Use Java RSS4J package to make RSS file author, the moon palace master published on 2004-10-12 18:42:30
=========================================================================== Download : Http:// ================= Browse: ==================================: 需: .html ================================================= Install: 1 Decompress the RSS4J092 package, get the {Your wwwrooo} / web-inf / lib / 2 to extract the ZIP package in Xerces2-J, copy the few JAR files inside to {Your wwwrooo} / web -Inf / lib /
Doc = CreateObject ("Java", "ChurchillObjects.rss4j.rsdocument");
Doc.setversion (Doc.Version_10);
// Create and Add A New Channel
Channel = CreateObject ("Java", "ChurchillObjects.rs4j.rschannel");
Channel.SetChannelTitle (" Features");
Channel.SetChannellink ("");
Channel.SetChannelDescription ("Advanced Object-Oriented Developer Resource"; Channel.SetChanneluri ("");
Doc.addchannel (CHANNEL);
// Create and Add Two items
Item1 = CreateObject ("java", "churchillobjects.rss4j.rschannel");
Item1.SETITEMTILE ("NetWorking Apps with Redenzvous);
Item1.SetItemlink ("");
Item1.SETITEMDESCRIPTION ("Avoid The Difficulties of InternetWorked Applications with this fast, robust framework package.");
Channel.Additem (item1);
Item2 = CreateObject ("java", "churchillobjects.rss4j.rschannel");
Item2.SETITEMTILE ("Secure Sockets with JSSE & OpenSSL");
Item2.SetItemlink ("");
Item2.SETITEMDESCRIPTION ("Find Out How To Implement Robust Secure Communnications Between Your Clients and Servers, Including Making Your Own Certificate Authority.");
Channel.Additem (item2);
// Create and add an image for the channel
IMG = CreateObject ("Java", "ChurchillObjects.rss4j.rschannelImage");
Img.setimagelink ("");
Img.setimageurl ("");
Img.setimageTitle ("");
Channel.SetChannelImage (IMG);
RFILE = CREATEOBJECT ("Java", "Java.IO.File");
RFILE.INIT (Javacast ('String', "C: /RSS.xml");
RssGenerator = CreateObject ("java", "churchillobjects.rss4j.generator.rssgenerator");