1. Open the notepad, add the following program, save as "myWindow.js" Note: Name is a MyWindow suffix is .js, saved in "IMG" folder / * chromeless windows v.30.1generate a chromeless window IE4, IE5 .x, IE6 on WIN32 and a regular one on the others browsers. (c) Gabriel Suchowolski power [z] one / www.microbians.com / powerz@microbians.comDistributed under the terms of the GNU Library General Public License (www. gnu.org) * / function openchromeless (theURL, wname, W, H, NONEgrf, CLOSEdwn, CLOSEup, CLOSEovr, MINIdwn, MINIup, MINIovr, CLOCKgrf, titHTML, titWIN, winBORDERCOLOR, winBORDERCOLORsel, winBGCOLOR, winBGCOLORsel) {if (navigator. appName == "Microsoft Internet Explorer" && parseInt (navigator.appVersion)> = 4) {isie = trueif (navigator.appVersion.substring (navigator.appVersion.indexOf ( "MSIE") 5, navigator.appVersion.indexOf ( " Msie ") 8)> = 5.5) ISV55 = Trueelse isv55 = false} else isie = false} else isie = false} else (). ISWIN = TrueElse iswin = false var windowwwW = W; var window = h; var windowx = math.ceil ((Window.sc) Reen.width - windoww / 2); var windowy = math.ceil (window.screen.height - windowh) / 2); if (isie) {h = h 20 3; w = W 2; s = ", width = w ", height = " h; if (isie && iswin) {var chrometithtml = '/ n' '' '/ n' '
' '/ n' '