (0x1), "Favorites" menu Disable Favorites menu in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / under Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions Create a new DWORD called NoFavorites then assigned: 1 (0x1) to disable add a new channel in the HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodelivery / Restrictions DWORD named NoAddingChannels then assigned: 1 (0x1) to disable the add offline pages of plans to create a new DWORD called NoAddingSubscriptions in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodelivery / Restrictions, and then assigned as follows: 1 (0x1) You can disable the offline page count in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / INFODELIVERY / RESTRICTIONS newly created DWORD, and then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the channel interface HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodelivery / Restrictions Newly built DWORD named NOCHANELUI, and assigns: 1 (0x1) to disable editing and creating plan groups In HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodelivery / Restrictions Create a new DWORD called NoEditingScheduleGroups then assigned: 1 (0x1) to disable offline editing page plan HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet under the new Explorer / Infodeliver / Restrictions named NoEditingSubscriptions the DWORD, and then assigned to: 1 (0x1) to disable the delete channel in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodelivery / Restrictions Create a new DWORD called the NoRemovingChannels Then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable the delete offline page Scheduled in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodeliver / Restrictions Newly built DWORD, DWord, NoremovingSubscriptions,

Then assign the value: 1 (0x1) to disable all scheduled offline pages in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / INFODELIVER / RESTRICTIONS newly created DWORD named NoscheduledUpdates, and then assign values: 1 (0x1) to disable the scheduled content download site in New HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / InfodeliveryRestrictions named NoSubscriptionContent the DWORD, and then assigned to: 1 (0x1) to the "tools" menu to disable the "Internet options" in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions Creating a new DWORD named NobrowSerOption, and then assigns: 1 (0x1) can "Help" menu Disable "Netscape User" menu in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet under Explorer / Restrictions new one called NoHelpItemNetscapeHelp the DWORD, and then assigned to: 1 (0x1) to disable the "tip of the day" to create a new DWORD named NoHelpItemTipOfTheDay of at HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions, Then assign the value of: 1 (0x1) to disable the "Tutorial" to create DWORD named NohelpiteMtutorial under HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restriction, and then assign the value of: 1 (0x1) to disable "send feedback Opinions "Newly built DWORD named NohelpItemsendfeedback under HKICIES / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions, Then assign value: 1 (0x1), other disables mouse click on HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restriction, new DWORD, which is called NobrowserContextMenu, and assigns: 1 (0x1) can be disabled "in new Window opens "In HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions, new DWORD is newly created, and then assign the value: 1 (0x1) can be disabled" Save the program to disk "in HKEY_LOCAL_USER / SOFTWARE / Policies the new one called NoSelectDownloadDir the DWORD, and then assigned to the next / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Restrictions: 1 (0x1) to disable the custom search under the new HKEY_LOCAL_USER / Software / Policies / Microsoft / Internet Explorer / Infodelivery Restrictions named NoSearchCustomization DWORD,


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