About EL installation
Recently, ask the article that is relatively basic EL installation, organizes an article about EL installation, suitable for novice
Emacs power is its openness and expandability
(Oh, this is DDDKK, "Learn Emacs, you have to believe that you can't learn all the features in your life")
This is mainly due to various EL files written in Elisp language. Most of them are open source. If you understand ELISP, this is very cool.
But if you don't understand ELISP, you don't hinder the use of it.
About the installation of EL, Europe feels that emacswiki.org is clear, simply
The statement here is universal
As for each EL specific setting and usage, such as using methods, keyboard binding, etc., should refer to the EL file itself, the file header of the general EL file is instructions (but e-text :)
(All English content from http://emacswiki.org, I am finishing)
*** 1. Load directly
If you don't use Load-path (ie, the file is not in load-path), it should
Now you need to find your init file. For Emacs, That's "~ / .emacs", for Xemacs That's "~ / .xemacs / init.el". If the file does not exist yet, create it.
Put these Two Lines Into The File:
(LOAD "C: //programs//emacs-wiki.el")
(Emacs-wiki-find-file "welcomepage") ;; This sentence does not use, it is Emac-Wiki
In the first line you need to put the path to the file you downloaded.
*** 2. Using Load-Path
The above load command needs to give the exact path. If this path is set to the load-path, you can use it directly when using EL, you can use it directly.
Just like this, as for the setting of load-path, please see the following section.
Alternative, if you followed the suggestions on the loadingpath Page (below the section), you can replace the first line by the following one:
(Require 'Emacs-Wiki)
*** 3. Set up-path
As for the way to use Load-path, there are several, you can choose the kind of you like.
# Loadingpath
The Variable Load-path Lists All The Director Des ORDER. The First File Found IS Used, ThereFore The ORDER of The Directories Might Be Release.
Preference is given to compiled files when both a compiled file and a source file are found Therefore, make sure to recompile files after making changes to them -. Or do not compile the files at all.Installing a new file
Make Sure you have a local directory where you put elisp files. I use ~ / elisp, for example.
Make Sure This Directory is listed in Your `load-path 'variable. I Use the following statement in my ~ / .emacs file to make it is is:
(Add-to-list 'load-path "~ / ELISP")
Xemacs Documentation (21.4 (PATCH 14)) for loading-path says: "Note That the elements of this list * May not * begin with '~' SO, FOR XEMACS, The Above Should BE:
(Add-to-list 'load-path (expand-file-name "~ / elisp")))))
You can also add it to the emacsloadpath Environment Variable, if you prefer.
Including Subdirectories
BY DEFAULT Emacs Doesn't include Subdirectories of A Directory Which is added to load-path. But you can do it by issuing a command in Startup file:
which will add all subdirs of current directory Note:. current directory is not necessary the one where your script is executed at the moment So you first need to change directory to the required one.:
(PROGN (Normal-Top-Level-Add-subdirs-to-load-path))
In this Example It Is Assumed That You Want To Add All Subdirs of the ~ / ELISP DIRECTORY.
*** 4. View problems and conflicts resolution
First, check the value of your load-path by asking for help on the variable:. `Ch v load-path RET 'should give you the documentation for the variable and its current value If your directory is not listed, you must add it (See Above) .IF Your Directory is listed, Check for ConflictingLibraries. (See section below)
If a conflict occurs, if you have a version itself, you have a new version.
Here are the introduction of GUNS as an example for conflictingLibraries.
WHEN you are installing a new copy of gnus (eg. In Your / usr / local / trees), you will have two, and the new one. This may cause problems, Since You NEED To make sure what the right one is being loading.
Files are loaded in order of the directories in the `load-path 'variable. The first thing to check is therefore the value of` load-path'. If your .emacs file has statements that add new directories to your `load-path ', Check Theme See Wether They isy.
Here is my example:
(Add-to-list 'load-path "~ / ELISP")
(Add-to-list 'load-path "~ / elisp / bbdb / lisp")
(Add-to-list 'load-path "~ / ELISP / TNT")
(Add-to-list 'load-path "~ / ELISP / GNUS / LISP")
(Add-to-list 'load-path "~ / ELISP / GNUS / CONTRIB")
Next, check whether any "shadowing" takes place. "Shadowing" happens when there are two files with the same name in different directories of your load path. In this case, you want the new copy of Gnus to shadow the old copy of Gnus .
M-x locate-library
Use the `locate-library 'Command to Find Which File Is Being loaded. This is rather tedious, however. Especially Since you might not know all the files involved.
M-x list-load-path-shadows
This Lists all the shadowed files. Don't Be confused by the output. Mine Lists 77 items. Most of Them Are Local Gnus Files (in ~ / ELISP / GNUS / LISP /) Shadowing The Global Gnus Files (IN / USR / LOCAL /share/emacs/20.7/lisp/gnus/) The problem is this:. If you installed a local copy of something which exists globally, you need to find the corresponding shadowing If you installed Gnus and it does not shadow the original. Gnus, Then you are obviously still Using the Original Gnus - Emacs Doesn't Find The New One.you Can do Two Things, Then:
DELETE The Original Files Or Rename The Relevant Directory. This Might Be Difficult To Do When You Are Not Root. This Will Make Erroors in Your Setup Very Obvious.
Add The Correct Directory (Directories) To The Front of Your Load-path. Do this in your .emacs File (OR in the site-start.el fileiff "for you are all your system).