Friends I want to learn Class will encounter some scope restrictions, such as using ONKEYDOWNs in Class, which cannot call other functions, almost many web pages are just a simple explanatory method without mentioning this. I will teach you a small skill to break through this range.
Class testing {
Function Testing () {
TRACE (this); // This this is the testing itself
Var mykey: Object = new object ();
mykey.onkeydown = function () {
TRACE (this); // This is this refers to myKey
Echo ("Breakth Range Limit"); // Of course you can also use _root.test.echo (), but this code is unable to apply in other places.
Key.Addlistener (mykey);
Private function echo (str: string) {
Trace (STR);
VAR test: Testing = new testing ();
The solution is simple, as follows:
Class testing {
Function Testing () {
Var root: Object = THIS;
Var mykey: Object = new object ();
mykey.onkeydown = function () {
Root.echo ("Breakth Range Limit");
Key.Addlistener (mykey);
Private function echo (str: string) {
Trace (STR);
Will it come out after the test? ^ _ ^ Holybozo ========================================= ==================================== 茄 is solved by using Flash scope to solve, pretty good I have always used it, or define a Parent to OBJ.
Var mykey: object = {parent: this}; mykey.onkeydown = function () {this.parent.echo ("breakthrough range limit");}; key.addlistener (mykey);
But the reason is the same, the usage is also a good ^^ "
The simplest method var mykey: Object = new object (this); leefj =================================== ================================== But I have a better solution here, everyone can refer to it, about DELEGATE class, you can look at me in the 9CBS blog: rss:, very supported the Word of Tomato King, When I wrote FDO, it was import mx.utils.delegate of the way; class testing {var name = "Tomato king" function testing () {// var root: Object = this; var mykey: object = new Object (); mykey.onkeydown = delegate.create (this, onkeydown); key.addlistener (mykey);} private function onkeydown ()} (key.getcode (); trace (name);}} Holybozo == ============ ======================================================================================================================================================= ========== Method is definitely a lot
Good way, I think it is almost?? There is another one, use listening, don't know how, huh, huh
Var mykey: Object = new object (); asbroadcaster.initialize (mykey); mykey.addlistener (this); mykey.onkeydown = function () {this.broadcastmessage ("echo", "breakthrough range limit");};