Always write a document with Latex Suite, there is a folded feature, you can use a line of art to highlight, save space, it looks more rationality, today's heart-bloodous tide, look at VI's text folding function, possibly It is very unique to Vim, and there are sure many people haven't used it yet.
Open a longer document, do ZFG with me, is now all articles fold into a line, highlight?
Here, the zf is created a Folder, G is moving to the end of the file, which is all installed, or other mobile means, huh, huh
Then ZO is open folding text, and ZC is folded again. If there are a lot of folding text, use ZR to open them all, ZM is folded all. If there is a nested fold text, you can use Zr and ZM to complete open and close at a time. Zn is a closing folding function, Zn is re-opening, and Zi is switched between the two.
Folding into a line of text can be cut, copied, pasted in Visual mode, which is very convenient.
For more information, you can see VI User Guide 28 or Help Fold.